Mem Report # 123 (2002-02-18)

This report was submitted by COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan

* Morgan was sitting in a wonderful coloured Hawaiin shirt behind his desk - doing the morning post*
*Major Yoman enters*
" You ordered me to come?"
"Yes Yoman, take a seat - as you see on my outfit i am nearly on the way to a short holiday trip, but i did forget to inform you before - so take notice and have fun withthe comfy CMDR´s chair for a while as you will be the acting cmdr for this time as Andrrev Anton did fail in this duty last time.
There is not to much to do and no asses to kick so you will have some nice days
*the door opens and Mr Hooper the secratery droid enters*
"Sir there is an officer outside, i told him you have a meeting but he....."
*Mr. Hooper was interrupted by a man which come in, wearing an Intel uniform*
"I am first Lieutenant Page from Intel and i will not wait longer outside till you have time and what do i see? i see a civilian man behind your desk Major" he shouted an aims Major Yoman with his eyes*
"Yoman leant back with his hand near the blaster"
"Shut up" the civillian man behind the desk said "I am Morgan, welcome into MY office iam on the way out of here as i having holidays what do you want?"
(with a very sweet voice)
"hrmmm, Sir"
*The Intel officer salutes*
Look at this and hand out...........

"the rest of this story you will find in the run hit and fate competion for Colonel Sickman"

NOW the Squadron report

NEWS: Yes its true, i will be on holidays from 21.02.02 till 26.02.02
Major Yoman will be acting CMDR and is responsible for the sqadron

so thats all

HOMEPAGE IS UP old but good .....updating procedure is on the way in the next days and weeks.

and then:
1 IS-SW for Major Morgan
others : none

ok Gentlemen communication time has changed on/in
IRC channel #airlock 21 for the Wing meeting its now 15.00 p.m. EST on
each Saturday take part or get shot..

FEBRUARY COMPS of WING V as stated by Colonel Sickman.

well the IMPORTANT one will be the Colonel Sickman fate and run and
save him back competition as he stated in the WingV report 22, 23,24. For more info read thedatafile. do your work and wrote a story people, make a graphic or build the battle.

also important!
Flying Comps
TIE-FCHG Battle #2 - Shadow of Time
XvT-FCHG Battle #2 - Eye for an Eye
XWA-FCHG Battle #3 - Ronin's Deception
Highest scorer for each will win a IS-SW

Colonel Sickman made direct links in the Wing V report where you can
download the battle.
Pilot files asap to me.

*Gentlemen i expect an battle/pilot file from each of you - equal which
platform - this is an easy medal to win.*

oh and then i nearly forget .-P
The MAIN IMPORTANT competition will be the Wing IV vs Wing V comp
its "The battle to fly is TIE-FCHG 3".
it will be closed on 28.02.2002
so dont wait till march 1st to send this file in.

also important the KING OF THE WING CONTEST round 13 its XWA-free
battle #7 all pilot files direct to Colonel Sickman and only cc to me.
Deadline is also the 28 th Febuary 2002.

other things:

hompeage is under updating procedure: if you want to have a look, i added the way at the Mem roster, and we have also a msg board:

OUR WING V homepage:
(under construction i hope as this could not be the full result)
DID this hear somebody? eh answer!

Other news you can find here:

Actual Bueraucracy:
Flight charge ranking of MEM
COL Bilbo: 649 =
MAJ Yoman: 325 +7
MAJ Morgan: 247 +4
LT Alexander: 85 =
LCM Vereska: 99 =
LT Anton: Trainee

Squadron Citations: 56

MEM SQUADRON: Heavy Assault
COMMANDER: CPT Benjamin Jahou Morgan
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Vengeance
BANNER: mem.gif
MOTTO: Nostros Vindictatis! - Vengeance is ours!

Nickname: Palpatine's Ducks
Motto: Quacking Death
1) MAJ Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Izlude Flight
Motto: Loyalty never dies
1) LT Andreev Anton (
2) LT AlexanderDS (
3) COL Bilbo (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lucky four
Motto: Dont let the combat cramp your style
1) MAJ Yoman (
2) LCM Vereska (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Wise words of the week! "a good guy is a good guy as long he does not bad things"

Gentlemen dismissed

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