Alpha Report # 0 (2003-06-27)

This report was submitted by MAJ Talons Pryde

SSSD Sovereign
Wing 1
Alpha Squadron
Weekly Report
Communiqué: 20030627.2030

Esteemed WC,
For the week ending June 27, 2003:

Status Position Rank Member Activity
Flight 1: Jaded Hearts Roster
Active Commander Major Talons Pryde Did report. Filed alot of BSF's
Active Alpha 1-2 LT Shivor Dahr Flew and may have a high score
Alpha 1-3 Vacant
Alpha 1-4 Vacant

Flight 2: The Black Knights Roster
Active Flight Leader LCM Kahooli Flew battle #7
Inactive Alpha 2-2 LT Heero Grounded. Someone get him a message -- Get active by September or find a replacement before leaving.
Alpha 2-3 Vacant
Alpha 2-4 Vacant

Flight 3: Flaming Spades Roster
Active Flight Leader Captain Vector How are you doing? Get me an update on your situation.
Active Alpha 3-2 LT Arlins Scabo Excellent work -- another 18 to 23 FCHG points!
Alpha 3-3 Vacant
Alpha 3-4 Vacant

Flight leaders, Monday is the end of the month. I need your flight reports by Sunday morning. I will be checking my e-mail approximately 8 am and your repoorts had better be on my desk. I need these reports to complete my Monthly evaluation. Your report should contain a summary of the pilot's activities as well as the number of FCHG points earned in the past month. This will help me better evaluate your status and situation.

SSL#8 has been posted and I am waiting to find out what the TIE platform mission is. Someone get me the list fopr all three platforms.

I will still take submissions for the "Rename Alpha" comp. There will be no medals given as the time expired. Someone give Alpha a new nick-name! Our motto is "We came, we saw, we destroyed". Let me see something of a suggestion with a graphic to accompany.

Alpha has a shot at making the finals in the SSL. I want all pilots flying this final mission! I want them by the 2nd of July! I will have them BSF'ed that night before I go to work. I want to see Alpha take the pride of the wing to the end!

I want a full report in by next week from all pilots in the squadron. This report in must be made no later than the morning of the 4th. Those that fail will be on warning! Let us get out there in those fighters and kick some serious ass!

-- Anthony Jerome R. Thorn
Talons Pryde
Galaxy Commander, C.O. Jaded Hearts
Clan Jade Falcon, JFOZ, Evcilier

CMDR/MAJ Talons Pryde/Alpha/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
PCx3/ISMx4/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/MoC-1BoC/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [CNTR]

BTM/JH Talons Pryde/Ebon Cloak/Acclivis Drao/Scholae Palatinae SE/CR-1S/CR-1Tx2/SI
Alpha Horseman

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