Spear Report # 37 (2002-01-15)

This report was submitted by CM Steve Sunrider

Spear Squadron Weekly Report - January 14th, 2001.

Squadron News

·CM Steve Sunrider (me) has been appointed new Spear Commander.

.CPT Xanthir Cloudblade has requested a transfer to Talon squadron on the ISD Subjugator, we wish him the best of luck in the Avenger Task Force.

·Everyone has replied to the AWOL check, which means that you're all alive and now we can start doing some real work. :)

Wing News

· Spear and Shield have both found a new CMDR, 'grats to CM Sunrider (myself) and CM Mosh.

· Applications for Crossbow FL's are still being accepted, as well Crossbow Commander is still being decided upon.

- LC Ted, CMDR of Sword has steped down to Sword FL, a decision has also been made regarding Sword’s future CMDR. It will be formally announced once it’s official.

·CoL's awarded to CM Mosh, CPT Jaruus, and MAJ Shae Kitane...congrats!

BattleGroup and Fleet News

·New BattleGroup Competition! Check out VA Mell’s latest report for details

·BattleGroup site can be found at www.stardestroyer.org.

·SA Kawolski has resigned from Executive Officer of the EH, we wish the best of luck to him in life, TO/HA Astatine has been chosen to take his place, congrats to XO/SA Astatine!

·For more fleet news check out http://tiecorps.org/news.asp

-Prelude to Andevia competition has started. It is open to ALL members of the Emperor's Hammer, regardless of subgroup, rank or position. It features flying, design, fiction and other events. The competition website is available at

Squadron Status

·Squadron numbers are at eight.

·We currently have one cititation, something will be done to try and fix that.

·We need a website and a message board, I am currently thinking of ways to obtain both, so please be patient.

Squadron Orders

·Every member of Spear is to fly TIE-FREE 189 for the BattleGroup competition, we must win!

·Every member of Spear is to submit a weekly report to me stating

·Every member is to send at least one mail across the squadron’s egroup to keep communication up, the mail can contain anything you like, just keep it clean. The mail is SpearSquad@yahoogroups.com

Squadron Activity

CMDR/CM Sunrider-

·Mailed greeting to squadron

·Found on IRC

·Read SSO’s and gave comments to WC Krax

·Flew TIE-ID #2

FM/LT Travinor Hell-

·Checked in

FM/CM Argyle Ironfist-

·Checked in even though on leave

·Gave CMDR ATR’s from previous months


·Checked in

FM/LCM Olenar Ki-Aton

·Checked in

FM/CPT Nicolai Braxton

·Checked in

·Submitted a graphic

·Talked with CMDR on IRC

FL/LCM Lev Gammitt

·Checked in

FM/CM Jodo Kast

·Checked in

In Service To The Empire!

CMDR/CM Steve Sunrider/Spear/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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