Omega Report # 0 (2003-05-05)

This report was submitted by COL Sasquatch

Time yet again for the Omega Squadron report! Brought to you LIVE from our fabulous studios aboard the SSSD Sovereign. The Omega Squadron report was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

Squadron News

- The big news this week : Victory over Sigma! Here's how everything worked out in the end :

CM Cahir : 405,176 pts.
MAJ Artyis : 401,852 pts.
LT Mateusz : 334,936 pts.
MAJ Al R.S. : 326,442 pts.
MAJ Koriel : 283,001 pts.
CM Grzmot : 152,040 pts.
Total of Six Highest Scorers : 1,903,447 pts.

CMDR/COL Sasquatch : 372,511 pts.
FM/LC Ixion Deathbringer : 316,636 pts.
FL/COL Brian : 366,374 pts.
FL/CPT Night Grue : 460,301 pts.
FM/MAJ Brandon : 407,081 pts.
Total of Six Highest Scorers : 1,922,903 pts.

As you can see, this was one CLOSE competition. We barely pulled this one out of the fire, but still -- a win is a win. And the Omega Victory Tour rolls on. I've asked Sigma's CMDR, MAJ Koriel, to pass along our regards for a competition well fought to his pilots. This one could have gone either way. Congrats go out to CPT Night Grue for having the competition high score! Grue has an IS-BW on the way for his efforts.

- More big news for this week : new blood in the squadron! We've been joined by CM Ras Kronar, formerly of Delta Squadron in Wing I. I think he's received a pretty warm welcome (judging from the state that you guys left the cantina in), and he's certainly wasting no time in flying, having submitted his files for both the TIE and XWA divisions of the SSL already. Welcome to Omega Squadron Ras, we're happy to have you here and hope that you enjoy your stay with us!

- LC Ixion Deathbringer has released the latest round of Omega Squadron uniforms! Thanks to Ixion, we will continue to look sharp in these red threads. They look like simple graphics, but Ix really put a lot of time into these. There was a bit of haggling with the Ops office involved, until a suitable template for Omega uniforms was agreed on; then there was the whole discussion about the placement of the squadron patch. Basically, there was a lot of work that went on "behind the scenes" in order for Ix to bring these uniforms to us. Great work, Ix!
Ixion has also released a list of those pilots who still need to load their uniforms onto their profiles at EH.Net. This is especially helpful for forgetful people like myself! Here is his list of people that need to upload a uniform :

Ras Kronar
Night Grue

I've loaded my uniform, and am now waiting for the Ops to approve it before it can be displayed; also I know that Brian has done the same thing. Ras, Manny and Grue ... you're great guys, but please don't walk around here naked ;-)

- FO Priyum Patel released an address to the entire TIE Corps this week, in which it was revealed that certain officers within the 'Rogue Dark Brotherhood' organization may be trying to form their own quasi-TIE Corps, and may begin to try and recruit pilots away from the EH. Priyum had these instructions for anyone who is approached about joining the 'Rogue TIE Corps' :

To our membership: If approached by anyone with the offer to join this pseudo-inferiority, then the least I ask of you is to simply ignore it. Ignore them. At most, send the email/log to myself ( and the Security Officer, VA Zoltar ( Then tell the turn-coats where they can stick their offer.

Of course, the entire matter is being hotly debated by both sides. In addition, it was announced this week that, after slanderous personal remarks against GA Ronin, no members of the 'Rogue DB' are to be allowed in any EH chat rooms. The Dark Brotherhood situation continues to be the single most important fleet-wide issue right now.

As far as I'm concerned, our squadron operations are business-as-usual for the foreseeable future. Yes, this is a big and continuing issue, and yes, it would probably be a good idea to stay up-to-date on what is happening. But when you wake up tomorrow, the EH is still going to be here. The TIE Corps is still going to be here. And Omega Squadron is still going to be here. I'm no expert, but I have to think that this is more than the DB Rogues can say about their new organization. Let's keep things in perspective, people.

- Here are the unofficial results of SSL CR#3, as presented by LC Todbringer :

1. Omega ................ 219,856
2. Sigma ................. 215,194
3. Praetorian ........... 137,703
4. Yod .................... 134,813
5. Inferno .................. 134,169
6. Kappa .................. 117,049
7. Psi ....................... 99,185
8. Theta ..................... 86,225
9. Rat Pack ............... 76,999
10. Pi ....................... 57,024
11. Diamondback ....... 49,752
12. Mem ................... 40,538
13. Daleth .................. 32,996
14. Gamma ................ 28,222
15. ASF .................... 28,049
16. Sin ...................... 28,008
17. Thunder ................. 24,107
18. Avenger ................. 23,049
19. Lamed ................... 19,291
20. Zayin ..................... 14,753
21. Rho ...................... 12,197
22. Delta ....................... 9,581

Hey, check out that top squadron! Excellent work gentlemen, all I can ask is that you keep this up!

- I've got quite a few high scores to report for this week, starting with ... LC Todbringer! Tod now holds the record for XWA-DB # 4. Nicely done, Tod. Also, we've got several new high scores here for MAJ Brandon : DB-TIE #'s 2, 7, and 9; as well as TC-TIE #'s 41, 49, 70, 97, 161, 179, 187, and 204. Outstanding flying, Brandon!

- Lastly, we had one medal award this week -- I have been awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire. I guess I'm doing something right ;-)

Squadron Orders

- Fly FREE-TIE # 183 for CR#4 of the SSL! Deadline on this is May 8th, this Thursday. Standard deadline rules apply here ... our results have to be in on the 9th, so your last full day to fly is the 8th. You can turn in submissions on the 9th, but the earlier the better -- I usually type up our results just whenever I can find the time on Fridays (but it's usually around 11:30pm EST). Right now I only have submissions from Ras and Brandon, and I'm going to be flying it shortly myself. That's going to bring us up to three, but be sure not to put this one off, guys. All of you 11th hour flyers are going to end up giving me an ulcer or something ;-)
I'm attaching the mission to this report, cause I've been doing that lately.

Activity Reports (04.27.03 -- 05.05.03)
CMDR/COL Sasquatch
04.27.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 114 for Sigma Squadron competition
05.02.03 - Awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire

FM/GN Compton
No Activity

FM/LC Ixion Deathbringer
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for MAJ Brandon
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for LC Todbringer
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for CPT Night Grue
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for MAJ Manijak
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for COL Brian
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for LC Ixion Deathbringer
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for GN Compton
04.28.03 - Completed uniform for COL Sasquatch
05.05.03 - Completed uniform for CM Ras Kronar
05.05.03 - Submitted Omega Squadron uniform template


FL/COL Brian
04.28.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 114 for Sigma Squadron competition

FM/CM Ras Kronar
05.01.03 - Joins Omega Squadron
05.02.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 183 for CR#4 of the SSL
05.02.03 - Completed FREE-XWA # 98 for XWA division of CR#4

FM/MAJ Manijak
No Activity


FL/CPT Night Grue
No Activity

FM/LC Todbringer
04.30.03 - Completed DB-XWA # 4

FM/MAJ Brandon
05.03.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 183 for CR#4 of the SSL


- Our recruiting efforts keep on keeping on. Out of the last 4 people to be invited, Ras is so far the only taker. I've done the math, not only for this round of recruiting, but for the past as well. When we send out invites, we've got a 1 out of 4 chance that the invitee is going to join. This whole "recruiting for an elite squadron" thing seems really easy, until you actually try to do it!

Well, that should just about wrap things up for this week. I'm kind of relieved to see that the "short report" was the exception instead of the new rule ... not sure how YOU guys feel about it though ;-)

Fly high and watch your six!

CMDR/COL Sasquatch / Omega / SSSD Sovereign
[GS] [BSx5] [PCx12] [ISMx10] [MoT-GH] [IS-BW-GR] [CoL] [CoB] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
[IWATS] [CBX] [GFX] [IIC/1] [M/1] [SM/1] [TM] [TT]
T/G 'Silhouette II'
Omega Squadron -- Sentinels of the Fleet Commander
"We Bring Death!"
Shameless Omega Squadron Merchandise -

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