Omega Report # 0 (2003-07-08)

This report was submitted by GN Sasquatch

Welcome one and all to the Omega Squadron report! This week's report brought to you by Real Life (TM). "Real Life : I Bet You Never Saw That One Coming!"

My apologies for the lateness of this report, but it has recently rained here in Ohio, and that means the usual cycle of no electricity / no running water. You should see what happens if it snows ...

Squadron News

- Big news this week is that LC Brandon has returned from his leave of absence! Good to have you back, Bran. Now if I remember correctly, doesn't he owe us all some drinks ... ?

- Also, let's all give a big welcome back to MAJ Manijak, who has recently found his way back to the cockpit! Manny has been fighting technical issues with WinXP, but I'm looking forward to seeing his TIE outside of the hangar just as soon as a solution can be found.

- Alright, let's just get this piece of news out of the way. XO/SA Astatine was recently brought up on charges before the HCI, this time for violations of Article 404 ("Failure to Obey an Order or a Regulation") and Article 409 ("Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer and a Gentlemen") of the EH Code of Conduct. SA Astatine has been given an IRC ban of one month, as well as a forced vacation of two weeks, wherein he has been instructed by the court to "reflect on his actions so that they never happen again". He has also been ordered to make a public apology. Those who want to see what this is all about should visit the Court Docket page at the HCI website, and look for Case # 193 :

It makes for interesting reading, but the lack of a court opinion (presently anyway) makes it hard to put things into perspective. I'm sure everyone is going to have a different opinion about all of this; I will spare you from reading my own in the context of this report. Anyone who cares to know what I think of this latest development can contact me privately.

- Great work by MAJ Artyis, who has recently graduated from the IWATS Computer Basics course!

- The "short" results for CR#8 have been released, as follows :

1. Omega ........................ 478,118
2. Praetorian ................... 347,046
3. Psi .............................. 260,292
4. Yod ............................ 218,884
5. Kappa ......................... 177,297
6. Diamondback .............. 159,702
7. Alpha .......................... 141,499
8. Pi ................................ 138,312
9. Theta ........................... 137,837
10. Mem ......................... 127,681

Excellent work, everyone! Scoring 1st in CR#8 means that we finished out the regular season of the SSL in the Number 1 position! This is because of all the hard work and dedication that each of you has put in. Regardless of how we do in the playoffs, I am proud of your performance so far, and you should all be proud of yourselves as well!

- MAJ Artyis has informed me that Omega has not only qualified for the playoffs in the TIE division of the SSL ... but it also looks like we will JUST BARELY qualify for the XWA playoffs as well! This is remarkable, especially since we were not even concentrating on the XWA division. Artyis has pointed out that it would be a shame to let an opportunity like this go to waste, and I must agree with him. Effective immediately, all pilots should make an attempt to fly for both the TIE and the XWA divisions. Now, I cannot stress this enough ... our focus will remain on the TIE Division. Your number one priority is to fly missions for the TIE Division. However, having done that, you should then proceed to fly the XWA mission / battle as well. I'm not sure how we will fare in the XWA playoffs, but let's give it our best effort.

Squadron Orders

- The SSL Playoffs have begun! Everyone should be sure to fly TC-TIE # 169, "The Rooster Trap", for round one of the playoffs (CR#9?). Your deadline is July 15th, which means that your last full day to fly will be THIS MONDAY, July 14th. Due to the shortened deadline, and the fact that this is a four mission battle, everyone should make this their NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. You will find the battle attached to this report.

- When you have finished TC-TIE # 169 (and ONLY once you have finished TC-TIE # 169), you should then proceed to DB-XWA # 4, "The Shadow Academy : Dark Fury", for the XWA Division of the SSL. Again, this is a four mission battle. Same deadline of July 15th, so once more, your last full day to fly is July 14. This battle is also attached.

- Week 3 of the General's Summer Sovereign Patrol has begun, and I'm very pleased to announce that no Omegans have yet to be dropped from the competition. Ixion, Ras, and Artyis -- the GSSP website has been updated with the mission assignments for week 3. Remember that these are due by Sunday night, and that your submission should go to GN Stele with a CC for yours truly.

- COM/AD Proton is sponsoring a graphics competition as part of the Sovereign Squadron League. Here are the details, straight from the Sov News, about the "SSL Graphics Grap" :

In conjunction with the SSL, I have commissioned a graphics competition for the creation of award emblems (or certificates,
medallions, patches, posters, or whatever else captures the artist's fancy). It is known as the Sovereign Squadron League Graphics Grab:

Iron Star-Gold Ribbon for first place
Iron Star-Silver Ribbon for second place
Iron Star-Bronze Ribbon for third place

Competition details:
Entrants are invited to create award images for squadron and individual winners in the SSSD Sovereign Squadron League.
Any award format may be chosen (emblems, patches, plaques, certificates, medallions, ribbons, etc.).
Here are the required texts on the awards:
Squadron Champion, TIE Division, SSL 2003
Squadron Champion, XvT Division, SSL 2003
Squadron Champion, XWA Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, TIE Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, XvT Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, XWA Division, SSL 2003

The winner(s) may be commissioned later to create secondary awards, such as space superiority and assault winners, etc.

The SSL Graphics Grab is open to pilots of the SSSD Sovereign plus any other members of the TC interested in the SSL.

- And finally, as if that isn't enough to keep you busy, the Flight Office is currently conducting some competitions as well. Here are the details, as relayed by FO/HA Priyum :

The first of these is the graphics competition, to design a main banner for the Flight Office ( and/or a link banner for display on the TIE Corps site (similar in size to the existing one). Entries should be in either .jpg, .gif or .bmp format and sent to zipped. The closing date for entries is Sunday 6th July.

The second competition is fiction orientated - it's a chance to write my INPR, to write the history of the Flight Officer to date. Submissions can be humorous or serious and the only criteria are that it be in good taste and have a decent amount of content (feel free to use the information on my History profile at Submissions should be attached as either .doc or .txt files and sent to the above address by Sunday 13th July. After this date I'll post all entries up for viewing.

Both competitions are open to both Reservists and Active members, with awards ranging from the Iron Star - Gold Ribbon down to Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon. I might be able to swing a merit award or two for particularly good submissions.

Activity Reports (06.29.03 -- 07.08.03)
CMDR/GN Sasquatch
07.03.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL
07.05.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 125 for the GSSP
07.05.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 216* for the GSSP

FM/GN Compton
No Activity

FM/LC Ixion Deathbringer
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 120* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 109* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 103* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 35* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 63* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 72* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 84* for the GSSP
07.01.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 125*
07.08.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 201


FL/COL Brian
07.04.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL

FM/CM Ras Kronar
07.06.03 - Completed TC-TIE # 63 for the GSSP
07.06.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 103 for the GSSP
07.06.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 216 for the GSSP

FM/MAJ Manijak
07.03.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL


FL/CPT Night Grue
06.30.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL

FM/LC Todbringer
07.02.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL

FM/LC Brandon
07.07.03 - Returns from Leave

FM/MAJ Artyis
06.29.03 - Completed TC-XvT # 10
06.30.03 - Completed IWATS Computer Basics (CBX) Course
07.03.03 - Completed FREE-TIE # 218 for CR#8 of the SSL
07.03.03 - Completed FREE-XvT # 90 for CR#8 of the SSL
07.03.03 - Completed FREE-XWA # 55 for CR#8 of the SSL
07.06.03 - Completed TC-XvT # 13 for the GSSP
07.06.03 - Completed TC-XvT # 68 for the GSSP


- Lots of solid activity this week! You guys rock, keep up the good work!

- This week I dragged myself away from Star Wars : Galaxies just long enough to go see "Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines". It was Ah-nold-tastic. I have pretty much the same review of everybody else out there, I guess ... it was a good movie, just not as good as Terminator 2. Kind of like Episode One was a good movie, just not as good as Episodes Four, Five, and Six. That sort of thing.

Okay, that's going to wrap it up for this week. Until next time ... fly high and watch your six!

CMDR/GN Sasquatch / Omega / SSSD Sovereign
[GS] [BSx5] [PCx12] [ISMx11] [MoT-GH] [IS-2BW-GR] [CoL] [CoB] [LoAx2] [OV-5E]
[IWATS] [CBX] [GFX] [IIC/1] [M/1] [SM/1] [TM] [TT]
T/G 'Silhouette II'
Omega Squadron -- Sentinels of the Fleet Commander
"We Bring Death!"
Shameless Omega Squadron Merchandise -

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