Typhoon Report # 5 (2004-07-31)

This report was submitted by CM Dirty Vader

-=Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report=-®



This is the last report for June 2004 as we approach a brand new month of August. During that month, I'll be a LoA. I'll announce the dates and the A CMDR very soon.
Mell will be leaving us for 2 weeks (not the estimated 2 months) in a medical leave of absence, for his operation. Good Luck Mell! Our BGCOM was actually in Typhoon and on the squad roster for 5 minutes or so as Colonel after ultimately vanishing again.
The title for Episode III will be Revenge of the Sith (bah! Fans predicted that aaaaaaaaages ago). Anyway, let's hope this one will be a lil better than the previous two Episodes.
Finally Lucas has screwed up again, or not... go here: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=3135 , download and see the clip for yourself. I am very angry, how do you feel about it? (note: this also a way of advertising my topic hehehe ^^)

Here's a few quotes to make the report look bigger:


[Frothy] And according to DV, I'm not french in the first place :P
[DirtyVader] meh
[Brukhar] :F
[Gidda] of course, you're a cool dude Frothy :p

* Astatine has joined #tiecorps
[`Maliki] hey Astatine
* Malidir salutes
* Astatine backhands
[Malidir] ouch
* `Archangel cowers
[Malidir] see guys? that's what a late report will get you.

[DirtyVader] I wonder what 1138 will be in Ep III
[`Hero] ???
[DirtyVader] in every single film of Lucas' the number 1138 appears
[DirtyVader] he's got some kind of crush on it
[`Hero] ya... he made the movie and likked it
[`Hero] where was 1138 in all the other movies...
[`Hero] I know of ANH but thats it...
[turtlexiv] heh, its funny how everybody's opinion of George Lucas has changed since before the prequils, and now
[DirtyVader] In ANH Luke says, "Prisoner transfer from block 1138
[DirtyVader] In Episode 1 a droid that Jar Jar pushes over near the end has 1138 written on its back
[DirtyVader] In Episode 2, same crap thing, one of the droids in the arena has 1138 written on its back
[`Hero] empire and Jedi?
[DirtyVader] in empire
[DirtyVader] general Rieeken says send rogues 10 and 11 to station three eight
[DirtyVader] in ROTJ some kind of spiritual crap...
[`MarkB0T] 1138 ewoks ghosts :P
[DirtyVader] at then end you see luke thats 1, then you see Obu Wan thats another one
[DirtyVader] then you see Yoda, Obi Wan, and Anakin
[DirtyVader] 3
[`Hero] .......
[DirtyVader] then all the other rebel scmuks there are 7 of them
[DirtyVader] no wait
[DirtyVader] 8
[`Hero] dude...
[`Hero] come on...
[`MarkB0T] rancor has 1138 stomaches...or fangs :P
[DirtyVader] lando, luke, chewie, 3po, R2, Han, Leia, and that ewok
[DirtyVader] in the Indie movies same crap
[DirtyVader] in Raiders of the Lost Ark, a nazi says over the speaker "eins, eins, drei, acht"
[DirtyVader] anyway...
[`MarkB0T] lol
[`Hero] your just starting to scare me...
[DirtyVader] meh
[DirtyVader] just pointing out
[`Hero] you've been spending too much time with teh english DV...

Night is probably right... However after seeing that last scene again, I realised there were actually five ewoks not one, so the 1138 in ROTJ doesn't work : /
Well those quotes make the report look considerably bigger so I am content.

TC News/BG News/Wing News

*The Training Office has released new IWATS Courses: Advanced Multiplayer Tactics - http://tausquadron.net/quicksilver/amp.html Free Worlds - http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/fw_iwats.html FileZilla - http://www.minos.net/~machblader/filezilla

*AD Pel, War Officer, has released a new website for the War Office. This site has all the information needed for the war game battles, movements, scoring, structure, and rules. Please check out the War Office site at http://waroffice.minos.net/

*Admiral Mell Kerrigan is still BGCOM and all previously heard news should and will be disregarded.

*General Master comes back to the Challenge as Flight Member in Tempest. Welcome back.


*Commander Quincy Nelson has left Typhoon for a CMDR position in Flayer squadron of the SSD Avenger.

*Colonel Mell Kerrigan has transferred into Typhoon then made a quick escape when he saw how crap pilot food was. He remains Admiral.

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps

*We currently have 24 citations.

*TCBG Report Caption Contest a picture from the SW universe will be emailed out to the BG. it can also be found at http://www.tcbg.net/images/captionjuly.jpg/ participants are to add a clean, yet humorous comment to this (that's gonna be hard :P). IS-GR to 1st, IS-SR to 2nd and IS-BR to 3rd. You have until August the 8th. (I believe this comp is still running.)

*Summer Patrol Your objective is to fly one of any of the 15 battles that have been listed by the 1st of August. However only Ponda and myself are survivors, and Ponda has already sent his week 2 patrol file.

*The Typhoon July Monthly Comp Only 2 participants, Ponda (well done) and myself . I won't put scores this time because its not worth it, however I came 1st and Ponda second. Don't worry the IS-BWs it's yours, I just participate for fun :P


CM Dirty Vader (Typhoon 1-1)

*Flew TIE TC82
*Flew TIE TC83
*Flew TIE TC 90
*Flew TIE TC 91
*Flew TIE TC 93
*Flew TIE TC 96
*Flew TIE TC 97
*Flew XWA Free 80
*Flew XWA Free 90 for typhoon july flying comp
*E-mail activity
*IRC activity
*MB postings
*MSN Activity

LT Narraku (Typhoon 1-2)

*MSN activity

LT Deckard (Typhoon 2-1)

_*No contact. AWOL will take place, unless you report before the beginning of next month.

MAJ Ponda Jarret (Typhoon 3-1)

*Flew XWA TC 26 for summer patrol
*Flew XWA TC 33 for summer patrol
*XWA Free 43
*XWA Free 90 for typhoon july flying comp
*E-Mail Activity
*IRC activity
*Re-submitted a bunch of files which were missing from his record

MAJ Elwood the Brave (Typhoon 3-2)

*No Contact

CM Quincy Nelson (Typhoon 3-3)

*E-Mail activity
*IRC activity
*Transferred out of Typhoon

==Pilot of the week==-

Maj Ponda Jarrett. Nice flying activity, comp participation and good contact! Great work!

Dirty's Final Thoughts

Keep in contact and be active! Membership in the squad is getting low and we're in need of pilots. If you know anyone in the reserves, that you can bring back to the squad and the Challenge or bring someone new in, that would be awesome. I'll reward you for for it.
Again I must commend Major Ponda Jarrett for the good work he's put in this week. An example. And remember TCBG>ASF>ATF>...>...>...>...>...>...>SSSD : P

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Typhoon Forum:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader: dirtyvader@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Deckard: kvasir5@fastmail.com.au; Ponda Jarret: eh_ponda@yahoo.com; Elwood the Brave: Markus.Friebis@gmx.de; Quincy Jones: Qdog84@hotmail.com

Interested in joining `Phoon? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk about it.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN: glgvader25@hotmail.com


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