Typhoon Report # 2 (2004-07-10)

This report was submitted by CM Dirty Vader

-=Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report=-®



*Another week goes by. Sadly it was uneventful in terms of activity and I've only heard from Ponda.

*It was also not good in other terms, primarily because Greece shamed the rest of Europe by winning Euro 2004 (who'd thought that possible, it's painful I tell ya.) But this aint TC related so I will say no more. Still, I hope you had a good Independance Day, and that you ate and drunk a lot.

*Colonel Kyle Katarn who joined us last week, left earlier this week for the commanding position of Inferno Squadron.

*That mail I sent you about reaching the 238 citations by the end of the month, will be a vey tricky now; we only have 5 pilots and we're therefore not ilegible for citations. So if you think you can bring a reservist to the squad, or someone else then please try to do so (especialy if he has a good combat record :P).

Anyway here's a quote to fill the void:
* Jaz_Marie hands Mell a nice feather Pillow
* `MK takes the pillow nd curls up an a sofa to sleep
* Rokin steals MK's new pillow
[Jaz_Marie] no fighting
* Galaxina lets MK lay on her lap.
[DirtyVader] o-o
[Rokin] uhoh
* Rokin starts up the camera
* DirtyVader snickers

Mell's a lucky guy :P

TC News

*Apps for WC of Wing XIV are open for apps. All applications should be sent to AD Khadgar (khadgar1@shaw.ca) and RA Gidda (ehgidda@tiscalinet.it)

*This Saturday following the #EHDB meeting, is a Sith Order competition hosted by the SHW/COO Sarin, along with Countdown to Oblivion. He will award LoCs to TC pilots who defeat Sith Pilots and CoFs to Sith Pilots who defeat TC pilots. Kicking Dark Jedi ass...can't pass out this oppurtunity.

*Maj Thorin, WC of Wing IX has posted a rant on how the TAC and OPS office couldn't manage to do their respective duties on time. This thread, contrary to what was expected, turned out well and almost all those who posted managed to debate on the matter with maturity and ingenuity. The TAC stood firm saying he cound't do any better while the OPS said he would put some effort in and try and be quicker (good, so where are my old medals?). Even though it turned out good, there was a bit of EHBL bitching as usual...

*A pilot from the Relentless has acheived a chef d'oeuvre, a real masterpiece for his ship. This truly exquisite banner can be found here:http://www.ehtiecorps.org/images/banners/wing9.gif.

Promotions/ Medals/ Transfers

Colonel Kyle Katarn has transfered out of Typhoon (That was quick :P) for Inferno Commander job. Good luck to him and to his squad.

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps

0 citations, only 5 members. We therefore need more pilots, recruitment is required.

As for Comps:

July Flying Comp
The typhoon montly comp is up and running. Fly TIE Free Mission 227 and XWA Free mission 90 and the highest scorer for each platform gets IS BWs (1 medal for the winner of XWA, and another for the winner of TIE) You have until the end of the month. Countdown to Oblivion:
Multi-player competition involving the whole wing, July the 10th. See http://typhoon.tiecorps.net for more info. Hope to see you there.


CM Dirty Vader (Typhoon 1-1)

Flew TIE TC 35
Flew TIE TC 39
Flew TIE TC 40
Flew TIE TC 52
Flew TIE TC 214
Flew TIE TC 216 (battle high score)
Flew XWA TC 14
IRC activity
MB activity
E-mail activity

Col Kyle Katarn (Typhoon 1-2)

IRC activity
Transfered out of Typhoon

LT Deckard (Typhoon 2-1)

No contact

MAJ Ponda Jarret (Typhoon 3-1)

E-Mail activity

Maj Elwood the Brave (Typhoon 3-2)

No contact

CM Quincy Jones (Typhoon 3-3)

No contact

==Pilot of the week==-

Maj Ponda Jarret

I did ask for at least an e-mail response last week, and he's the only one who's supplied it.

Dirty's Final Thoughts

If you have ideas, for comps or activity, let me know. What do you guys want to do? Mail me with your suggestions. Fly for the Typhoon Monthly competiton (earn BWs) and try and slip in a minimum of activity in each week. I understand you may all be working your guts out in your real life jobs at the moment, but I urge you to find time to contribute towards TC activity. Hope to hear from you all. Tis all from me...

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Typhoon Forum:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader: dirtyvader@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Deckard: kvasir5@fastmail.com.au; Ponda Jarret: eh_ponda@yahoo.com; Elwood the Brave: Markus.Friebis@gmx.de; Quincy Jones: Qdog84@hotmail.com
If you're interested in joining the squad, mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk about it.

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