Epsilon Report # 25 (2003-03-01)

This report was submitted by CPT Jennif Es'mith

Week 24

February 23 - March 1, 2003

Squadron News

Gentlemen. This is week four of a four week AWOL check. I will be AWOLing people next


Beat your Superiors Competition

In this competition the major point is to get as high as possible
by beating your superiors. It’s set up this way. A flight member will
challenge their flight leader to one of the below competitions. If they
are able to beat their flight leader, they will have the chance to
challenge their commander. If they beat their commander as well, they may
either choose to take an IS-BW or IS-BR depending on the way they won it, or
go double or nothing against the Wing Commander. If they are able to beat
their Wing Commander, they will receive an IS-SW or IS-SR, depending on
what they used to win. This will also work for Flight leaders, although they will go from
commander to wing commander to commodore. Proton has graciously offered his help with this.
The ways to compete follow.

First, challenge your superior to a single player mission or
battle. Highest total score wins. You may use any of the three
platforms. Simple.

Secondly, challenge your superior to a multi player competition. You may
use either XvT or XWA. The score will be first to 10 wins.

Thirdly, challenge your superior to a run-on competition. This
will be done similar to the Krath Combat Chamber in the Dark Brotherhood.
It may be either one land, in atmosphere with fighters, or in space with
fighters. Each competitor will pick a weapon/fighter and they will compete
by alternately writing part of a run-on. There will be 6 posts for each
side, and then a deathpost by each side. Winner will be chosen by me based
on style, correctness, and creativity.

Lastly, challenge your superior to a trivia competition. There
will be three different rounds, each involving 10 questions. Each side
will have 24 hours to complete the questions and send them to me for
grading. The first round will be Star Wars related, the second round will
be EH history related, and the third round will be random questions about
their fellow members of Wing I. The winner will be best two out of three.

With so much you can do, you'd be a retard NOT TO DO SOMETHING.


Squadron Status
Heading for a dive

Activity Reports

1-1 CM Jennif Es’mith
Active on email and messengers.

1-2 LCM Cook
Quiet 4th week.

2-1 LCM Leon Mehoff
Alive and promising to fly

2-2 LCM Kaleel Tempus
Active on email and messengers. Still recuperating from surgery.

3-1 CM Max
Active on email and messengers. Flew Tie TC Battle #202

3-2 LCM Jason Dehner
Quiet 4th week

Promotions \ Awards \ Transfers
None (yet)

Flying plan.

Beat Your Superiors


1. Respond to report!!!!!

2. Fly, write, create!!!!!

CMDR available on AIM – Jsmith3396, Ldybluefox
MSN Messanger – Bluefox54,
Yahoo Messanger – Ladybluefox2001

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Jennif Es'mith (JSmith3396@aol.com)
NICKNAME: The Spitting Terrors
BANNER: epsilon.jpg
MOTTO: I will show you fear in a handful of dust...
HOMEPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/eh_epsilon/index.htm
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.emperorshammer.net/mb/view.asp?b=90

Nickname: The Spitting Tigers
Motto: May they hate, if only they fear.
1) CPT Jennif Es'mith (JSmith3396@aol.com)
2) TBA
3) LCM Cook (styrain83@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Blistering Bengals
Motto: The sound of our advance is the sound of your death.
1) LCM Leon Mehoff (ssjleon@attbi.com)
2) LCM Kaleel Tempus (korn_328@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Tigers
Motto: Death is a journey, we are the travel agents.
1) CM Max (Mtnmadmax101@aol.com)
2) LCM Jason Dehner (jhdehner@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA
Epsilon - 6


CMDR/CPT Jennif Es'mith/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
ISMx8/IS-7BW/LoC/MoC-3BoC-2SoC-1GoC-10PoC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [DRAG]

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