Vampire Report # 38 (2003-08-01)

This report was submitted by MAJ VinDoros

CMDR/MAJ VinDoros Reporting in for Vampire Squadron, August 1st 2003
TC News you can use:

XWA testers/engineers sought
As mailed by TCC:XWA/COL Master: Here's the XWA Requirements, I have no spots filled yet. Quick people, i dont want an essay or something, a simple email will do it.

Mike, Philo can one of u post these on the TC page for me, so more people see it.

Above the Rank of LT or above
Can work under pressure

Own registered version of Allied
LT or above
Passed XAM
One XWA Battle/FREE in the Mission Compendium (or testing queue)

Your to explain why you want the job, tell me anything u belive i should know.

Squadron News:

Our competition with Tau is now concluded. I emailed our results to MAJ Silvori, still waiting on his results. Great job to Arso and Mosh, who also flew for this competition. However, we were 1 submission short of what was needed...not sure how badly that hurt us in this competition. I guess we'll see. A pretty slow week for Vampire overall. Only one more round left in the Sov Squad Leauge...the Finals. Two more weeks. Let's hang in there. Squadron citations continue to move along. Last week, we were at 74, and thanks to COL Arso's efforts this week, we're up to 76. Only 24 left to reach 100 :)
Other News:
CPT Aeolus disappeared for a while, then returned with an explanation of why he'd been gone. Since his holo message announcing his return, he's...disappeared again. In other news, a service technician on deck 10 reported an animal grunting sound coming from janitorial closet 10-C. He also heard what he described as "whimpering" coming from the closet as well. One other thing...Mosh has reported his gundark as missing...if anyone sees him, they are to contact Mosh ASAP. And be careful...according to Mosh, the gundark is in "heat".
Squadron Status/Orders:
Sov Squad League, Playoffs Round 2: TC-XWA 33 is the battle to fly...that is due TODAY. So far, i've got 5 submissions...could use one more. The Finals should be announced this weekend sometime. Anyone with a last minute submission should send it to me by early evening tonight, EST.
The Wing Commander of Wing XI has an open challenge to all of the Immortal. Any pilot who accepts will choose a free mission for any platform (except XW), or challenge the WC to an MP match on any platform. If the pilot beats the WC, he/she gets an IS-BW. 
I suggest that any of you who were looking to increase your IS-BW count, go beat on our poor new Wing Commander. Beating him should be pretty easy, since he's been playing a lot of Galaxies, and his flying skills are probably rusty...hehe.
Vampire Citation Corner:
(1-1)MAJ VinDoros = TIE-TC 200, TIE-TC 132, TIE-TC 134, TIE-TC 135, TIE-TC 136,
(1-2)MAJ Mosh = XWA-IW 2, XWA-IW 4, XWA-IW 5, XWA-IW 6, XWA-IW 7,
(1-3)CPT Aeolus = TIE-TC 76, TIE-TC 86, TIE-TC 133, TIE-TC 159, TIE-TC 165,
(2-1)CM Kane Reese = XWA-TC 20, XWA-TC 33,
(2-2)COL Arso Slyth = TIE-TC 29, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, TIE-TC 33, TIE-TC 36,
(2-3)CM Deimos = XWA-CAB 5,
(3-1)LT Orrimaarko Reeft = TIE-TC 41, TIE-IW 1, XWA-IW 8, XWA-DB 1, XWA-DB 2,
(3-2)CM Eriond Kath'Razzit = TIE-TC 13, TIE-TC 15, TIE-TC 16, TIE-TC 20, TIE-TC 21,
(3-3)LT Nurgas Hui = TIE-TC 42, TIE-TC 67, TIE-TC 178, XWA-DB 3, XWA-CAB 1,
Number of citations to gain after completing these assignments:32
Remember, these are optional, not mandatory. And I know that a couple of these aren't flyable for some of you. They're just what came up in the citboard program.
None this week
Activity Reports:
MAJ VinDoros
CMDR Stuff, Flew TIE-TC 129, 131
MAJ Mosh
Flew XvTF-142 for Vamp vs. Tau, Flew TC-XWA 33 for Sov Squad League Round 2 Playoffs - on leave
CPT Aeolus
nothing this week
CM Kane Reese
Flew TC-XWA 33 for Sov Squad League Round 2 Playoffs, created GFX for Tau Squadron
COL Arso
Flew XvTF-142 for Vamp vs. Tau, TC-XWA22, Flew TC-XWA19,IW-XWA 3 (note: no email confirmation on this one), IW-XWA 7, 8, TC-XWA 19, 30, Flew TC-XWA 33 for Sov Squad League, Playoffs Round 2 - Great work this week, Arso!
CM Deimos
Flew TC-XWA 33 for the Sov Squad League Playoffs, Round 2
LT Orrimaarko Reeft
on leave
CM Eriond Kath'Razzit
on leave
LT Nurgas Hui
on leave
Bloodsucker of the Week:
For the second row in two weeks, congratulations to COL Arso! One more for an ISM! Your activity this last couple weeks has been a great help to the squadron.
Final Thought:
I know you guys are busy. But only ONE more round of the Sov Squad League. You guys are doing great, so let's finish this thing we started. Also, if you have RL stuff to do, that you think will run more than a week, remember to turn your leave status on, and drop me a line, so I know what's goin on. One of my favorite things to brag about with Vampire Squadron is not only our activity, and capability...but our level of communication, and pretty much how I always know how you guys are doing. So, I don't mind people long as I know what's up with you ;)   Have a great weekend, gentlemen!
Squadron Roster:
NICKNAME: Predators of the Night
BANNER: vampire.jpg
MOTTO: Darkness is our ally

Nickname: Daywalkers
Motto: There are worse things out tonight than the Empire
1) MAJ VinDoros (
2) MAJ Mosh (
3) CPT Aeolus (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Nightstalkers
Motto: Like the Vampire of Legend, we cast a shadow of fear into the hearts of our opponents
1) CM Kane Reese (
2) COL Arso Slyth (
3) CM Deimos (
4) TBA

Nickname: Silent Assasins
Motto: Quick as Wind, Deadly as Fire
1) LT Orrimaarko Reeft (
2) CM Eriond Kath'Razzit (
3) LT Nurgas Hui (
4) TBA

Total: 9
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (59)

Squadron Citations (76):

Important Links:
Vampire Squadron Homepage: (still under construction)
Immortal Message Boards:
That's it for this week....
Take care of yourselves, and each other...Goodnight! (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!)
***CMDR/MAJ VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
***DJK VinDoros (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum

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