Gamma Report # 3 (2003-04-11)

This report was submitted by CM Sirik Xirok

Gamma Squadron Weekly Report-4/11/03

The fun never ends does it?

-Nothing really, the ChalCOM selected, congrats to Charles "Demos" Spencer.
-Wing XVIII WC selected, congrats to Davi Anthol.

-Comps are flying left and right!
-There is SSL, due TODAY. I'm sending them around 9:30pm EDT.
-O:OF, finish it! I haven't seen one battle for a looooong time.
-Teth is holding a TIE comp. Now, I need to know, do you guys want to play or not?
-The Trivia Comp ends Sunday around noon.
-#EHCOC comps, you know the speil if you you don't e-mail me.
-Beat Your Superiors, challenge me! You can play with run-ons,
missions, trivia, whatever.


Sirik Xirok-Good
-Flew XWA-FREE 94(mistake from last week)
-Did this report
-Is going to get an LoC

-Flew Bunch of stuff(TIE-TC 118, TIC-TC 115, TIE-TC 116, TIE-TC 117)
-Helped me with fixing Gamma HoloNet, which is

-IRC Activity
-FL Report

-Where are you? 23 more days to go.

Matt Patrick-Ok
-Reported In

Tirnan-New Guy
-Promoted to LT
-Completed IWATS Courses(AIM and SM/3)
-Flew XWA-FREE 25, XWA-FREE 94

-Fly for SSL before I submit. Out of 5, 3 of us have flown for SSL(Cyrus is currently joytickless but is recruiting)
-You guys are smart, try to do some of the Trivia(especially you Cyrus).

Final Notes
-I did this early and quickly cause I might not have time to do this tommorow night when I usually do it.
The Chiss of Insanaity! *loud appluade*

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