Phoenix Report # 12 (2002-08-09)

This report was submitted by CPT Mage


Another shiny new report... enjoy.


CMDR/CPT Mage/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
PC/ISM/LoC-ISx11/MoC-3SoC/CoB/LoAx7/OV-2E [DRAG]

OW Mage (Obelisk)/M:CoG-QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: CRU-S]

"...The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he
didn't exist..."


[Squadron News]

The FCHG race is nearing its end! I apologize profusely to those of you
who won't be included in it, and promise big shinies to those of you who
tried ever-so-hard anyway. :)

[Squadron Status]

I'm still eying our citation page... it needs help! Everyone, please
keep flying those XvT-TC's!
SL Tai Urdel has been AWOL'd.

[Activity Reports]

Captain Mage
- Returned from leave
- Passed XAM
- Awarded a MoC-soc
ASF points - 5

LCM Kommandor
- Nothing! >=(

SL Tai Urdel
- AWOL'd

LT Ava Lanche
- Nothing! >=(

CPT Con Selar
- XvT-TC 30, XvT-TC 36, XvT-TC 38, XvT-TC 39, XvT-TC 40, XvT-TC 41,
XvT-TC 44, XvT-TC 45, XvT-TC 42, XvT-TC 43
ASF points - lots. :P

LCM Mad Max
- XvT-FREE 97, BoP-TC 11, XvT-TC 45
- Passed XTM/1
ASF points - 23

MAJ CrazyR2
- Returned from leave

CPT Cmr Brown
- LOW IRC presence

LT Choosh
- XvT-TC 33, XvT-TC 34, XvT-TC 38, XvT-TC 39, XvT-TC 41, XvT-TC 44,
XvT-TC 37, XvT-TC 43, XvT-TC 45
- Passed XTM/2, CBX, VBS, RT
ASF points - many. :P


Overall, not a bad two weeks... the whole Wing is struggling, so it is
good to see you guys trying to lead the pack.

Hopefully, Janson will have a mission count for July to us shortly. :)

CPT Mage

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