Omega Report # 13 (2004-03-24)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

Short report again. Real life has been killing me this week, and will attempt to kill me again next week.

Squadron News:
- SSL Round 1 looked pretty good after a VERY slow start! I haven't compiled scores myself yet, but X, Todbringer, Yoman, Artyis, and myself all sent in submissions. Looks like we'll have a shot in both TIE and XWA this season!

- SSL Round 2 has started. I hope Manijak and Compton can make it in this round...

- If anyone needs help getting TIE running with the EHBL, please let me know. I've only tried TIE/Windows XP/EHBL, I haven't tried XWA yet...

- Imperial Storm and SWG news, both have major events in the works (hopefully IS will kick off soon...).

Squadron Orders:
- Sovereign Squadron League 2004 ROUND 2, Due April 2nd!
TIE-FREE #245; XvT-FREE #159; XWA-FREE #109.

- XvT Week or War on, this is ongoing... isn't it?

EH-wide News:
- TC COM's own this month is Wing XIII ISD GreyWolf and Wing I SSSD Sovereign. Congrats to both!

- Newsletter submissions sought! Send them to the XO at:

- AD Joe is looking for ROA's to help run Celebration III in April 2005. This is a 12 month commitment to help run one of the biggest Star Wars fan events around. E-mail if interested.

- Multiplayer Ladder Competition system- open to all EH'ers-- has been setup!

- Reminder: LoC's for online combat are available for all play, 24/7.

- Doesn't affect us, but the FO has a new Cadet Placement page up.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/COL Brian - no activity (flew TIE-FREE 246 last week).

FM/GN Compton - no activity (Galacrack, house, wife, work, etc.).

FM/COL Ixion Deathbringer - researching possible new recruits for Omega.

FL/MAJ Manijak - no activity.

FM/LC Yoman - flew TIE-FREE 246 for SSL Round 1.

FL/LC Brandon - AWOL imminent. (as soon as I have time to process it. *sigh*)

FM/COL Todbringer - running Sov Squadron League... flew TIE-FREE 246 and XWA-FREE 107 for SSL Round 1.

FM/MAJ Artyis - flew TIE-FREE 246 and XWA-FREE 107 for SSL Round 1.

In other news, SWG's Flight Expansion approaches, as does what we hope are the opening rounds of Imperial Storm V.

Still, the big news right now is Sovereign Squadron League 2004! Hell, it's not just big news, it is THE biggest thing around. It's gotten more than half of us out of the cantina and into our TIEs at the same time-- causing every Rebel within the sector to flee like the rats they are!

(ok, well, maybe not rats-- that would be insulting to rats!)

Hopefully next week's report will be more interesting. Unfortunately, real life isn't just kicking Compton's butt, it's also kicking my butt, so we'll see. At least I'll be around this weekend, unlike last weekend when I was busy skiing...

CMDR/COL Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
-PoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV-8E [PLDN] [IWATS-AIM-CBX-IBX-ICQ-SM/1/2/3-IIC/1/2]
T/D-"Rain" [TC PIN: 413] Personal EH Pages:

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