Flayer Report # 20 (2004-01-30)

This report was submitted by CM Zeth Durron

Flayer WSR 1/30/2004


This one has to be fast, Poke didnt get approval from the competition center that the comp was approved, even though he was on the list of contacts. So the last weeks comp didnt count. No Contact except Mach.


Celchu-Co-Working on Flayer Site Mach-Working on Flayer Site


Those who have not contacted me, contact me. Fly or do something artistic for BGCOMS, I believe it also counts for the Emperator comp.

BGCOM's Judgement Site Emperator Comp. Go To Them.


FLIGHT I - TIE DEFENDER Nickname: Death's Wake Motto: With death comes darkness. Get ready for darkness. 1) CM Tycho Celchu (ricepr2001@hotmail.com) 2) SL Will Truman ( mentalward52@cs.com ) 3) LT Deathcall ( peerlessnerd@hotmail.com ) 4) TBA

FLIGHT II - MISSILE BOAT Nickname: Death's Gaze Motto: From the flames of hell we rose, now we're ready to make you suffer. 1) TBA 2) TBA 3) TBA 4) LT Gondork Fith (estone398@aol.com)

FLIGHT III - TIE DEFENDER Nickname: Death's Touch Motto: Listen. You hear that. That's death, say hello. 1) LT Mach Blader (Mach3BLADER48144@hotmail.com) 2) LT Milan Bozinovic(ulfsark_mb@hotmail.com) 3) LT Lorn Pavan (kueller107@aol.com) 4) TBA



CMDR/CM Tycho Celchu/Flayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/NOV Qwin Xux/Undertow/Auctoritas/Alvaak

ASST/Tycho Celchu/Omega/BHG -H

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