Omega Report # 8 (2001-07-21)

This report was submitted by GN Devin

CMDR/GN Devin reporting in for Omega Squadron on 07.21.01

Squadron News

- We welcome CPT Darknyte of Nu Squadron to our band of fools! He is taking Pavel's spot in Omega 2-2.
- Unfortunately, COL Gallows was not chosen for the next round of the Mr. EH contest. I think it was fixed!
- Ixion released TAC Report #11. We dropped about 11 citations once Pavel left, so we're all going to have to fly a bit to help bump the number back up. Let's hope Darknyte helps us out by trying to show old folks a thing or two.

Activity Reports

- Gallows flew TC-TIE #52, 8, 23, 51, DB-XvT #2
- Ixion has flown DB-TIE #4
- Devin has flown TC-TIE #116, Free TIE #143, 149 and 137 (look I actually flew!)


What?! Nobody scored any medals? You slackers.

- I sent an email over to the CMDR of Koph to see when this comp will start but I haven't heard back from him yet. I talked to Joe (former Omega) and he says very soon. We'll see...

This week's rant:
After all this time in the EH, I finally designed a free mission.

I designed a free mission! I actually think it's pretty decent. I might want to change on or two things, but I can't really think of them. Once the TAC gets back from leave I'll submit it. I'm thinking of using it for our next Top Gun comp which I know Darknyte is itching to win.

The upcoming competition with Koph is very important to us, and for more than one reason. The first is that Koph is currently a "hot" squadron. We've all seen it happen (Sigma, Teth, Rho, Tornado, etc.) and we need to make sure that as they come along we are able to beat them. With the introduction of Darknyte into the mix I am hoping that will help.

The second reason why this comp is important to us, is that it is going to be a testing ground for us all. I've been noticing some patterns in overall activity in the last 5-6 months and I think it's time we all examine our positions here in Omega. I want to put forward a solid team of 12 pilots who can submit .tfrs for every comp we participate in - right now we don't do that. So I want to see how things shape up around this Koph competition before I decide on how to proceed.

Elite Squadron - Open by invitation only
NICKNAME: Sentinels of the Fleet Commander
MOTTO: We Bring Death!

1) GN Devin (
2) GN Compton (
3) COL Gallows (
4) COL Sasquatch (

1) LC Tiberius (
2) CPT Darknyte (
3) MAJ Manijak (
4) COL Dave (

1) COL Brian (
2) MAJ Janich (
3) LC Monaghan (
4) MAJ Ixion Deathbringer (

Total Squadron Citations: 30

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/GN Devin/Omega/SSSD Sovereign

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