Mem Report # 11 (1999-12-04)

This report was submitted by LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan

Greetings, everyone!

A quiet week this time. A new CMDR for Pe Squadron arrives and the SSSD Sovereign competition results are finally published. Nothing special to say, so let's get on with the report.

Squadron News :

- As mentioned above, Pe squadron now has a CMDR: CM Jahan Kalar from Wing III. I would like to welcome him aboard and offer him a free drink in Airlock-21, and I urge you all to do the same!

- After many weeks of frustrating waiting, the SSSD Sovereign October/November comp. results are finally brought for us to see. Once again the prizes managed to evade Wing V, with 3 first positions going to Sigma squadron of Wing II. Amazing!

Top Scorers:
1. FM/LT Esm'ael Rasxus/Sigma 1-4/Wing II/SSSD Sov - 366.143
2. FM/LCM Artyis/Sigma 1-2/Wing II/SSSD Sov - 365.954
3. CMDR/CPT Todbringer/Sigma 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sov - 360.328
4. FM/COL-Baron Dread/Omega 3-2/SSSD Sov - 349.581
5. FM/MAJ Eugene/Beta 1-3/Wing I/SSSD Sov - 348.817

And for the sake of convenience, here are the final results for our wing :

Wing V (15 entries)
FM/LT Ixion Deathbringer/Nun 1-3/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 311.576
CMDR/CPT Yoman/Mem 1-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 298.768 *
FL/LCM Death Angel/Samekh 3-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 280.825
FM/LT B.J Morgan/Mem 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 272.337 *
CMDR/CPT Monaghan/Nun 1-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 266.974
FL/LCM Jennif Es'mith/Aylin 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 265.816
FL/CM Nicholas/Aylin 3-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 249.270
CMDR/MAJ Gen Es'mith/Aylin 1-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 244.315
WC/COL Khaine/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 239.435
FM/LT Cyber Baron/Aylin 2-3/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 214.444
FM/LT Spooky/Mem 1-3/Wing V/SSSD Sov- 196.846 *
FL/LCM Felagund/Mem 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 191.804 *
CMDR/CM Jesseb Skyrauch/Samekh 1-1/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 166.408
FM/LT Tarkinian/Nun 1-2/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 111.762
FM/LT Wade Finley/Aylin 2-4/Wing V/SSSD Sov - 101.741

I lost to LT Deathbringer, but at least I kept CPT Monaghan behind me this time [;-)] ! And based on my own unofficial calculations, Mem squadron had the best average score of Wing V. GO MEM!

- After all this ranting I'm quite happy to announce that LT Morgan completed the Squadron Management II - IWATS course with a grade of 100 %. Good work!

Other Stuff :

- If you have designed your uniform template or the INPR, send them to me and I'll put them up in the Mem website. I'm constantly updating (at least I try) my own uniform, and it would be nice to receive yours too. I think that LT Morgan's current one is a bit dated...

- More about the Mem website: how many of you actually visit the website and how often ? Any ideas to make it better? Something to complain about? Healthy critic is always welcome, ya know.

Ongoing Events :

- Wing V Competition #5 was announced last week. It's battle TC-TIE #64, and submissions are due to Monday 13th December, that's about a week from now. Once again I urge you all to participate...let's see if someone tackles CPT Monaghan this time!

FCHG Rankings :

CPT Yoman : Gallant [GALL] - 228 points
LT B.J. Morgan : Grenadier [GREN] - 21 points
LT Spooky : Grenadier [GREN] - 14 points

LT RebelEliminator10 : No rank - 5 points

Mem Roster :

NICKNAME: The Emperor's Vengeance
BANNER: mem.gif
MOTTO: Nostros Vindictatis! - Vengeance is ours!

1) CPT Yoman (
2) LT RebelEliminator10 (
3) LT Spooky (
4) TBA

1) LT Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 4

Ok, that's about it. Last week I came up with a nice little slogan which you'll be seeing in every Mem report from now on, so here it comes :

"Remember to fry as many Rebels and recruit as many Cadets as you can (not vice versa)."

Good hunting, everyone!

CMDR/CPT Yoman/Mem/Wing V/SSSD Sov

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