Avenger Report # 9 (2001-08-31)

This report was submitted by LC E. Tarkin

Im in a hurry, so this is gonna be short.

Avenger Squadron News:

- Your beloved CMDR is going on vacation as of NOW! Hurray! I'll be gone from the 31 of August till the 7th of September. MAJ Dax Corrin will be A-CMDR when im on leave. Try not to flood my email guys. :P

- SC3 starts September 1st. Go do it! here's the details:


Please forward to all pilots

As many of you know the ASF SC III is on the horizon. For those of you who are new to the ASF and have never participated in this comp, it measures all facets of activity that you can do, assigns them points, and at the end, many medals, many new titles and accolades. This comp will determine the NEW ASF Flagship, currently held by the ISD GreyWolf, a ASF Top Ace, and an ASF Top Squadron.
So your contributions will help you, your squadron, and your ship in the long run, but even more now, since we will be using these points for each ship to determine how each ships TF will be set up for a massive Operation similar to OP:DH to be held after the ASF SC. So, as you can see any and all participation will count towards everything that you fight for in this club :) Officially medals for the comp will be IS-GW, IS-SW, and IS- BW's, but merit medals will also be issued for your participation with the MSE's for the end of September.

The points are as follows for the comp:

Participating in MP Comp (must be TC sanctioned WoW's count) 1pt
Gaining LoC 10/LoC
DFC (five wins) 15/pts

FCHG rankings/Combat Ranking 50pts/rank gained

Mission Completion 2 points
Battle Completion 2pts/mission
Mission Creation 5 points
Battle Creation 10 points

Fiction (No, report fiction does not count) 8 points

Graphics 5 points

Recruitment (MoI must be earned) 50 points

Iwats course completion 15 points

Medals earned (not associated with the comp of course) 2 points

Squadron Citations 10pts/citation

Now as you can see, I am leaning heavily in the MP points since this is a MP BG. But you can earn points with one activity:

EG: Recruit member X MoI = 50 points for recruitment, 2 pts for the medal

Fly MP : 5 wins = 10 pts/LoC and if a DFC is awarded another 15 points.

SP: Fly Battle with six missions 12 points if squadron gets citation (Because of your flying battle an additional 10 points for the squadron)

The possibilities are endless! This comp has brought fierce competition in the past, and has been alot of fun, so get out there and fly.

The rules are quite simple, points will be collected by your Com's and myself for scoring, all you need to do is be active!!

One thing, there will be no hoarding of missions before the comp starts, period. If anyone is caught cheating IN ANY WAY, then they will be banned from this competition and subsequent ASF COMPS)

SO, Get out there, have some fun, and good luck!!!

GRD Cyric(sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona IWATS+M+M2+SM+SM/2+ICQ+XTM+XTT+CBX GOE/SSx2/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-4gh/LoC-PSx36/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [KNGT]

Do your best, more I cannot ask.

Squadron Status:

- 6 pilots count. Im hoping we can add a few after my leave. Some old members want to come back. :) As well as some LCM's after SC3.

- I want to see more pilots in #EH_Elite!

Activity Reports:

CMDR/LC Tarkin: Flew at sunday zone comp, 1 LoC. Flew in XWA WoW. Flew at tempest storm, 1 LoC. Did the CBX IWATS course, 93%. On leave as of NOW!

FM/CM Mace: Flew 2 battles and 4 free missions.

FL/LC Hawkie: CDdrive is fixed!

FM/CM Azrael: Flew 2 battles. Flew at ASF comp.

FL/MAJ Dax Corrin: Flew 1 battle. Closing in on the 1,000 FCHG.

FM/CM Dark Alpha: ISP down.

Squadron Roster:

Elite Squadron - Open by invitation only
COMMANDER: LC E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl) - #1058
NICKNAME: Executors of the Emperor's will
MOTTO: Our hate has made us powerful...

Nickname: Shadowlords
Motto: Harbingers of the New Order
1) LC E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl) - #1058
2) CM Mace (mace@isdcolossus.com) - #5079
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Pimps of the Empire
Motto: We'll make ya famous
1) LC Zippy Hawk (fraggle.hawk@freeuk.com) - #3131
2) CM Azrael (mjgruenwald@hotmail.com) - #4625
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Retaliators
Motto: We rock so much, they should clone us...
1) MAJ Dax Corrin (eggpine@hotmail.com) - #2485
2) CM DarkAlpha (metalriff@address.com) - #3962
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 6

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