Typhoon Report # 8 (2004-04-11)

This report was submitted by CM Coranel Both

Typhoon Squadron Report: April 11, 2004

"We will fly the winds of death!"


Wait! How can this be! These reports were titled "Ghost Squadron" that last seven weeks you say? Well, then you've been living under a rock, and I'm damning you to the depths of hell (which, for the record, is Wisconsin...who knows what movie that is from? :P) for ignoring the many emails that have crossed your inbox. Mell, in his (in)finite wisdom, closed down the Immortal, and Ghost was bitten by a flea, became diseased, grew a fever, then imploded! When the debris settled, Typhoon was what remained. So take that! *pelvic thrust*

On a secondary note, it's nice to be on the Challenge, and in 'Phoon again. Last time I was here, Boliv was a CMDR, and me and Ponda were FL's...and I was an annoying, active n00b. I'm feeling nostalgic. Someone hold me.

I'm (still) seeking a FL for Flight III. Needed one for a while. If you're interested, email me ( coranel_both@yahoo.com ). If I can't find anyone, I'll have to get unlazy, and start bugging people I know in the RSVs. None of us want that. Especially them :P


(TC News)

*TAC is creating a Plotline Compendium. Check out a template of what he wants at http://www.emperorshammer.net/tac/plotlines/template.txt .

*New IWATS Courses! Dreamweaver ( http://to.minos.net/dw/ ), Weaponry ( http://to.minos.net/weaponry/ ), Cascading Style Sheets ( http://to.minos.net/css/ ), and mIRC Scripting ( http://to.minos.net/ircscript/ ). In addition, the TO is now accepting new course ideas.

*EH Newsletter 103 is out ( online at http://logistics.lusankya.org/nl/nl-103/ or offline at http://logistics.lusankya.org/nl/zip/hammer103.zip )

*Some new battles were uploaded by the TAC.

*Three Wings were closed. The Immortal (Wing XI), and two Sov Wings (III and IV). Sov wings combined to make VII, and the Imm. squads were dispersed across the BG's. Ghost went to the Chall as 'Phoon. The other three went to the Relent. Suckers :P

*Avenger Elite Squadron (the ASF MP Elite squad) is CMDRless and seeking one! Apps go to BGCOM Khaddy (and rumor is, if you are in the running for said position, he'll be requiring you to write a 200 word essay on Avenger, using zero verbs. I have the logs to prove it. *wink* :P

(Wing News)

*Master stepped down as Wing X WC. By the flip of a coin, this is...Prost's fault. Damn you :P (Enjoy being responsibility-less, Master :P)

*Probably something else happened in the Wing. But I just got here. Huzzah, ignorance!


LT Eamon Gage got a IS-BW for winning the March Ghost Flying Comp. Grats :P

SL Deckard joined Typhoon, and the Challenge, from the Daedalus. Welcome!

LT Dirty Vader got a IS-SW for Second Place in the SSL Round I XWA Portion. Good work!


CM Coranel Both
-Updated the squadron site
-Email activity
-IRC activity
-MB activity

LT Dirty Vader
-Flew XWA-TC #8 (with a mission HS)
-Flew XWA-FREE #109 (with a mission HS)
-IRC activity

SL Insaniac
-None...prepare to be AWOL'd unless I hear from you.

LCM Nathaniel Tremayne
-Email activity
-IRC activity

LT Sheldon Kent
-No contact

LT Eamon Gage
-No contact

SL Deckard
-Joined Typhoon
-Email contact

----------Pilot of the Week----------

LT Dirty Vader. Good work! Again...this is getting repetitive. :P

----------Typhoon Links----------

TC Site: http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp
Homepage: http://typhoon.tiecorps.net/
Typhoon MB: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
mIRC: http://www.mirc.com
If you get mIRC, log onto a Undernet server, and join #Wing_X. I use the nick "Coranel"

----------Final Words----------

I'll be contacting a few of you who've vanished over recent weeks. And fly for the current SSL rounds!


CMDR/CM Coranel Both/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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