Odin Report # 14 (2003-06-22)

This report was submitted by CPT Pickled Yoda

Odin Squadron
Validus Auxilium eccere limes a Victoria
Might and Power is the path to Victory

-- | Transmitting... | --

-- | Recieving.. | --

 -- | Opening file Odin Weekly Squadron Report Number 14 | --
-- |  by Officer CPT Pickled Yoda | --
-- | Current Date: 22nd of June, 2003.| --

A Reading from the Book of Odin, Chapter 14

 ----------------- News  -----------------
Grey Wolf News
CM Choosh got promoted to CMDR/CPT of Phoenix

Fleet News:
Security Officer Zoltar rumoured to have started a secret project. It should be noted that these rumours also involved JoeyC, so it can't be right.

Commendation of Service to Yoda ( Plotline - XvT DB 11 )
Medal of Tactics - Red Hammer to Yoda ( XvT DB 11 )


Total Pilot files: Four

 ----------------- Surf's Up!  -----------------

Surf's Up! Laugh a minute entertainment from the Emperor's Hammer, IRC and the real world or your money back!*

Yoda's Movie Review : Bruce Almighty
Decent movie, worth watching. This is not Jim Carrey's greatest hour, but it does provide and hour and a half of solid entertainment
Comedy Value - 3.5 out of 5
Worth watching again? - Not immensly.
* - Assuming you were stupid enough to believe me when I said you actually had to pay for the privaledge of hearing my whining and rambling.

 ----------------- War Room  -----------------

For the next week I will be surfing the IRC channels itching for a squadron to fight, I think we all need a kick start to get back to our insanely high standards.
SSL Round Seven is over and as you might have guessed, Round Eight is upon us! I cannot emphasise enough how important the final placings will be to our chances in this competition. Fly XvT F 90 and fly it well.
Resurgence What was this again? Oh yes, the MP comp I actually flew in. *shock*. I was hoping for a big fat shiny medal here...no such luck....so far. I live in hope. Since the flaggies actually read this, I will add that I am a big fan of their work and hope to see results soon.
Hammer to Counterattck Odin had one submission, from Apophis Kuma. Looked a good score, so I hope you beat Choosh.

 ----------------- Activity  -----------------
CPT Yoda
School is out at the end of the week, internet time is returning and I am ready to fly. I want to reach 1500 FCHG ASAP.
As you might have guessed from the medals I got, the round two Mission Creation Wars Submission I made with Choosh is now on the Database. I want you to fly it soon. It is XvT - DB 11, called;
The Rogue Dark Brotherhood Chronicles : Prelude to Rebellion.

LCM Apophis Kuma
Flew the XvT-Free 118 for SSL 2003 mission week 7
Flew XvT-TC 68 for the WC's comp
Will be working on the SSL week 8 mission (when its announced).
Reported in
Wrote flight report
Was appointed TCC:XvT and doing lots

LT Ghorg
No report, but flew XvT F 118 for SSL.

The No-Reporters
CM Kael
MAJ Kelh
LT Porshakka
Naughty pilots! You will report to the Bridge at 0700 tomorrow for tee duty while COM Khadgar works on his golf swing. For your sake, I sincerely hope he has improved since the last time that punishment was assigned to a pilot.

 ----------------- Squadron Commander's Office  -----------------

A reading from the Monk Bible, Book of Genesis, Chapter One:
In the begining there was darkness, for their was no instant messenger communication between people. And then, from the murky depths of the internet, came Imperial Relay Chat, from which spawned chat, good times, new friends and cybersex. And the Lord, in his wisdom, saw that it was good.

Good News! I have seen all of you on IRC. *ticks IRC off the list* The foundation of a great squadron is active members who are in contact with the EH world. IRC is a big reason for the success of club's like the EH.

As I mentioned, Choosh is now a CMDR! Choosh is now offically ordained as a High Monk, for reaching the plateau of CMDR. Anyone who took the more than generous odds on the chance that we would amount to holding these kind of positions would be a rich individual. Good thing for my betting shack, no one did.

XvT F 90
Squadron Members
 ----------------- FCHG and CR Standings -----------------

[1290] CPT Yoda (41)
[550] MAJ Kelh (13)
[345] LCM Apophis
[67] CM Kael
[63] LT Ghorg
[35] LT Porshakka

CPT Pickled Yoda/ Wing XIII / ISD Grey Wolf /

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