Thunder Report # 0 (2002-01-19)

This report was submitted by LC Beef

CMDR/LC Beef reporting for Thunder Squadron on January 19, 2002.

Since no one is beefy enought to know the answer to my beefy "Random Movie Quote of the Week," I will have to introduce a new feature! Presenting the "Deep and Profound Thought of the Week!"

Beefment: would you like a preview of my upcomming "Deep and Profound Thought" that will be premiering in my next report?
Tigurius: sure
Beefment: remember now: it is DEEP and PROFOUND
Beefment: make sure you know what both of those words mean
Tigurius: you know what I had a dream about getting some really strange email from you saying you came up with some weird idea
Beefment: and you thought that was a dream?
Beefment: other people call that reality
Tigurius: oh ok
Tigurius: im ready for the deep and profound now
Beefment: WARNING: deep and profound thought ahead!
Beefment: (this is called a "setup" by the way)
Beefment: ready yet?
Tigurius: ok
Beefment: are you sure?
Tigurius: asa
Tiguruis: yes
Beefment: i'm just saying you have to be prepared
Tigurius: its getting old....
Tigurius: are you done yet?
Beefment: for safety's sake. If the deepness and profoundness hits you too hard, your head could explode
Tigurius: I am just saying that its pretty lame
Beefment: :( no appreciation for what i do for you
Tigurius: lol
Beefment: k, here it is
Tigurius: :-)
Beefment: hold on, gotta use spell check
Tigurius: k
Beefment: Why do cow droppings look like pies? Well that's a stupid question, and I'll tell you why! Cows were defecating long before people were eating pies. So the REAL question is: Why did someone invent a dessert in the shape of cow droppings?
Tigurius: wow that was deep
Beefment: i told you it would be
Beefment: is your head ok?
Tigurius: no it wasnt before you told me that

Fly FREETIE-188 before this Tuesday Jan 22nd! We're beating on Nu Squadron at the moment!

Well, our squad got 3rd place, BUT the two best scores were in Thunder! Yay Shadow and Stuart.

Write a conclusion for the oh-so-beefy run-on "Quest for the Cow" on Thunder's MB. Turn in your submissions to LC Beef and COL Mairin by [insert date that no one's told us yet and I can't find out because is anti-AOL]. You could win an Iron Star-Silver Ribbon OR a Bronze Ribbon! Now that's beefy (you can tell because I told you so).

Don't forget: If you're going to fly a battle, be sure it's one that will earn us another citation!

We always need more pilots.

Post reviews for their creations in the mission compendium. Feedback helps everybody!

Arrivals - SL Ressurection--->Thunder 1-2 (will have to leave due to lack of TIE,
going to an XvT squadron)
Departures - none
Awards - CM Shadow--->CoL
LT Stuart--->ISM


Don't forget!

All week - Massive submissions of Stuart’s pilot files
January 13, 2002 - Emailed wing about Fiction comp
January 14, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 14, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-176 (TIE Golf)
January 18, 2002 - Discussed “Deep and Profound Thoughts” with Tig and Shadow
January 18, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 19, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-188 but needs to fly it again because he crashed and blew up after completing primary goals and got a terrible score.

FL/LCM Dex D'Alcobia
January 13, 2002 - Citation Plan announcements
January 14, 2002 - Exercising of FL authority (threatening lazy people) :P
January 14, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 14, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-176 (TIE Golf)
January 16, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Message board recruiting
January 18, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-188
January 18, 2002 - Responded to Shadow’s Meeting email
January 19, 2002 - Recruiting
January 19, 2002 - Updated FL3 website
January 19, 2002 - Websites discussion with Tig and CMDR

FM/CM Shadow
January 13, 2002 - Awarded CoL
January 14, 2002 - Spoke with CMDR
January 14, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 15, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-176 (TIE Golf)
January 16, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Emailed CMDR
January 18, 2002 - Spoke with CMDR (Deep and Profound Thoughts)
January 18, 2002 - Sent out email about Squadron Meetings

FL/LT Stuart
January 12, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 12, 2002 - Worked on Flash stuff for website
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-020
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-022
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-023
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-024
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-016
January 12, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-021
January 13, 2002 - Completed IWATS-HTML 1
January 13, 2002 - Did his CMDR’s job :P
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-025
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-026
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-027
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-028
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-030
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-031
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-032
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-029
January 13, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-033
January 14, 2002 - Advanced to FCHG rank of Cavalier
January 14, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 14, 2002 - Awarded ISM for reaching FCHG rank of Cavalier
January 15, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-034
January 15, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-036
January 15, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-038
January 15, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Completed IWATS-TT
January 18, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-188
January 18, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-105
January 18, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-119
January 18, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-048
January 18, 2002 - Completed TCTIE-094
January ??, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-176 (TIE Golf)
January 19, 2002 - Advanced to FCHG rank of Gallant

FM/CM Tigurius
January 13, 2002 - Emailed CMDR
January 14, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 15, 2002 - Completed FREETIE-176 (TIE Golf)
January 16, 2002 - On leave for weekend
January 16, 2002 - Posted on message board
January 18, 2002 - Spoke with CMDR (Deep and Profound Thoughts)
January 18, 2002 - Updated website
January 18, 2002 - Responded to Shadow’s Meeting email
January 19, 2002 - Talked with Dex and CMDR about website stuff

FM/SL Han Shek
*NO CONTACT (this is known as a BAD thing!)

Thunder Squadron
Mission: Escort
Nickname: The Eyes of the Storm
Motto: The Clash of Thunder is your Death Knell

1) LC Beef (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LT Stuart (
2) TBA
3) CM Shadow (
4) TBA

1) LCM Dex D'Alcobia (
2) SL Han Shek (
3) CM Tigurius (
4) TBA

Respectfully Submitted,

Lieutenant Colonel Beef
CMDR/LC Beef/Thunder/Wing X/ISD Challenge
SS/BS/PCx6/ISMx8/MoT-3rh-10gh/IS-1BW-1BR-1SR/CoB/LoAx10/OV-2E [LNGR]
{IWATS-GFX-SM/2-TM} [T/D Mad Cow]
}:(:) -moo


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