Rho Report # 21 (2002-08-27)

This report was submitted by MAJ Seth Crimson

Here's my weekly report for August 27, 02 - MAJ Seth Crimson

Squadron News:
Hello all. Its been quit a week for me and i must say its only tuesday and i'm dead tired. But anyway the squad participation in things is lagging badly, I want missions flown, competition participation done, write for the wing 2 wing 3 comp, make a picture do something don't become a bump on the log people.

Also i've just sent out some e-mails offering help to CT's, and i want to see all of you doing the same... think of it as your personal big brothers experiance.

Don't forget the SBRB comp mission three is up, and also the wing 2, wing 3 comp... the run-on is on the Sov MB.

Also i would like to announce that me and LCM Viper are looking into starting up an MP Training night type deal. It will focus on improveing your MP flying so you can represent wing 2 in up comeing events dealing with MP. I will have more on this next week. So those of you with XWA/XvT let me know if your interested so i cna get an estiment on who all will be involved... and of course you can join in at any time just ask me and i'll send you the schedule when we start.

To end on a side note my mother is adjusting well to being home again, its rough in the sense that i started college today but things seem to be looking good.
Squadron Activity:

CPT Seth Crimson:
-talked to squad members

LT. Conker:
-I know your computer is still messed up but i'm sorry to say i'm giveing you until the 15 so please if you read this get back to me ASAP.

LCM. Viper
-Flew XWA IW-25, 26,24,27
-Flew XWA CAB-1

-Talked to commander on IRC

LT Jacalo Solan
-Hopefully figured out a mission and will try flying it.

LT TK-9398
-No contact made AGAIN!

LT Serin Jansj
-Working hard on a project for the Squad.


COMMANDER: CPT Seth Crimson (Sykoknight1229@aol.com)
NICKNAME: Eternal Legends
MOTTO: Our Lasers Light the Way to Hell

Nickname: Emperor's Trout-Slappers
Motto: Taste the wrath of our trout!
1) MAJ Seth Crimson (Sykoknight1229@aol.com)
2) LT. Conker (DrJimmy666@yahoo.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Colon busters
Motto: Who you gonna call?
1) LT. Dweezil (aelvoet_bram@hotmail.com)
2) LT TK-9398 (worfy79@hotmail.com)
3) LT Serin Jansj (yeoldeparapet@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Motto: Honour and Intergity, the True Path to Victory and Glory
1) LCM Viper (FWCJR@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LT Jacalo Solan (jace_solo@hotmail.com)

Total: 8

OK then thats it for now, keep flying, stay careful, and recruit, And also THOSE WHO HAVEN"T FLOWN DO SO PLEASE. Till next week.

CMDR/MAJ Seth Crimson/Rho 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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