Yod Report # 27 (2002-08-11)

This report was submitted by MAJ Philo

Major Philo reporting in for Yod Squadron 08.11.02

Fleet News:

Appointments/Positions Open:

BGCOM/PROF Drake has resigned from his positions to the reserves.
PROF Quake has also resigned from the Graphics professorshp.

Thanks to both of these officers for all the fine work they’ve done for the EH. Applications are being accepted by TO Mell for the professor positions until August 15.

Other News:

OPS Howlader is on leave this week, so medals will be delayed.
Be nice… or else!

Ship News:

The Sovereign Bombing Run Blowout continues. The first TIE mission is due to Halc (and me) by Aug 14.

Wing News:

Lamed, Teth, and Yod all had matches in CSL2. Yod won, Teth tied, and Lamed lost. Yod and Teth have already qualified for the quarterfinals, which will start in 3 weeks or so. Go Wing IV!

Squadron News/Orders:


LT Jakar Streng graduated from the IWATS PHP class.

CPT Morth has returned from leave.

MAJ Philo was awarded an IS-BW.

Colossus Squadron League 2:

Week 8:

Foxy and I submitted our pilot files unopposed, and we ended up winning 2-0. This means that during the regular season, every pilot file submitted was a goal scorer. Well done, everyone. There are still 2 weeks of regular season left for some squadrons, so we’ve got a break before the playoffs.


Fly TIE-TC 195 sometime this month for the Kaph comp. This battle actually has some very difficult battles, so get an early start if you can.
Fly, draw and write for the Sov Bombing Run blowout, if you can. There will be Wing and Squadron awards, and I’d really like to continue our good showing in large comps.


Let me know if I leave anything out on your activity report.

Squadron Review:

MAJ Philo:

On rotation in Shield Squadron
Completed XvT-ID1; TIE-TC 106; TIE-FREE 172; Sov BRB mission 1
Advanced in Avenger Squadron 1 v 1 tournament
Lost in Sov BRB XWA ladder
Played several multiplayer matches
Awarded IS-BW
Usual CMDR stuff

CM Red Fox

Completed TIE-FREE 172; TIE-TC 38,40,41; Sov BRB mission 1
Active on email

CPT Morth

Returned from leave
Seen on IRC

CM Matt Patrick

Active on IRC

LT Jakar Streng

Completed IWATS PHP course

(VA Krax Tarnisar

Active on email and messageboards)

Comments: There should be plenty to keep you all busy. Let’s see some more activity!

COMMANDER: CPT Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Dark Lancers
BANNER: yod.jpg
MOTTO: In Yod We Trust
HOMEPAGE: http://ehyod.tripod.ca/yod.htm

Nickname: Da Wulfpack
Motto: Age quod agis
1) CPT Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Crazy Aces
Motto: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the cockpit
1) CM Red Fox (ranger_tarkin@yahoo.com)
2) CPT Morth (EHDrakalMorth@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Winged Death
Motto: Death is your only escape
1) CM Matt Patrick (Patrick222@compsupport.net)
2) LT Jakar Streng (streng@usafcct.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/MAJ Philo/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
BS/PCx3/ISM/MoT-2rh/IS-11BW-1BR-3SW-2SR-1GW-2GR-1PW/LoC-ISx17/CoL/CoB [LGNR]
PRT (Sith)/FL/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
Steward of the Emperor’s Hammer

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