Slayer Report # 22 (2002-01-30)

This report was submitted by CPT Yutzka Serovich

This week's grudge match:

The phantom of the hangar bay vs. TIE Phantoms

- Serovich: I've heard that our hangar bay has some sort of spooky ghost.
- Kaan: They call him the Phantom of HB-42. He supposedly has wrecked ships.
- Serovich: We should find this phantom and eliminate him.
- Kaan: Yes sir, CMDR.
* The squadron gathers and jumps into their ships to check their status, suddenly they can hear something resembling opera*
- Phantom: *sung* Bewaaare, the phantom of the hangar baaaaaay!!!!
- Kell: Oh great Palpatine's bones!
*All scream and the T/Ps cloak as the hangar bay's lights flicker out. An explosion is heard and all pilots are slightly injured*
- Serovich: uhg...... Is it dead?
- Kell: Appears so... ow my back.

Morale: Never chase spirits after hours then attempt to fly (dont drink and drive - 'spirits'... anyways, sorry if this is lame, I'm tired, just got back, and uni started... next will be better hopefully)


LOTS of activity in my abscence. Glad to see you guys can keep on running even without me. But now I am back, BSFs are being smoothly processed, and a competition should happen when the red tape of setting one up is finished (maybe two weeks for all details and approval). The biggest news is that we have a new member: SL Balthazar Makshar. Everyone is ordered to make him welcome and help him if he needs it. Especially help him with anything to get him to full LT. Also LCM Phantom got a cool MoI for his recruiting (successfully) work. Nice job. Kaan has done it again and continues to amaze me, LCM will be very soon... He also made us a new website that will become official. The URL is:
so go check it out. A medal is on the way for you Kaan. We lost a lot of citations with newer members. So new guys need to fly. Let's get back up where we used to be and then higher! Keep having fun and all suggestions are welcome.


- Balthazar Makshar promoted to SL (assigned 1-2)
- MoI awarded to LCM Phantom

AWOL listing:

The following pilots are safe so far, but there is one week remaining (until next wednesday) to email me saying you want to stay.
- CPT Serovich (duh)
- SL Balthazar (just joined)
- LT Kaan
- CM Kell
- LCM Phantom
- LCM Turtle
If you are listed, email me NOW!!! I've been very lax, but now I'm cracking down. So reply now!


LCM Phantom:
- awarded an MoI!
- flew FREE-TIE 104,106
- flew TIE-TC 45
- in email contact

LCM Kell:
- flew TIE-TC 153
- in email contact, on mIRC

LCM Turtle:
- in email contact, on AIM

LT Kaan:
- Participated in "Roasted or Toasted"
- made a new squadron website (soon to be used)
- completed IWATS TM,CBX,RT,GFX
- flew TIE-DB 1,2
- flew TIE-TC 157
- flew XWA-TC 5
- flew XWA-FCHG 3
- did a bunch of DB, ID tests :P
- in email contact, on mIRC

CPT Serovich:
- returned from leave, went through 180 TC mails
- processed BSFs
- wrote report, grudge match
- other admin shtuff (wing work, etc.) :P
- in email contact, on AIM, on mIRC

Squadron of the Month points:

- Probably quite a bit, especially from LT Kaan, but its late in the month... I'll calculate these points starting February. So heads up guys, you are gaining points for Slayer's reputation!


COMMANDER: CPT Yutzka Serovich (
NICKNAME: The Nightflyers.
MOTTO: "Per noctum volumus..."

Nickname: The Dark Shadows.
Motto: "The night, our forum. Victory, our forte."
1) CPT Yutzka Serovich (
2) SL Balthazar Makshar (
3) LT Kaan (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Dark Knights.
Motto: "Our honour is our life."
1) CM Kell (
2) MAJ Ranthier Khaen (
3) LT Renee Jarylle (
4) LCM Phantom (

Nickname: The Eyes of Darkness.
Motto: "For a life spent in darkness, eternity is given."
1) LCM Turtle (
2) LCM Scid Rahn (
3) LT Krail Darkblade (
4) LT Jon Marius (

Squadron Citations (2):
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour

Submitted Respectfully,

CMDR/CPT Yutzka Serovich/Slayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

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