Epsilon Report # 8 (2005-04-05)

This report was submitted by CM Firzam Coldsteel

Good Day Epsilon Squadron, Eight week of activity.

We are getting back to business.

We have the SP ladder running now, fourth and final week let’s see how we finish this

Briefing Room

Everybody report in! Always report in. By mail, MSN, smoke signs, screaming or buying your Commander a drink. You have been failing to do so. Come on, you only need to send a line or two. I really do not like to learn about your status from someone else.

Try to fly something. Do an IWATS course. If you can’t do any of this things send me a joke, some fiction, some pictures, anything, but participate in something. We have been to quietly lately, I do not like to be having a monologue with myself and a piece of paper.

I am thinking of having on line meetings through MSN or Yahoo Messenger, what do you think about that? We just have to establish a day and hour. It appear that LT Tirna managed some success. What are your thoughts? Come on, send me something.


To report, complain or simply to annoy your Commander:


Also, if you are not already into the message boards, go and sign in. It’s fun and reliable for information


The Epsilon Squadron Message Board is under construction. I do not know why is taking that long

Commander’s Corner

Well, we have been awfully quiet this weeks. I would love to know why. Why is your commander doesn’t hearing anything from his squadron. If I am doing something wrong, please tell me so. I am here for you, but you need to participate some more with your squadron and your Wing. If you can’t fly do something else. There are plenty of things to do to be active around here.

Pilot’s Lounge

Nothing to put in here. The lounge has been empty for a while. Come on, give something to put in here.


Our Wing Commander launched another competition, here are the details:

Go and check it!

The Week 4 of the SP ladder it’s almost due, send your files to me, so I can BSF’em and to our WC to participate in it.


Sovereign SP Ladder
Start: March 08, 2005 at 01:00
End: April 03, 2005 at 01:00

Week 3 Assignment

TIE-FREE Battle #203 - Wing II: Wrath of the MiniFords

XvT-FREE Battle #164 - Convoy Interception

XWA-FREE Battle #114 - Praetorian Squadron: Booze Wars

Due: March 27th, Sunday
Submit to your WCs

Week 4 Assignment

TIE-FREE Battle #241 - Training Mission 1

XvT-FREE Battle #168 - Folly: The Endless Struggle

XWA-FREE Battle #98 - Operation Divide and Conquer: Part 1

Medals to be awarded:

Iron Star Gold Wing to highest scoring pilot of the ship.

Iron Star Silver Wing to highest scoring pilot of the highest scoring wing (if this is the Highest Scoring Pilot then it is awarded to the next highest scoring pilot).

Iron Star Bronze Wing awarded to the highest scoring pilot of the highest scoring squadron on the ship.

Sovereign March 2005 SP Ladder will last 4 weeks, one mission per platform per week. Scores are accumulated to determine winners.

The SOV SP Ladder is on the run. Let’s go and destroy some rebels!


None at this time.

Flight Activity

1/1 CM Firzam Coldsteel

Flew TIE-FREE 203 & 241
Doing this report.
Trying to raise the morale of Epsilon Squadron.

1/2 LT Valdimore Cozar

Reported in :-)

2/1 LCM Rez Chaser

Reported in. :-)

2/2 LT Trooper Xarn

Reported in :-)
Doing the Fiction of the Abduction of WC Chaser. Almost done, right? :-)

2/3 LT James Zirus

Reported in :-)

What if...? Everyone send me something to post in here?


Semper Fi
CM Firzam Coldsteel

CMDR/CM Firzam Coldsteel/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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