Typhoon Report # 38 (2002-05-12)

This report was submitted by MAJ Triji Boliv

Typhoon Squadron Report # 38

12 May 2002

Squad News

”That’s because you think of it as transportation, Boone. Think of it as bragging rights. Think of yourself crowing to your cronies about the Cadillac you won from me; maybe they’ll forget about the Winnebago you lost to me.”
Name the movie, and the speaker. : ) Beef got it last week….

My 19th birthday was yesterday, the 11th. =D Today, the 12th was our very own LC Halcyon’s 20th. Now if he’d only stop acting 1/10th his age… =P

Flight Wars II, The Sequel
TIE-FREE 200, due the 17th! I’ve gotten zero submissions…hopefully this will change soon! 6 days left!

Chal vs Avenger Comp!
We’re flying both TIE-FREE 178 AND XWA-FREE 35. If you don’t have XWA, you’re excused, otherwise GN MaiMai would like both. Those are due to me by the 21st. I need files!!!!

Pilot Moves On
This week, we lost another pilot. COL Mell was promoted to ChalCOM to replace former COM/RA Locke who seems to have gone on the lam.

New Pilot!
Everyone welcome SL Hank, who took over the 2-2 position COL Boromir vacated.

Last but certainly not least this week, we have a promo! This goes to a well deserving, hard working member of the squadron. Congrats go to Coranel Both who was promoted to CM!

Wing News

Mell = COM

Fleet News

Lots of 'Interesting' things happened this week...
...And I'm not taking the time to print them all here. If you really care, go to: www.tiecorps.org/news.asp and you will be up-to-date on all Fleet happenings.

Standing Squadron Orders

1) Do something activity-like so I don’t yell at you
2) Recruit


CMDR Boliv
7 May
Flew TIE-TC 74
Flew TIE-TC 7
11 May
Turned 19 : )

FM Mell
Promoted to ChalCOM

FM Halcy-poo

FL Ponda
10 May
Took IWATS XTM (96%)

FM Hank
7 May
Joined Typhoon from Daedalus

FM Tally
{Tally, something by next week please? Free mission…IWATS…something. Thanks : )}

FL Both
8 May
Promoted to CM

FM Fett
6 May
Flew TIE-FREE 11
Flew TIE-FREE 12


COMMANDER: CPT Triji Boliv (boliv@isdchallenge.org) - #5307
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: We will fly the winds of DEATH!!

Nickname: Shi no Kaze
Motto: The Storm that will tear your soul apart
1) MAJ Triji Boliv (boliv@isdchallenge.org) - #5307
2) TBA
3) LC Halcyon (eh_halcyon@hotmail.com) - #2119
4) TBA

Motto: Always ready, always deadly.
1) LCM Ponda Jarret (stellarwarlord@yahoo.com) - #7948
2) LT Hank () - #9056
3) LCM Talon Drear (wouterson@somethingorother.com) - #1112
4) TBA

Nickname: The Storm's Eye
Motto: Swift, Destructive, Relentless
1) LCM Coranel Both (jz_3d@lycos.com) - #7659
2) LT Bob-Fett (rowan_rob@hotmail.com) - #4009
3) TBA
4) TBA

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