Eta Report # 0 (2001-11-24)

This report was submitted by LC Indaro Gallia

CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia reporting in for Eta Squadron on the 24/11/01.

Well today was finally issued the Colossus Awards for the month of October. I know several of you have bothered me about it and due to the nature of being busy taking care of Wing activities they weren't decided on. But now they are, and after careful deliberation the following nominees were awarded:

COM's Escort: MAJ Zystem Fryer
WC's Own: PI Squadron
Services to Literature (StL): LCM Alain Dindareanu
Services to Art (StA): LCM Wysseri Arestar
Tactical Mind Award (TMA): LC Drake
Webmasters Award (WMA): CM Aidan Pryde

So congratz to all awardees. You've worked very hard to earn those spots. For the rest of you, these awards will be given again at the end of November, so ya better get busy if you want it :)


1. ECR results have been given out for round one and two, we're awaiting round three eagerly.

2. Fly TC-TIE #169 for the Wing Vs Wing V comp.
Go download mIRC, and come online and chat to me or anyone else on the Col. #ISD_colossus on any undernet server.


Now we know Adrenaline has had to resign, then hopefully ECR can get back on track, with Mell trying his hardest to get it up and running once again.

Anyone who hasn't flown battle 16 should try first. Then we can have citations for the first 20 battles. After this, we can then make a run for the first 30

The full list of what we have is as follows:

Squadron Citations (25):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
TIE-TC Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 15 - Special Operations
TIE-TC Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TIE-TC Battle 18 - Interception
TIE-TC Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TIE-TC Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TIE-TC Battle 48 - "Ski Hoth" - Star Wars Mercenaries
TIE-TC Battle 121 - Battle of Principles
TIE-TC Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TIE-TC Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza
TIE-TC Battle 163 - Project: Athena
TIE-TC Battle 173 - The Job of Zeta Squadron

Will people please remember to check in with their Flight Leaders at least once a week! And Flight Leaders need to hand in their Flight Reports by Friday night/Saturday morning GMT.

Go check out and Advertise where you can.

Weekly BSF Count (missions): I would like to remind you this is for the past two weeks because of the mix up last week.

Wap Eal 16 (89)
Talas 7 (38)
Phalk Sturm 7 (38)
Zept Leeartic 4 (8)
Indaro Gallia 3 (12)
Trowa 3 (3)

Total 40 (188)

November BSF Count (Missions):

Wap Eal 32 (172)
Talas 12 (62)
Phalk Sturm 11 (58)
Indaro Gallia 5 (22)
Zept Leeartic 5 (12)
Trowa 7 (7)

Total 81 (360)


CMDR/LC Gallia
PC problems, still using other people's connections.
Went and came back from leave
Flew TC-TIE #18
Flew TC-TIE #24
Flew TC-TIE #169
Wrote this report.

FM/LCM Zept Leeartic
Wrote Flight Report
Visited IRC
Flew TC-TIE #21
Flew FREE-TIE #99
Flew FREE-TIE #2
Flew FREE-TIE #168

FM/CM Wap Eal
Visited IRC
Awarded a PC for 50+ missions a week
Passed IWATS mIRC 1 Course
Passed ASP IWATS course.
Flew TC-TIE #19
Flew TC-TIE #17
Flew TC-TIE #16
Flew FREE-TIE #99
Flew FREE-TIE #160
Flew FREE-TIE #168
Flew TC-ID #3
Flew TC-FCHG #1
Flew TC-DB #11
Flew TC-BHG #1
Flew TC-FCHG #3
Flew TC-CAB #5
Flew TC-CAB #4
Flew TC-CAB #3
Flew TC-TIE #168
Flew TC-TIE #167

FM/LT Trowa
Visited IRC
Flew XWA-FREE #37
Flew XWA-FREE #28
Flew XWA-FREE #35
Wrote a fiction piece.
Completed TT IWATS course

FL/CM Phalk Sturm
Flew TC-TIE #75
Flew TC-TIE #187
Flew TC-TIE #17
Phoneline problems
Wrote Flight Report
Worked at Acting CMDR and wrote squadron report.
Awarded an ISM x2
Passed IIC/2 IWATS
Passed IIC/1 IWATS
Flew TC-DB #14
Flew TC-TIE #9
Flew TC-TIE #4
Flew TC-DB #5

FM/LT Talas
Visited IRC
Awarded an ISM for 20+ missions a week
Flew TC-TIE #16
Flew TC-TIE #8
Flew TC-TIE #6
Flew TC-TIE #163
Flew TC-TIE #128
Flew TC-TIE #104
Participated in ISDCA motto competition
Flew TC-TIE #7


TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander selected
I've finally made my decision on the new BGCOM...many congratulations to Vice Admiral Mell! Mell is a veteran of the Battlegroups and has all the command experience and skills I would require of any BGCOM. I'm sure that he'll not only carry on the good work of the previous BGCOMs, but also work to bring his own successes. Congrats Mell.

ECR Phase 1 results
After taking into consideration the top 3 fictions sent in by the flag officers of each ship, the scores fell as follows:

ISD Colossus 24/30 -- 80%
ISD Immortal 17/32 -- 53%
ISD Challenge 13/48 -- 27%

TOP 3:

1) LC Absolut Vodka: 15 points and IS-GR
2) RA Manitsas: 10 Points and IS-SR
3) MAJ Calvin Numb: 5 Points and IS-SR


1) ISD Colossus: 23 points
2) ISD Challenge: 17 points
3) ISD Immortal: 8 Points

The Tactical Office is finalising the Phase 2 scores. more when we get them in, until then, Colossus relish an early lead... will they hold it? Watch this space.


Yes, it's me again. Firstly, thanks to Phalk for last weeks report.

Things are hotting up for WC own this month, lets pull out all the stops to clinch it. We hold the lead at the moment but it's pretty tight.
Eta Squadron: 64 BSF's, 309 missions
Pi Squadron: 58 BSF's, 275 missions
Nu Squadron: 33 BSF's, 145 missions
Mu Squadron: 28 BSF's, 71 missions
Omicron Squadron: 19 BSF's, 64 missions
Iota Squadron: 12 BSF's, 38 missions


Yes, they have finally been made official. So anyone basically not following them are subject to being removed.

1. I expect all FMs to contact their Flight Leaders at least once a week, either by email, ICQ or IRC etc.

2. I expect everyone to participate in all competitions, except when there is a clash with important RL events, i.e. exams, illness etc
3. I want everyone to fly at least one battle or two free missions a week, alternatively you can create graphics, write fiction or create missions as long as the effort is the same as flying a battle or mission. Competition TFRs count as double, so you only need to fly one free mission if it's for a comp.

4. Flight Leaders - You will report to me at the end of each week detailing which of members of their flight have or haven't reported in and what they've done during the past week. Also, you will pass on to me any TFRs, fiction, graphics etc. you receive from your pilots.

5. Flight leaders - You are expected to be an example to your flight members and should typify what they are trying to become. I expect regular contact from you and input into how the squadron should be run and any changes that could be made for the better.

It doesn't take long to fly 2 free missions, you can even do it on easy if you must, you only need to fly on hard when it's a comp and scores are important.


ETA SQUADRON : Assassination
COMMANDER: LC Indaro Gallia (
NICKNAME: The Assassins
MOTTO: Live by Honour, Kill by Stealth

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Instant Glory
1) LC Indaro Gallia (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Body Flight
Motto: Fierce when provoked
1) LCM Zept Leeartic (
2) CM Wap Eal (
3) LT Trowa (
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) CM Phalk Sturm (
2) LCM Talas (
3) TBA
4) TBA


Respectfully submitted

Lieutenant Colonel Indaro 'Vermin' Gallia
CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia/Eta/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
BSx3/PCx10/ISMx24/MoI-GC/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [KGNT]
TIE Corps Battlegroups Grand Champion 1999-2000 - Tempest
DJH (Sith)/House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto, GC/DC/(BN)

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