Tornado Report # 2 (2002-02-09)

This report was submitted by CM Master

Its Time Once again for everybody to read the Tornado Squad Report :)

Squadron Orders.

Fly TIE-FREE #127 for the BG Highlander Comp by the 11th
So far i have pilot files from, Myself and Arion, this is not exceptable, two pilot files!!! I asked you to fly this an one battle at a minium, i expect a pilot file from EVERYONE by 11:59pm on the 11th.

The Weeks Citations scores are in, ive extended it one more day hoping to get some more scores in, so far the scores are as follows.

CM Master: 592,504
LCM Rollins: 399,307
CM Arion: 372,117

As you can see three members flew, means we dont get a citation as you need 50% of the squad to fly, so i suggest you all fly TIE-FREE #127 right now followed by TIE-TC #171 then TIE-FCHG #3.

The following three battles for the citation comp will run for two weeks (except the primary battle, see the next part for why), i think asking you all to fly a minimum of one battle was maybe a bit harsh so if i dont get some pilot files from these their is going to be hell to pay.

TIE-TC Battle #180 - The Virus (Primary)
TIE-TC Battle #118 - Omicron's Initiation (Secondary)
XWA-FCHG Battle #3 - Ronin's Deception (Bonus)

Tempest Squadron have issuded a Challenge to us, starting TODAY you are ALL ordered to fly TIE-TC Battle #180 - The Virus for it, and look its part of the citation comp to so it saves u flying more.
You have until next saturday to send me your pilot files, i expect 100% particition, if you cant fly it, i want to know by wedsday and it better be a good excuse. As always the highest scorer gets an IS-BW.

Squadron News.

Welcome (now) Lt Julius Marcus Aurelius to our squad, i hope you'll all make him feel welcome and can u please not humiliate him to much for the first week or so =P
Also congrats for his promo to Lt for doing his INPR.

Our battle with Tempest starts today, the battle is TIE-TC Battle #180 - The Virus. I want everyone to do it, due date is next saturday.

You have one more day to submit pilot files for the first round of the citation comp. At the moment Tornado dont have any citations, you are not doing this cause i want you to, or for the medal, your doing it to make our squad look better, so do it for everyone.

Wing News.

The newly promoted Col Locke has stepped down as Tempest CMDR and is taking a spot in Tempest Flight Three.

There is still a Run-on on the Challenge Msg Board which needs people to post on.

Inferno, Thunder and Tornado are three of the squads that are still in the BG's Highlander Comp, lets keep it up and win this thing.

Fleet News.

Visit and for all your news needs.


CM Master
5/2 Awarded IS-PR for Winner of Bad Guy Comp
6/2 Completed FREE-TIE #127 (73,189)
8/2 Awarded PC
9/2 Completed TIE-TC #171 (430,407)
9/2 Completed TIE-FCHG #3 (162,097)
9/2 Completed BHG #1 (62,484)

Maj TopDawg

CPT Badlan

LT Julius Marcus Aurelius
7/2 Arrived in Tornado Squadron
7/2 Completed INPR
9/2 Promoted to Lt

Col Domi
Promised me TIE-FREE #127 by due date.

LCM Rollins
5/2 Completed AoT Praetorian Squadron course (97%)
9/2 Completed TIE-TC #177 (72,426)
9/2 Completed TE-TC #171 (281,781)
9/2 Completed TIE-FCHG #3 (117,526)

CM Arion Sunrider
5/2 Completed IWATS Rebellion Tactics (100%)
6/2 Completed IWATS HTML 1 (100%)
6/2 Completed IWATS HTML 2 (100%)
6/2 Completed IWATS mIRC 1 (100%)
6/2 Completed IWATS mIRC 2 (80%)
6/2 Completed IWATS Computer Basics (80%)
7/2 Completed TIE-FREE #127 (27,176)
8/2 Completed IWATS VB Script (100%)
9/2 Completed IWATS ASP (100%)
9/2 Completed TIE-TC #171 (280,875)
10/2 Completed TIE-FCHG Battle #3 (91,242)

Comments: Arion gets my pilot of the week award for his huge activity, he not only has done most of the citation comp battles and the free for the BG comp but has done most of the IWAT's courses, keep up the good work.

All those who have no activty i expect better next week.


BANNER: tornado.jpg
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: The Missile Magnets
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) CM Master (
2) TBA (RECRUIT!!!!)
3) TBA (RECRUIT!!!!)
4) MAJ TopDawg (

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) CPT Badlan (
2) LT Julius Marcus Aurelius (
3) TBA (RECRUIT!!!!)
4) COL Domi (

Nickname: The Killuminati
Motto: ...And Hell followed with them
1) LCM Rollins (
2) TBA (RECRUIT!!!!)
3) CM Arion Sunrider (
4) TBA (RECRUIT!!!!)

Now my report has finished, what are u waiting for, go fly some TIE!!!

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR-TCS/CM Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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