Typhoon Report # 32 (2002-03-30)

This report was submitted by MAJ Triji Boliv

Typhoon Squadron Report # 32

30 March 2002

Squad News

Good News: we’ve not lost anyone this week! Yay! We still need more pilots! If you know anyone who’s interested, see if they’re come to Typhoon!

Wargame is on!
And no news yet as to any new skirmishes that have taken place. More details when I have them.

CMDR on Leave
As of today, I am on leave for the next week or so. I return to active duty on Monday the 8th. Until then, FL/LCM Ponda Jarret is A-CMDR. Still email me, but be sure you CC him as he’s writing next week’s report! His email: (stellarwarlord@yahoo.com). Don’t be afraid to submit pilot files while I’m gone, they’ll still get done. I will probably be in email contact during the week, but it will be minimal and only ‘Important’ things will be replied to.

That’s right you guys! We’ve got a quickie comp starting now! The comp will run until next Saturday the 6th. Files go to myself and to FL Ponda who will tally scores and submit them in his report. The comp is inter-squad, and to spice it up a bit, all three flights will be squaring off against each other. There will be only one medal awarded, to the top pilot, BUT! The flight with the highest average will be allowed to choose new flight mottos and nicknames for the losing flights! The names/mottos will stay for a month at which time we’ll probably do this again. NOTE: Nicknames and mottos must be appropriate and abide by the EH’s Articles of War. =P

Also, for his work and loyalty, I would like to promote my XO, LC Halcyon to the IW rank of Captain! Congrats Halc! (Told you I'd do it >=P)

Wing News

Wargame is on as mentioned above. I’ll keep you all up to date on what needs to be flown when.

Congrats to Captain Airyu on being appointed to Cyclone commander upon it’s reopening!

Fleet News

Lots of 'Interesting' things happened this week...
...And I'm not taking the time to print them all here. If you really care, go to: www.tiecorps.org/news.asp and you will be up-to-date on all Fleet happenings.

BTW…all the TC.org links still work, they redirect to the new URLs, so you can still use them! =)

Standing Squadron Orders

1) Do something activity-like so I don’t yell at you
2) Recruit


CMDR Boliv
25 March
Flew TIE-DB 1
Flew XWA-DB 1
27 March
Flew XWA-DB 2
Flew XWA-FREE 54
28 March
Flew TIE-FREE 193
Flew TIE-TC 80

FM Halcy-poo
27 March
Flew XWA-TC 25
Flew XWA-TC 27

FL Ponda
25 March
Took over Webmaster position for Typhoon Web page (currently being updated)
28 March
Flew TIE-FREE 85

FM Boromir
None – Strike three Boro…because I’m going on vacation I’ll give you a short stay of execution…
But you better have done something by the time I return…it’s been more than 3 weeks since you’ve gotten back from leave now…

FL Both
25 March
Flew TIE-TC 38
Flew TIE-TC 40
Flew TIE-TC 41
Flew TIE-TC 42
26 March
Flew TIE-TC 44
Flew TIE-TC 45
Flew TIE-TC 46
27 March
Flew TIE-TC 47
Flew TIE-TC 48
29 March
Flew TIE-TC 49
Flew TIE-TC 50
Flew TIE-TC 52

FM Fett
25 March
Flew TIE-TC 116
Flew TIE-TC 12
Flew TIE-TC 25
Flew XvT-FREE 11
Flew XvT-FREE 64
Flew TIE-FREE 187


COMMANDER: CPT Triji Boliv (boliv@isdchallenge.org) - #5307
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: We will fly the winds of DEATH!!

Nickname: Shi no Kaze
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart
1) MAJ Triji Boliv (boliv@isdchallenge.org) - #5307
2) LC Halcyon (eh_halcyon@hotmail.com) - #2119
3) TBA
4) TBA

Motto: Always ready, always deadly.
1) LCM Ponda Jarret (stellarwarlord@yahoo.com) - #7948
2) COL Boromir (austinbw@adelphia.net) - #300
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Storm's Eye
Motto: Swift, Destructive, Relentless
1) LCM Coranel Both (jz_3d@lycos.com) - #7659
2) LT Bob-Fett (rowan_rob@hotmail.com) - #4009
3) TBA
4) TBA

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