Beta Report # 1 (2005-05-01)

This report was submitted by CM J'Lek Arcanos

Beta Squadron Weekly Report #1
May 1st, 2005
LCM J'Lek Arcanos, Acting Commander

Squadron Briefing

I think that Serin Jansj's departure from the ranks of our Squadron is
still somewhat of a shock to all of us. While I don't know if any of
us will ever fully comprehend the degree to which Serin influenced
Beta, I think that he will be sorely missed in his absence. It was
with a heavy heart that I read his resignation, just as it was with a
heavy heart that I listened to him as we talked about this in the days
prior to this announcement.

While he was a major factor in bringing Beta into the recognition that
we enjoyed during recent competitions, we have to remember that Beta's
sucesses were not just due to Serin's actions, but also a result of
the effort put in by the rest of the Squadron. While we have lost
someone who was arguably the best commander that this Squadron has
seen in a while, we are still a strong fighting force to be recconed

As a result, I would like to ask all pilots to keep an eye out for
events that we can participate in, and to bring them to the attention
of the Squadron. If we, as a Squadron, can make a large showing in
competitions and events, we will serve as a living legacy to Serin's
time as CMDR, as well as continue our traditions of excellence that we
have started with the Sovereign SP Ladder.

The unofficial word in the Wing Commander's report is that I'll be
serving as the next Squadron Commander. As a result, I'm opening up
the post of Flight Leader for Flight II to applications, so that we
can keep all of Beta's posts filled. If you are interested, just send
me an e-mail indicating your interest and we'll move from there.

The Sovereign SP Ladder for May will begin this week. Further details
and files will be available as soon as tomorrow (at the speed I'm
typing this report, this may become "later today"). Yaks, we made a
big showing in the last ladder, with our Squadron's name appearing
many, many times in the final results. I know that we can match our
results from last time and even improve on them.

Imperial Storm V is getting underway. Details on missions will be
made available as they occur. Just as with the SP Ladder, Beta can be
a strong force in turning the tide for the glory of the Sovereign. To
reiterate a point made by the WC, our strength in flying SP missions
for Imperial Storm IV allowed us to completely negate losses that
occurred in multiplayer components of the competition.

Lastly, the Flight Pairing System that I announced earlier is now in
effect. I'll pass on the lengthy explanation and summarize it by
saying that you'll earn points if you and a partner both complete the
same Battle, and that you'll earn more points if you team up with as
many different people as possible with different battles.

Squadron Status

- Sovereign May SP Ladder begins this Monday (today)! Details to be announced!

- Imperial Storm V underway. SP Missions to be announced when they
occur. Any pilot who can play XWA in multiplayer needs to contact the
SOVCOM at immediately to help our ship on that front!

- Flight Pairing System is now in effect. Questions about this system
can be e-mailed to me. (

Activity & Roster

FLIGHT I (T/D) - Brigantia Flight

Beta 1-1: CM Serin Jansj
Resigned as Squadron Commander
Transferred to TIE Corps Reserves

Beta 1-2: CM Conker Blackwood
Transferred to TIE Corps Reserves (RL issues)

Beta 1-3: SL Exar
Emailed by A-CMDR

FLIGHT II (T/D) - Aradia Flight

Beta 2-1: LCM J'Lek Arcanos
Assumed Acting Command of Squadron, named Squadron CMDR pending Flight
Officer Review

Beta 2-2: LT Tirna Q'jira
In contact via IM and email

Beta 2-3: CM Colin Graves
In contact via email. Currently restricted in availability due to school.

FLIGHT III (MIS) - Cantara Flight

Beta 3-1: LT Hunter
Active via IM and email

Beta 3-2: LT Viktor Trollstein
In semi-leave status

Final Thoughts

In this next week, I hope to see Beta spring to action as we did with
the SP Ladder. I plan to make every effort to repeat my actions in
the last ladder, flying every mission that I was able to. I challenge
everyone else to set similar goals for themselves with this ladder.
Even if you don't receive a high score, your points still count for
both yourself and your Squadron. Let's see Beta dominate the void of
space yet again.

Those of you who are veterans of the last Ladder should remember the
Tactical Briefings & Reviews of the missions that were flown. Let's
show the newer (to Beta) pilots like Colin and Exar how we help each
other out.



LCM J'Lek Arcanos
Acting Commander, Beta Squadron

FL/LCM J'Lek Arcanos/Beta 2-1/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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