Omega Report # 61 (2005-04-05)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

Looking alive, although Compton still hasn't dug himself out from whatever's burying him.

Squadron Orders:
... well, soon enough.

- Iron Mission Creator Flying Challenge!
XvT-FREE 181 released, files due 10 April.
(yes, I realize we don't fly much XvT here.)

- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.

Squadron News:
- End of SSSD Sovereign monthly contest for March 2005.
aka, "Single Player Ladder".
First place as a squadron in XWA goes to Omega.

I think for that kind of performance, I can reopen the cantina. Plus my FCHG stripes feel a little heavier. *grins*

/me open the door to the Omega cantina

(the miserable job we did in TIE concerns me. Maybe a little alcohol will help...)

- Once I get some free time, we'll initiate contact of new recruits and their COs. In the meantime, we continue to look.

EH-wide News:
- EH presence at Celebration 3:
April 21-24 in Indianapolis, Indiana. AD Joe needs help staffing the EH booth at the convention. Donations to defray the cost of flyers to via Paypal.

- TCCOM's own for April 2005 is Wing XIII!

- COO site moves to:

- TO seeks IWATS database and interface update:

- April Fools move winner:
AD Gilad wins! (move was: COM/VA Stele to RSVs, CPT Ninja to SovCOM)

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - flew TIE-FREE 241, XWA-FREE 98 for Sovereign March 2005 Week 4 Single player ladder.

FM/GN Compton - no activity.

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - flew TIE-FREE 241, XWA-FREE 98 for Sovereign March 2005 Week 4 Single player ladder.

FM/LC Yoman - flew TIE-FREE 241 for Sovereign March 2005 Week 4 Single player ladder.

Highlights of last week include the U2 concert, then ground pounding a few days later to keep in touch with "other side" of flying close air support missions for our stormtroopers. Thankfully, no one scratched the paint on my TIE while it was parked at the concert. You have to be careful of those stretch limo speeders and aircars these days...


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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