Ranger Report # 109 (2002-06-29)

This report was submitted by CM VinDoros

CMDR/CM VinDoros Reporting in for Ranger Squaron, 29.06.02
    The Ranger Squadron Commander, VinDoros, walked into the Ranger Briefing room. The pilots ceased their chatter, and turned their attention to the podeum. Commander VinDoros shuffled through several datapads, until he arranged them into the order he wanted them. "As you all are aware, we have a new pilot. He arrived last week, and since that time has put forth considerable effort to fit in. Sub-Lieutenant Anson Darkrider, please step forward."  Anson hesitantly looked around. He saw all the pilots and the Ranger Commander were all looking at him. He got up and approached the podeum, then snapped to attention. "For completing an outstanding number of combat simulations since your arrival, I hereby Promote you to the rank of full Lieutanant, with all privileges and reposponsiblities that go with it." Commander VinDoros then opened a small box, showed Anson the contents, then removed the Lieutenant's bars. Vin then reached over and pinned the bars on Anson's chest.  "Congratulations, Lieutanant Darkrider, you're now an official LURP." The rest of Ranger Squadron got to its feet, and came over to congratulate their newly promoted comrade. Vin said, "The bar is open, and drinks are on the Lieutenant!"  The Ranger's cheered, and headed for the bar.
Squadron News:
  • SL Anson Darkrider was promoted to LT! Nice work! We know you'll fit in just fine here in Ranger Squadron!
  • I'd also like to announce my choice of an XO, LCM Zexphir Van Taeylan! He is now officially my second in command! Congratulations Aeolus! 
  • With the help of LT Anson Darkrider, the Squadron Citations are climbing.  I don't mind that one bit :P
  • IWATS: Big week for us in IWATS. CM Alex Foley passed PHP,  XTM/2, SM/3, VBS, IIC/2, and IIC/3! WOW! Nice work Alex! And I passed the XTM/2 coursse (not sure how :P)
  • Shiny Medals this week: CM Alex Foley was awarded a BS, SS, and IS-SR(first time i've ever seen anyone awarded all the stars in one month: Gold, Silver and Bronze :P). LCM Zexphir Van Taeylan was awarded an ISM, IS-SR, and LoAx2 for his excellent graphics. Maj Gidda received a MoT-bh, and LoAx2, and your lovable Commander took home a MoT-gh(for XWAF 73 Space Truck, my first released mission...yaaahoo!), LoAx7, LoCx17, and DFCx2...I would have to say my MP skills are improving :P
Other News:
  • Major Spearhawk returned from leave(/me starts sobbing...we missed you, man!)
  • IWATS NEEDS PROFESSORS!  For ICQ, GFX, and ASP.If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, send an application email to:  (mell@tiecorps.org) Please list 3 references (1 to be a current superior)
  • Important Internet Office News: The Internet Office has released Report #44 which contains information which pertains to every EHer. Please be sure to read it at http://www.ehnet.org/article.php?a=view&id=38. It contains information about the upcoming Project Hawkeye II, PHP upgrades to MinosNIC, the PHP IWATS course, the KLEZ virus epidemic, and the results of the EH Holonet Awards. For a complete list of the EHHA winners, go to http://www.rawx.net/~io/ehha/results.php. Congratulations to the winners and runners-up, a hearty round of applause for all the nominees, and many thanks to the voters themselves!
Squadron Status/Orders:
  • Comp against Phantom is on! Details are here Let's show 'em what Ranger is made of!
  • WC's Own for June...almost the end of the month, and I think Ranger made a good showing...we'll know the results in a couple days.
  • Thursday is "The Night of the Lost Souls". The ISD Immortal multiplayer competition will take place from 20 GMT to 22 GMT (15:00 - 17:00 EST) and will be held on #ISD_Immortal and #EHCOC (Undernet servers).
  • Let's try to fly a few battles, and get our citations up.
  • COM's Co-Pilot Competition: Begins July 1st, and ending date is July 15th. The COM is going on leave. He's leaving his ship, called the Space Truck behind for us to keep an eye on. Fly XWAF73 Space Truck. Open to all pilots on the Immortal. Top Scorer get IS-SW and gets to be the COM's Co-Pilot. 2nd place earns a IS-BW.
Activity Reports:
-CM VinDoros
CMDR Duties,Completed IWATS XTM/2 course, Completed TIEDB 12, 13, XvTF11, and XWAF 69(with new HS), awarded LoCx17, DFCx2, and LoAx7
-CM Alex Foley
Email contact,Completed IWATS IIC/2, IIC/3, SM/3, VBS, PHP, and XTM/2 courses, Awarded BS, SS, and IS-SR
-LCM Zexiphir Van Taeylan
Made Ranger XO, Awarded LoAx2, IS-SR, and ISM, IRC contact
-LCM Braxton
Email and IRC contact, alive and well :)
-Maj Gidda
Awarded MoT-bh(correcting missions for TAC Office), LoAx2, working on mission design, IRC contact
-CM Jene Starwind
Message board activity
-LT Anson Darkrider
Completed XWA-TC 2,4,7,16,25, and 30(nice flying :P) and Promoted to LT
LURP of the Week: This week the award goes to CM Alex Foley! Six IWATS courses isnt' easy, and he picked some of the hardest ones to tackle. Nice work, Alex!
Squadron Roster:

CM VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: Champions of the Empire
MOTTO: The Elite shall live, the Weak shall perish
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.emperorshammer.net/mb/view.asp?b=22

Nickname: Nightmare's Reality
Motto: Virtute Siderum Tenus
CM VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)
CM Alex Foley (alexfoley@dombek.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Hellfish
Motto: Fly with us or choose your fate and die
1) LCM Zexiphir Van Taelyan (athes02@earthlink.net)
LCM Nicolai Braxton (njb15@ix.netcom.com)
MAJ Gidda (ehgidda@libero.it )
4) TBA

Nickname: Shadows of Space
Motto: Those who are brave can only succeed
CM Jene Starwind (Jenestarwind0@yahoo.com)
LT Anson Darkrider (hit4cycle@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings |
Squadron Reports (106)

Squadron Citations (26):
   TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
   TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
   XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
   XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
   XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
   XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
   XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
   XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
   XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
   XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
   XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
   XWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium Deception
   XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
   XWA-TC Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
   XWA-TC Battle 15 - Nasty Surprise
   XWA-TC Battle 16 - The History of the ISD Relentless
   XWA-TC Battle 25 - Ticket to Chimaera
   XWA-TC Battle 30 - Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon
   XWA-IW Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
   XWA-IW Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
   XWA-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
   XWA-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
   XWA-IW Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
   XWA-IW Battle 27 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawal


Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM VinDoros/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


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