Omega Report # 12 (2004-03-16)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

Short report. Sorry for the lack of details.

Squadron News:

Ixion and myself have already turned in submissions. How about the rest of you? If we want to even THINK about a repeat of last year's performance, we're going to need more than this...

I suspect X beat my score, but his .tfr got eaten by my spam filter... so as of right now, Omega Squadron high score to beat is 40k laserless... I KNOW Compton, Artyis, and everyone else is capable of clobbering my score...

- I will be on leave from 19 March through 21 March. Any last-minute submissions, please CC them to COL Todbringer...

- If anyone needs help getting TIE running with the EHBL, please let me know. I've only tried TIE/Windows XP/EHBL, I haven't tried XWA yet...

Squadron Orders:
- Sovereign Squadron League 2004 ROUND 1, Due March 19th!
TIE-FREE #246; XvT-FREE #143; XWA-FREE #107.

And yes, I know, we're classic at last-minute flying. ;)

- XvT Week or War on, this is ongoing... isn't it?

EH-wide News:
- Newsletter submissions sought! Send them to the XO at:

- AD Joe is looking for ROA's to help run Celebration III in April 2005. This is a 14 month commitment to help run one of the biggest Star Wars fan events around. E-mail if interested.

- Mission Compendium hits 500+ battles! TIE-TC 218 and 219, TIE-BHG 3, XW-TC 10, XW-CD 1 released.

- Reminder: LoC's for online combat are available for all play, 24/7.

- TIE Corps XWA Skrimish War in planning stages by the TIEBGs.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/COL Brian - flew TIE-FREE 246 for Squadron League Round 1. Debating installing XWA...

FM/GN Compton - no activity (Galacrack).

FM/COL Ixion Deathbringer - flew XWA-FREE 107 and TIE-FREE 246 for Squadron League Round 1.

FL/MAJ Manijak - no activity.

FM/LC Yoman - no activity.

FL/LC Brandon - e-mail is still bouncing, expect him to be AWOL'ed by next week. BRANDON, ARE YOU THERE??

FM/COL Todbringer - running Sov Squadron League...

FM/MAJ Artyis - no activity.

At least two TIEs are dust-free, and now sport the expected assortment of ion engine wash and micrometeroid damage you'd expect from frontline TIEs... as for the rest of them...

CMDR/COL Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
-PoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV-8E [PLDN] [IWATS-AIM-CBX-IBX-ICQ-SM/1/2/3-IIC/1/2]
T/D-"Rain" [TC PIN: 413] Personal EH Pages:

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