Beta Report # 9 (2005-04-09)

This report was submitted by CM Serin Jansj

Beta Echelon :|: Beta Squadron Report #1

Beta Squadron
Beta Squadron Report #9

Saturday, April 9th, 2005

"The meeting chamber fell to an abrupt darkness as the last drunken stragglers of the unit made their belated way into the crowded enclosure. Some of the pilots adjusted in their seats, weary from the routine of an officer. Others cast fleeting glances upon their surroundings, prepared for the vagaries of another rambling announcement. All maintained a facade of restraint and discipline. The quiet hum of the holoprojector whirled to life, casting an azure glow over the speaking Squadron Commander. 'Greetings pilots," he spoke, his voice registering a familiar squadron pride, "Look lively, and stoic. Now, onto the briefing...'"

Squadron News

As usual, I hope this report finds you well. This is our ninth week together, and the fruits of our efforts are showing. While this week wasn't one of whirlwind activity in and of itself, it saw the ending of the Sovereign SP Ladder competition, which I am proud to say we demolished, not in any small part due to the efforts of one Lieutenant Commander J'Lek Arcanos. Arcanos' efforts in this competition were spectacular, and I must commend him. Not only were his submissions prolific, but of excellent quality. Clearly he has displayed himself to be one of the finest competition pilots of the wing, and what's more, the Sovereign herself.
Not to be forgotten, however, are the efforts of the rest of Beta Squadron, of LT Coldsteel, LT Q'jira, and newly promoted Flight Leader LT Hunter. Congratulations to all of you on your work and your merits. Your submissions show you to be some of the best of the ship, and together, I believe we will be able to confront any foe, in this ship or the next.
In other matters, our squadron competition, Operation Yakside: Part I, continues, and will end this coming Saturday, the 15th. I hope to see some submissions, and remember this is an excellent chance to win a shiny Iron Star. Additionally, the Wing I Gutterball competition has come to an end, and only one of us submitted, Lieutenant Hunter. I thank him for his efforts, and, noting his rather impressive score, I have a very good feeling there's a chance a medal could be coming his way. :) Also, kudos should be given to LT Tirna Q'jira, who has received a Commendation of Bravery for flying thirty missions. Congratulations, Lieutenant.
In terms of roster changes this week, we've seen none except a single key change. As is Beta Squadron tradition, Flight Leader LT Hunter has written and chosen a motto for his flight, Cantara: "On daemon-back we fly, our bourn the whims of our fury." He has also settled on the name of Cantara, so Flight III has officially been established as the newest unit of Beta Squadron. I'm proud to say our Missile Boats, so long forgotten, are now in use against the Rebellion once more.
Finally, LCM J'Lek Arcanos has informed me that he is working on a new citation based monthly activity, which will be featured in a report sometime in the future. Additionally, I should be online a bit more this coming week, as I've resolved some personal technical problems regarding gateway/firewall problems. In the meantime, let's keep it up, Yaks.

Transfers and Operations

Lieutenant Hunter, Flight Leader of Flight III, chose the motto: "On daemon-back we fly, our bourn the whims of our fury."

Honors and Accolades

LT Tirna Q'jira was awarded the Commendation of Bravery (CoB).
Reason: LT Tirna has served over 30 missions in the name of the Emperor's Hammer and is therefore deserving of the Commendation of Bravery.
By: COM/VA Stele Pellaeon/SSSD Sovereign on Monday, April 04, 2005
LT Tirna Q'jira advanced to the FCHG rank of Hussar.

Beta Projects Status

Short Term:
Create new "History / Canon" section for Beta Echelon: 70% complete.
Long Term:
Create new "Battle Center" section for Beta Echelon: 5% complete.
Recruit new pilots in Beta Echelon: 15% complete.
Create new procedures and protocols: 100% complete.
Revise squadron and flight mottos and nicknames: 100% complete.
Create "Stoic Yak" section for Beta Echelon: 100% complete.
Create new, enhanced quotes section. 100%
Create new citation oriented competition: 100% complete.


Operation Yakside: Part I - A Little Help From My Friends (In Progress: 4/2/2005 - 4/15/2005)
Participants: All pilots of Beta Squadron except her CMDR.
Medals to be Awarded: Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon to the writer of the best entry.
Missions/Battles: TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 36, TIE-TC 38, TIE-TC 57, TIE-TC 58, TIE-TC 59.
    From CM Serin Jansj's Details:
    With the introduction of our latest member, we've lost a fair amount of our citations. Unfortunately, your CMDR can't remedy this himself because he's flown most of the battles. In the past, however, he's gotten by with the aid of his pilots, and he'd like to ask for your assistance once more. This is why he's launching Operation Yakside, a two competition project to claim some new citations and have fun in the process during the month of April. The first section will be the "reconnaisance" of the battles, and the second section the completion of them by the squadron. This competition, "A Little Help From My Friends," is the first phase.
    In this competition, each pilot will select one of the battles listed above and claim it for the duration of the competition (one pilot per battle). After doing so, the pilot should fly the battle in its entirety. Afterwards, the pilot should write a brief summary of the battle and submit it to his CMDR along with his pilot file. The catch is that the summary must be from the first person, essentially a diary of sorts, or a log, of each mission in the battle, detailing what happened during it in a fun, fictitious style, with an epilogue. The Squadron Commander will read the entries and judge them by style, description, and effort. The best work will be awarded an Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon, posted on the Beta Message Board, and published in the fiction section of our website. The battles used from this competition will be reused in "A Grim Pastorale."

Activity Records

Beta Squadron - "Stoic Yaks of the Sovereign"
Total FCHG Points Earned: 31 (SJ) + 3 (JA) + 14 (TQ) = 48.
Total Citations Earned: 0.
Total Competition Entries: 5.
CM Serin Jansj - "Yakman"
Updated Beta Echelon.
Posted to the Message Board.
Flew Battle TIE-TC 222: Challenge ECR Missions (x5).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 221: Wing IX: Encryption Error (x4).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 219: Shinsen Gumi Saga #2 : Gunsmoke and Haze (x6).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 218: Sith or Just Lucky? (x7).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 215: Colon Wars (x5).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 213: Locke Setzer's Day Off (x4).
CM Conker Blackwood - "DrunkFool"
No recorded activity.
In continual contact through AIM.
SL Exar - "Pilot"
No recorded activity.
No contact reported. This is the third week, so please get in touch, man.
LCM J'Lek Arcanos - "Tac!"
Flew Free Mission XWA-FREE 98: Operation Divide and Conquer: Part 1 (Sov SP Ladder) (x1).
Flew Free Mission TIE-FREE 241: Training Mission 1 (Sov SP Ladder) (x1).
Flew Free Mission XvT-Free 168: Folly: The Endless Struggle (Sov SP Ladder) (x1).
In sparing contact through Email.
LT Tirna Q'jira - "Ambulatory Lexicon"
Posted to the Message Board.
Worked on recruiting efforts for Beta Squadron.
Flew Battle TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari (x6).
Flew Battle TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions (x6).
Flew Free Mission TIE-FREE 241: Training Mission 1 (Sovereign SP Ladder) (x1).
Flew Free Mission XvT-FREE 168: Folly: The Endless Struggle (Sovereign SP Ladder) (x1).
In continual contact through Email.
LT Hunter - "Python"
On unofficial Leave of Absence due to real life events.
Posted to the Message Board.
In sparing contact through MSN and Email.
LT Viktor Trollstein - "Space Troll"
No recorded activity.
Sparing contact through Email and MSN.

Weekly Activity

For this week, as with the last, I'd like to propose that you participate in our squadron competition, Operation Yakside (see above for details). It's very easy to do, and it's a fine opportunity to get an IS-BR. There's one week left, so have fun. :)
Otherwise, have a good week. That's not a recommendation. That's an order. :)

Links of Far Reaching Import

Beta Echelon:
(The main nexus of our squadron outside the TC Database.)
Beta Message Board:
(The Emperor's Hammer official board for our squadron.)
Orders & Regulations:
(The General Directives, Operating Procedures, and Particulars and Protocols of our squadron.)
Report Archive:
(The online home of our previous squadron reports at Beta Echelon.)
(The online mirror of the commander communiques at Beta Echelon.)
Emperor's Hammer Links:
(A general collection of important and useful links for the Emperor's Hammer.)

The Yak's Mouth

This is becoming something of a "broken record," but there was nothing really of note for inclusion for The Yak's Mouth this week, sadly. If you have some you'd like to contribute for the future, feel free to email me at and I'll make sure to corrupt the others with its presence. ;)

Worthless Esoteric Trivia

Did you know that advancement in the Fatimid Caliphate, which ruled North Africa from 909 to 1171 A.D. was supposed to have been largely according to ability and merit, rather than family connections or status?
Did you know that the Scythians, who were once a tribe of nomadic horsemen in Eurasia, were said to have possibly inspired the Greek tales of the Amazons with their warrior women?
Did you know that a legendary bandit known as Veerappan, renowned for having killed some one hundred people and having cultivated a formidable mustache, once terrorized the countryside of India?

The Last Word

This week was very quiet, but considering our victory, or J'Lek's victory (:P), from the Sovereign SP Ladder, this can just be considered a "cooloff" period. We're doing better every day, and I'm proud to call myself CMDR of you all. I have high hopes for our future, and I'm looking with curiosity to the submissions I'll hopefully receive for the squadron competition. As always, my door as well as mind is always open to you. I look to the following days with pride in simply being in the same unit as you all.
For this week, however, it's your commander signing out.
"And now I am weary, and I feel like I do..."
In sincerity,
Serin "Yakman" Jansj
CMDR/CM Serin Jansj/Beta/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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