Omega Report # 22 (2004-06-01)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

Having skipped last week's report (too busy in RL) and with the TC DB back up, this will be a long one...

Squadron News:
- Artyis has been busy flying. My inbox has been creaking under the load! Thankfully, the DB is now back up...

- Missing battles from the Database: I have not yet compiled my own list for the squadron, but Ixion and Artyis have sent in missing battle lists. I also have a missing medals list from Todbringer. This makes my life a lot easier!

Squadron Orders:
- Sov Squadron League Round 6 is due THIS FRIDAY, 4 JUNE!
TIE-FREE #239, XvT-FREE #161, XWA-FREE #103.

I do NOT have any submissions yet for these... get flying! This is the LAST regular season round in SSL 2004!

- Missing battles/IWATS courses/medals, please send me a list of what's missing. Most important are battles, as the TAC is actively collecting missing ones right now: I have lists from Ixion and Artyis already for that.

- XvT Week or War on, this is ongoing... isn't it?

EH-wide News:
- TIE Corps database back up.
Thread with issues:

- Holonet Awards voting has started!

- Massive SCO patch update: over 300 patches are now available!

- FA Keldorn resigns as TO.

- VA Davi Anthol resigns as ATF BGCOM.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - no activity.

FM/GN Compton - no activity.

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - no activity.

FM/LC Yoman - no activity.

FL/MAJ Artyis - Running Sov Squadron League... flew TIE-TC 145, 146, 147, 181, 181, 182; flew XvT-TC 24, 25, 26, 27, 29. *phew*

FM/COL Todbringer - running Sov Squadron League...

We're still missing lots of medals, battles, and IWATS courses. Anything flown since May 15 when the DB went down has not yet been submitted either-- I hope to take care of that tomorrow, before I fly the Sov Squadron League Round 6 missions, TIE-FREE #239 and XWA-FREE #103. I don't know when medals and IWATS courses will be corrected, but I will get battles taken care of by Thursday of this week.

BTW, if you have tips for either of those two missions, they are most welcome!

CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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