Delta Report # 0 (2002-08-02)

This report was submitted by CPT Argon Viper

Delta Squadron Weekly Report

Squadron News

"And now for something completely different" - Monty Python's Flying Circus

-Well, we hit the summer trough pretty late, but we seem to have finally hit it. Hendl and Eric are both on leave, and Flash and Starr are both in or soon to be in the reserves...
-"In the stock market today, values went up. Also, thingy's went down, tacks moved sideways, and little pingy things went pong. Teeth wiggled, ears drooped, and buttocks clenched. The smicky smacky smock went wicky wacky woo, and tonks went bang." - Excerpt from Monty Python's Flying Circus

~*~Note: Not all the stories here are real. We ran a little bit short on good material, so we decided to wing it. However, we, the producers, feel that all of these events are perfectly plausible ones, and should be treated as real.

Squadron Activity
:) = Good :| = Decent :( = Bad ;P = Argon

CPT Argon Viper - ;P
-Wrote Thrak'sai Episode 1: Asteroids and More

CM Bonzo - :)
-Submitted his Flight Report
-Flew TC-XWA #6
-Flew TC-XWA #7

LT Hendl Fin'Rotha - :|
-Is on leave

CM Ras Kronar - :)
-Submitted his Flight Report
-Flew TC-XWA #17
-Needs to stay in more frequent contact with his FMs...

CM Eric - :|
-Is on leave

CM Gyssler - :|
-Didn't hear from him this week...

Squadron Orders
-Okay, I'm going to go through the FL system one more time in great detail:
1)FM reports to the FL every week by Thursday
2)FL makes a nice little report and sends it to me and his FMs by Friday
3)If the FM doesn't receive a report from his FL by Friday, he/she sends me their report
4)I send my report out every Saturday.
-The rules on this for FLs are this:
1)If an FL fails to report for one week, a warning is given
2)If an FL fails to report for two weeks, I will begin to look for another FL
-The rules on this for FMs is this:
1)If an FM fails to report for one week, a warning is given
2)If an FM fails to report for two weeks, he/she is put on AWOL watch
3)If an FM fails to report for an entire month, I use the dreaded AWOL
-Sorry for having to go this far, but I'm noticing a significant downfall in the quality of how this is handled.
-As always, fly what you can ;)

Squadron Roster

CPT Argon Viper
Psycho Whiphid
"That drunk guy..."
Delta Squadron Commander
Wing Sociopath and Fiction Writer

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