Omega Report # 0 (2003-06-16)

This report was submitted by GN Sasquatch

Greetings everyone, and welcome to this week's Omega Squadron report. Let's get the old ball rolling ...

Squadron News

- The big news this week was the promotion of Brandon to Lieutenant Colonel! Brandon's still away on leave until July, but just think of all the drinks he will owe us for his promo party. I plan to charge interest ;-)

- We had some medals handed out this week! Congrats go out to CPT Night Grue for being awarded two Iron Stars with Silver Wings. These are for Grue's second place positions in CR#4 and CR#5 of the SSL. Excellent flying!

- But that's not all! MAJ Artyis was awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Wings, due to his third place finish during CR#5. Great job, Artyis!

- Ixion's e-mail problems have been resolved, and he is back in action. He's even created new uniforms for Artyis and Brandon! Nice work, X.

- And we've had some new high scores set this week! Some more great flying by MAJ Artyis, who recently flew (and conquered) TC-TIE # 201, "Quarga's Bounty : The Life and Death of COL Beef". This is a HUGE battle, and Artyis managed to set 19 new mission high scores, as well as setting a new overall battle high score. Nicely done, Artyis!

- CM Ras Kronar has started work on two ambitious projects. The first is a squadron portrait of Omega! In order to make it work however, Ras needs EACH of you to send him a description of how you want to look in the picture. Ras has threatened that anyone that fails to send him a description will be drawn as a CareBear -- you have been warned. Be sure to get your descriptions in!

- Ras has also undertaken a project to re-design the layout of the downloadable EH Training Manual. This is something that will benefit everyone in the TIE Corps, and it's great to see someone taking the initiative on a project like this. Good luck, Ras!

Squadron Orders

- Fly TC-TIE # 221, "Relentless COM's Honor Guard", for CR#7 of the SSL! Deadline is June 20th, which means that your last full day to fly is this Thursday, the 19th. I only have two submissions right now (Brandon and Ras), so don't keep me in suspense! Be sure to get your submissions in. This is the next-to-last round before the playoffs, so let's keep that momentum going and have a good turn-out! You'll find the mission attached to this report.

- Wing II's WC, GN Stele Pelleon, has started a competition entitled "The General's Summer Patrol". While it will not be easy, it does give you the opportunity to win a set of the coveted Gold Wings for your Iron Star! Here's the details :


Hello Pilots of the SSSD Sovereign. This is GN Stele Pellaeon of Wing II here.

The Summer is nearing and it's time for a little vacation for a lot of us. Not me, boys and girls. This Summer I'm looking for dedicated and eager pilots to sign up for a patrol that will take us through the Emperor's Hammer.

This Summer, I'm looking for pilots who are willing to sign up for a two month patrol. What kind of patrol you ask? Just a simple patrol of flying for two months!

Pilots who sign up will be tasked to fly 7 missions per week in which pilot files must be submitted to me every Sunday night. LoCs will count as missions too but you must point them out to me.

I will assign the pilots on patrol with me a selection of up to 14 missions and 2 battles per platform, but only 7 need be flown. The next week, a new selection of missions will be assigned.

Those who can survive this Summer Patrol will be awarded an Iron Star Gold Wing. Those unable to fly the required mission amount, must be dropped off the nearest EH planet where you will be transferred back to the Sovereign :( Sorry..

Sign up here! The Summer Patrol starts the 21st of June, this saturday, so sign up now or never! This may be your one and only chance to get an Iron Star Gold Wing that will be well deserved.


I'm going to sign up for this myself, just to see if I can do it. Anyone else who is interested should check out the website above. Remember, your deadline to sign up is this Saturday!

- Lastly, remember to e-mail Ras with a description of how you would like to be portrayed in the Omega Squadron Portrait that he is making.

Activity Reports (06.09.03 -- 06.16.03)
CMDR/GN Sasquatch
06.13.03 - Awarded the Imperial Security Medal

FM/GN Compton
No Activity

FM/LC Ixion Deathbringer
06.16.03 - Completed uniform for LC Brandon
06.16.03 - Completed uniform for MAJ Artyis


FL/COL Brian
No Activity

FM/CM Ras Kronar
06.12.03 - Working on Omega Squadron 'portrait'
06.13.03 - Submits prototype Adobe offline Training Manual
06.13.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 221 for CR#7 of the SSL

FM/MAJ Manijak
No Activity


FL/CPT Night Grue
06.09.03 - Awarded the Iron Star with Silver Wings
06.09.03 - Awarded the Iron Star with Silver Wings

FM/LC Todbringer
No Activity

FM/LC Brandon
06.09.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 221 for CR#7 of the SSL
06.10.03 - Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel

FM/MAJ Artyis
06.09.03 - Awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Wings


- My prediction for Sov Quote of the Week : "I have nipples Tod, could you milk me?" -- LC Janich

- Sunday, June 15th was my five year anniversary being a member of the EH. It's been a wild and crazy five years, and I've enjoyed every minute. So here's to five more years, and the next few rounds are on me!

- CMDR's Product Spotlight -- WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos. If you like real time strategy ... and especially if you're a fan of the WarCraft franchise, or Blizzard Entertainment ... then maybe it's time for a return trip to the lands of Azeroth. This game came out about a year ago, and I kept seeing it on the store shelves. And everytime, I would ask myself, "Why haven't I bought that game yet? I know I'm going to love it". Well, a year later, I finally got around to buying it. If it seems like I've been quiet lately, this is why! I highly recommend it if you're a fan of RTS. Just an excellent, really well-done game.

Okay, that's going to do it for this week. Until next time ... fly high and watch your six!

CMDR/GN Sasquatch / Omega / SSSD Sovereign
[GS] [BSx5] [PCx12] [ISMx11] [MoT-GH] [IS-BW-GR] [CoL] [CoB] [LoAx2] [OV-5E]
[IWATS] [CBX] [GFX] [IIC/1] [M/1] [SM/1] [TM] [TT]
T/G 'Silhouette II'
Omega Squadron -- Sentinels of the Fleet Commander
"We Bring Death!"
Shameless Omega Squadron Merchandise -

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