Inferno Report # 4 (2005-04-03)

This report was submitted by CPT Dirty Vader

-=Inferno Squadron Weekly Report=-®

April 3rd 2005


-Big welcome to LCM Ryan who joins Inferno's Flight I this week! I'm looking forward to working with you.

-Secondly we are squadron of the month for March 2005! While the rest of the pilots in the Wing reading this report might feel annoyed at hearing this once again a week after it was first announced, I'm mentioning it again so that the few people who seem to have forgotten about this over the last few days DON'T. (i.e. George) You may all put "Inferno Pilot- Wing X Best Squadron, March 2005!" in your ID lines in all your communications to help them remember and annoy them even more. Oh and btw we won Typhoon's challenge too. Hem! :P

-Hell, I'm not being a bad winner! I'm being a good winner! What's the point in winning something if you can't brag about it? There isn't one hence bragging is the only option!

-Now moving on. Activity in the squad has yet again been impressive this week. That's how we get to be called squadron of the month. Hé!

-I've expanded the free mission I have created into a four mission battle. I'll be sending it out to the TAC for approval. It stars Inferno :P

-I've recced all your Inferno Weekly Bonanza and Inferno Weekly flying comp medals, they should be in your mail boxes anytime soon. The Monthly Squadron Evaluation has also been submitted. Those who have worked this month will be rewarded.

-A small fly keeps on walking up and down my screen while I'm writting this report. There can only be one fate for this miserable little six-legged bastard! *sproch!*

-COL Bill Kelso has been at it again this week:

4.What does IWATS stand for?
I Wish Aliens Took Stuart

6.Name two Imperial-class star destroyers we see in the original trilogy.
ISD Your Mom and ISD Sucks

TC News/BG News/Wing News

-Some new XvT stuff has been released in the mission compedium. They are XvT TIE TC 109 and XvT Free 190.

-Cyric, Stuart, Torres, Lenvik, Kodiak, Troutrooper, Ekim Yellik and Plif have been uncovered as filthy rich! They and only they have donate for Celebration 3!

-A freeworlds territory engagement has been declared. I don't know, but each time I see one of those announcements, it goes like this: EH defending and NR attacking. And at the end of the thing, EH losing.

-Javascript, ASP and XML PROF Positions are open for applications. Professors are little people who wear glasses and fuzzy sweaters, read books and find everything terribly interesting. Why not become one of them?

-New TCCOM's own is a Sov wing. Forgot which and I don't really care either. Moving on...

-April Fools winner is AD Gilad for finding it first on the FO Report. The guy gets an IS-GR.

-Mission Creation Incentive has ended. Congrats to Locke on winning the missions sections and LC Ric Taldyra and VA Gidda on winning the battles section.

-ELS is down, which means loging in to is no longer possible :(

-New CoCs? Next...

-BubbaX still a Vice Admiral!? Madness!


-CM Great Griffin passed the HTML 2 and History IWATS Courses!!

-CPT Dirty Vader passed the History, TIE Mission creation 1, Linux and Computer Basics IWATS Courses!

Officer: CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge
IWATS Course: History
Score: 80%
Additional comments:
Q11: You should have said something about the Rebel Alliance and other enemies of the Empire; also, NOT rewriting the course notes on the test is a good way to make a good impression

quite a good test, otherwise.

This is a notification to certify that CPT Dirty Vader has successfully completed the above IWATS Course!

The information has been recorded on your TIE Corps Personnel Profile at:

FL-TCS/LCM Fahrer/Hammer 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless (
Re: [TC-TO] HIST IWATS Course Completed: CPT Dirty Vader
From: Dirty Vader
To: IWATS Professor
CC: "LCM Fahrer";;;

Bah, re-writting the notes is much faster and more efficient... I'm not the type to think.

Besides the Relentless is gonna lose to us in the Comp, so take that Professor!



Squadron Citations/Status/Comps


Make sure to participate in this comp against the Relentless. Post on the run-on here:
And fly TIE Free 183 and XWA Free 115!
Check COM RA Locke's report for details. TIE Free 183 was created by Inferno's very own Bill Kelso, so make sure you fly it ;P

Every Monday this comp will begin anew for one month. The aim is to get the most points. Highest scorer each week gets the IS-BW/IS-BR with a very good chance of earning a merit medal too.

Here's how the point system works:

Intellectual section
Fiction: 1-10 points depending on quality and humour. All submissions must be in either e-mail or .doc format. New INPRs also qualify for this section.
GFX: 1-10 points. All submissions must be in jpg or gif format.
Trivia: Each week 10 trivia questions will be sent out. You will be awarded 1 point for each question you answer correctly. +5 points to the person who answers the most questions correctly. If more that one person answers the most questions correctly (ie: 2 people have the best score of 8), then the one who sent out the answers first will gain the 5 points.
IWATS: 7 points for each IWATS completed.
To earn the medal (IS-BR) a minimum of 10 points is required in each round.

The Trivia questions will be sent out between Monday at Thursday at my discretion. So check your mail everyday to be the first to send out the answers. The questions will be Star Wars and EH related. So be prepared to google search, report search and use your brain. I won't make the questions impossible to answer.

Trivia Answers for Round Three

1. What TCBG ship closed April 2004 and what was its wing number?
ISD Immortal, Wing XI.
2. What do the ECR and SSL abbreviations stand for?
Exercise Cantina Run, Sovereign Squadron League
3. What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina barman in A New Hope?
4. What does IWATS stand for?
Imperial Weapons and Tactics School
5. Which high ranking rebel officer co-designed the A-Wing starfighter?
General Jan Dodonna
6. Name two Imperial-class star destroyers we see in the original trilogy.
ISD Devastator, ISD Avenger, ISD Tyrant, ISD Conquest
7.What was Luke Skywalker's last sentence in Return of the Jedi?
I won't leave you!
8.In A New Hope, Princess Leia lied to Grand Moff Tarkin about the location of the secret rebel base. Where did she tell him the base was?
9. What rank was Piett before his sudden promotion to Admiral?
10. Who in Inferno, was the first to post on the Chal vs Rel Run-on, much to the annoyance of CPT Dirty Vader?
COL Bill Kelso

Results for round 3:
CPT Dirty Vader: 28 points for IWATS Total: 28 points.
CM Great Griffin: 14 points for IWATS + 8 points for Trivia Total 22 points
COL Bill Kelso: 5 points for Trivia :P Total: 5 points
CPT Dujhod: 10 points for Trivia + 5 points for best Trivia answerer Total: 15 points
Winner: CM Great Griffin

Flying Section
Battle/Mission Completion: 2 points for each completed mission, 2 extra points for each mission High Score. For a Battle, 2 x the number of missions in the battle.
MP Victory: 10 points for each MP victory.
FCHG advancemement: 10 points will be awarded for each FCHG advancement from Grenadier to Legionnaire. 20 points from Executor to Imperator.
To earn the medal (IS-BWs) a minimum of 15 points is required.

For both these sections there will be 4 rounds, which each round starting on Mondays. The third round will begin this Monday 28th of March.

Results for round 1:
CM Dulcatos: 154 mission points + 10 points for FCHG advancement Total: 164
CM Great Griffin: 96 mission points + 8 points for 4 mission HS + 10 points for FCHG advancement Total: 114 points
Winner: CM Dulcatos


Each week I will pick a random TIE Fighter battle. Highest scorer for that battle earns an IS-BWs. Comp has 4 rounds, one round lasting 6 days. At the beginning of each round, the battle in question will be assigned to you. Those battles will count as activity for the Inferno Weekly Bonanza Comp iswell. Third round is Monday 28th of March.

Results for round 1:
1. CM Great Griffin 123, 275
Winner: CM Great Griffin


CPT Dirty Vader (Inferno 1-1)

-Passed the HIST IWATS Course
-Passed the TM/1 IWATS Course
-Passed the LIN IWATS Course
-Passed the CBX IWATS Course
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact
-MSN Contact
-AIM Contact
-MB Postings

COL Bill Kelso (Typhoon 2-1)

-Sent in answers for Trivia
-Mocking and Taking the Piss Activity
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact

LCM Ryan (Inferno 1-3)

-Joined Inferno

CM Great Griffin (Inferno 2-1)

-Flew TIE TC 222 with 4 mission HSs
-Flew TIE IW 1
-Flew TIE TC 121
-Flew TIE TC 123
-Flew TIE TC 158
-Flew TIE TC 198
-Flew TIE TC 207
-Flew TIE TC 213
-Flew TIE CAB 5 (15 mission battle)
-Passed the IIC/2 IWATS Course
-Passed the HIST IWATS Course
-Sent in answers for Trivia
-E-Mail Contact
-MSN Contact

CPT Alexander Anderson (Inferno 2-2)

-AIM Contact

CM Dulcatos (Inferno 2-3)

-Flew TIE TC 61
-Flew TIE TC 74
-Flew TIE TC 75
-Flew TIE TC 79
-Flew TIE TC 80
-Flew TIE TC 83
-Flew TIE TC 84
-Flew TIE TC 92
-Flew TIE TC 102
-Flew TIE TC 115
-Flew TIE TC 123
-Flew TIE TC 134
-Flew TIE TC 137
-Flew TIE TC 146
-Flew TIE TC 147
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact

CPT Dujhod (Inferno 3-1)

-Sent in answers for Trivia and won
-E-mail Contact

LT Narraku (Inferno 3-2)

-MSN Contact

Pilot of the Week

CM Dulcatos! Who else could it have been with 15 battles flown? :P

Dirty's Final Thoughts

CM Dulcatos's activity this week has been absolutely magnificent and he will be rewarded nicely for last month's hard work.
CM Great Griffin has done brilliantly yet again, earning himself another IS-BWs and IS-BR!!

COL Bill Kelso has amused me this week and undoubtedly everyone else in the wing with that Tor app. My feelings against him for last week's run on incident have diminished somewhat :P

LT Narraku is a Galactic Battlegrounds fan. If any of you in the squad or wing play it, let me know and I'll set you up with Narraku. I hear he's a great strategist. Yet his master strategy in turning me into Clean Vader has still not been successful. It has been going on for over a year now....

New comps will be on next week, IWB and IFC are on for one final round. Those who havent flown a Free for the Chal vs Rel comp should do so, so that Challengians can point and laugh at Relentlessians one more time. It's so much fun.


Typhoon Squadron publicity

Inferno Mailing list:
Inferno Forum:
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader:; Bill Kelso:; Great Griffin:; Alexander Anderson:; Dulcatos:; Dujhod:

Interested in joining Inferno? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN:


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