Ranger Report # 59 (2001-07-15)

This report was submitted by CM Gidda

CMDR/CM Gidda reporting in for Ranger Squadron, 15.07.01:

Wow..my first month as CMDR has ended and i'm still alive :P
My main fear when i accepted the CMDR spot was to don't be up to this job so now I'm happy to see that Ranger Squadron is still on good shape. Thank you for your collaboration and activity (a special thank to LC Toran Dan for his teachings about all those procedures which aren't included in the SM/2 notes), i must say it's a pleasure to work with such fine Pilots and i hope to be able of improving this Squadron even more in the next months.

Squadron News:

  • More medals in our show-case: LC Toran Dan received a shining PC while CM Gidda got a ISM. With that medal Toran now owns 14 PCs!
  • CPT Mark Stephenson posted a interesting topic on both Immortal and Ranger MBs. Go and check it out here (Immortal's MB) and here (Ranger's MB)
  • RA Dras Hempor stepped down as Immortal COM and transferred to RSV, come back soon Dras!
  • Immortal Ace Pilot League: you have until Monday (tomorrow) to challenge CM Gord Darkonian for the Title. Remember to email also VA Adrenaline and COL Badlands.
  • I wish to remind you the new TAC policy about skipping missions:
  • 1st) edit your pilot file only to skip the bugged mission (in XWA you can also use the skip mission button).
    2nd) you must notify your CMDR (that's me) that you have skipped a mission.
    3rd) you must submit a bug report explaining why you skipped that mission.
    4th) You may not skip more than one mission, you may not skip free missions.
  • I'm pleased to see that our Citations keep to rise. This week we arrived at 40!
Squadron Status/Orders:
  • Yellow Alert! I'm trying to arrange another 1vs1 squadron competition so stay sharp and be ready for some rock and roll
  • Be active, post on the various TC MBs and try to recruit fresh meat from Daedalus :P
Activity Reports:
  • CM Gidda (18) - Completed TIE 15(5), 96(6), 114(5), FXWA 10 with HS(2)
  • LCM Curly - On leave until 26/07
  • CPT Mark Stephenson (9) - Completed XWA 14(5), 15(4)
  • LT Corran Maxwell  - Stays in contact

  • LT VinDoros  - Stays in contact
  • CPT Banger (4) - Completed DB-XvT 1 (4)
  • LC Toran Dan (29) - Completed TIE 30(4), 31(5), 33(5), 34(6), 36(5), passed TM IWATS Course (4)

  • This week, congratulations go to LC Toran Dan (as usual :P) and CPT Mark Stephenson for their good work. You have won 3 free drinks at the cantina :P

    Squadron Roster:

    RANGER SQUADRON OF WING XI : Reconnaissance
             COMMANDER: CM Gidda (ehgidda@libero.it )
             NICKNAME: Champions of the Empire
             BANNER: ranger.jpg
             MOTTO: The Elite shall live, the Weak shall perish
             HOMEPAGE: http://www.corellia.de
             MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=22

                      Nickname: Nightmare's Reality
                      Motto: Fortuna favet fortibus
                      1) CM Gidda (ehgidda@libero.it )
                      2) TBA
                      3) LCM Curly (thebigw45@yahoo.com)
                      4) TBA

                      Nickname: Hellfish
                      Motto: Fly with us or choose your fate and die
                      Homepage: http://hellfish.moonfruit.com/
                      1) CPT Mark Stephenson (lippy1@btinternet.com)
                      2) LT Corran Maxwell (scooterb1234@yahoo.com)
                      3) TBA
                      4) TBA

                      Nickname: Shadows of Space
                      Motto: Those who are brave can only succeed
                      Homepage: http://www.shadowsofspace.moonfruit.com
                      1) LT VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)
                      2) CPT Banger (bangmon@btinternet.com)
                      3) TBA
                      4) LC Toran Dan (NOFEAR@htp-tel.de)

    Squadron Citations (40):
                         TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
                         TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
                         TC-TIE Battle 3 - New Dimensions
                         TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
                         TC-TIE Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
                         TC-TIE Battle 6 - Destruction
                         TC-TIE Battle 7 - Betrayal
                         TC-TIE Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
                         TC-TIE Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
                         TC-TIE Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
                         TC-TIE Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
                         TC-TIE Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
                         TC-TIE Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
                         TC-TIE Battle 18 - Interception
                         TC-TIE Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
                         TC-TIE Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA
                         TC-TIE Battle 25 - Spoils of War
                         TC-TIE Battle 26 - The Dark Troopers
                         TC-TIE Battle 29 - Communications Wars
                         TC-TIE Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
                         TC-TIE Battle 121 - Battle of Principles
                         TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
                         TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
                         TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
                         TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
                         TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
                         TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
                         TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
                         TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
                         TC-XWA Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
                         TC-XWA Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
                         TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
                         TC-XWA Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
                         IW-XWA Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
                         IW-XWA Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
                         IW-XWA Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
                         IW-XWA Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
                         IW-XWA Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
                         IW-XWA Battle 27 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawl
                         BHG Battle 1 - The Hunt Begins

    FCHG Listing:

    Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

                           [744] CPT Mark Stephenson
                           [574] CPT Banger

    Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)

                           [475] LC Toran Dan
                           [423] CM Gidda

    Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

                           [290] LT VinDoros

    Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

                           [30] LCM Curly
                           [28] LT Corran Maxwell



    CMDR-TCT/CM Gidda/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
    GS/BSx3/PCx2/ISMx13/MoT-1rh/IS-1BW/CoB/LoA/OV [CNTR] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM}
    JH (Sith)/House Galthain of Satal Keto, DC-KC {SA: CORE}

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