Alpha Report # 0 (2005-04-24)

This report was submitted by MAJ Talons Pryde

SSSD Sovereign
Wing I
Alpha Squadron
Weekly report ending 20050424

Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed Wing Commander, Commanding Officer of the Flagship, and Flight Office;

I, again, bid you welcome to another Alpha squadron report.


Position PIN Rank Name Activity status FCHG Rank
Flight 1
Alpha 1 (CMDR) 1818 Major Talons Pryde Active 465 Centurion
Alpha 2 594 Captain Jenn Sidhe Active 128 Dragoon
Alpha 3 00000 Vacant
Alpha 4 00000 Vacant

Flight 2 (Alpha 2-1 through 2-4)
Alpha 5 (FL) 9441 Commander Kahooli Active 421 Centurion
Alpha 6 11827 Lieutenant Neale Active 39 Lancer
Alpha 7 343 Colonal Mobiles Dissmissed 342 Paladin
Alpha 8 00000 Vacant

Flight 3 (Alpha 3-1 through 3-4)
Alpha 9 (FL) 347 Captain Roger Active 689 Legionnaire
Alpha 10 264 Major Nebular Dissmissed 20 Grenadier
Alpha 11 260 Major Eugene Dissmissed 980 Executor
Alpha 12 00000 Vacant
Total: 1721
Average: 348.400
Squadron Rank: Paladin

Due to the loss of 3 pilots who either refused to contact me or just plain did not care, we have lost the citations we had. I waited for two weeks before I gave up. They are welcome to come back if they would like.

2-year plan status
Have all three flight pages up and running with proper maintainance and links to the Squadron's Homepage: 20050501
This is coming along qite well! Excellent work everyone! We need 1 pilot to make our minimum of 6 again. Let us get this going!

This week in Alpha
Unfortunately, we have lost 3 pilots who have not reported in. I am sorry to say that we are again below 6 pilots. Damnit all to hell.

Kahooli has flown a good spell this week. I have just finished BSF'ing his pilot files for the week and he has gained another 9 FCHG points. Neale has joined him with 24! This week, Neale has the points! And he is now a Lancer! Excellent work!

Squadron Orders
Everyone fly! This is not an option! Everyone must complete at least one battle per month if there is not one assigned! Assigned battles will happen soon!

Flight leaders, talk to recruits about helping them with thier certifications. Give them your name and e-dress as well as your ID line. CC me, the WC, and the Commodore (SovCom) every time you do so. I am not allowed to make contact for past mistakes as far as I know. The WC and SovCom have been looking into the ban for me. I want at least 1 more recruit in the squadron to ensure our 6 pilot maintainance. Do something to help us out and soon.

Remember, flight reports are due no later than the 2nd to last day of every month. This month they are due on the 28th Midnight into the 29th Eastern US Time. I will give leeway for sleep time. Refer to the standing orders document for details.

The wing has a challenge coming up and we are the stars! What I mean is that we have to rise to this challenge for the wing! Beta and Epsilon commanders are working hard for a wing CAB. We have to make a wing centered CAB for the invasion of a planet on the Outer Rim. This planet is unaligned and has a former pilot traitor on it. We will design and implement a complete conquer campaign of the system. For details, ask. We need TIE mission designers to get together for its creations. Let us have some fun being a wing!

No ordered comps in the making.

Squadron Concerns
Pilots. We need one more pilot. Find that pilot and get a kewpie doll! (or should that be an Ewok doll) Either way, I would like to see one more pilot in our ranks. If you can find him/her, I will shower you with beer, milk, chocolate, frappee milk shakes, or whatever your favorite drink is.

Commander's Rant
What the hell was I thinking? Why in the hell did I ever think that when we got the influx of pilots they would be nice enough to say hello when asked to by a younger member of the TC? The older pilots are supposed to be a standing example of the way a pilot should be. If they cannot do this, then step the hell out and do the right thing by saying"I quit". During my 4 month absence, I fully expected to be AWOL'ed. I was suprised that I was not. But still, when the e-mail goes out and it is not bounced, then they are still there and should be reading the message. Are they bitter about something? Did they not get the position they wanted? Are they pissed off about the person whom is our Grand Admiral? Then resign the proper way, not by waiting to be AWOL'ed. What a crock of [explicitive]. Pilots, if you do not want to be here, say so. Period. End of discussion.

This past week there was a tasteless joke put out. He was an Alpha pilot I AWOL'ed because of no report-in. He still used his old command line of Alpha 1-2. If it was not handled by the WC in the way he did, I would have tanned his ugly hide and had him on an HCI. Unfortunately, one of our own got into it with him and got slapped. This happened between the two days I did not check my e-mail. Had I been on, it would have stopped immediately. This I consider my own fault for not being here. And for his behavior, and Doss Riggle's, I give an apology to the wing, the ship, and the TC whether you were affected or not. I still want to have his tail end HCI'ed for his rudeness in the name of Alpha, but our WC has saw to his punishment already. For his actions and willful disregard for orders, he should be banned and removed from the roster. But that is my personal reaction to his actions. Alpha pilots are to be honourable, strong, and upstanding. For the love of the gods, Alpha is the first squadron. Act like it!

Final Words
Wing I is doing a joint operation for creating a multi-battle CAB for an invasion of an Outer-Rim system. The name of the system is Dragonda. Princess Pussy Cat (TC# is currently unknown) originated from there. We are going to invade the system for the glory of Wing I and the Emperor's Hammer. If you have skills relating to plot lines, mission building, ship editing, or dialog scripting, let me know. Wing I could use the assistance. For a list of ships in thier arsonal, please ask me to send them to you.

With all respect,

Major Talons Pryde, Alpha Squadron commander of Wing I on board the Sovereign class SuperStar Destroyer Sovereign, reporting.

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