Flayer Report # 17 (2001-08-08)

This report was submitted by CM Steele Brightsaber

Flayer Squadron Report for the week of 8/2/01 - 8/8/01

Squadron News

First off I would like to welcome SL Galen to Flayer. He is another friend of LT Braxus. Secondly I would like to congratulate LT Braxus on his promotion to FL of Flight 2. You deserve it. Great job. (Drinks are on Braxus). Thirdly I would like to conratulate LCM Sharpthief and CPT Ryell for coming in first and second in my logic problem comp respectively. They will be receiving there medals soon.
Just so everyone knows the answer to the logic problem was:

Sharpthief added hullplating and he docks in bay 2
Brightsaber added heavy rocket launchers and docks in bay 15
Deathstrike added shields and she docks in bay 7
Braxus added quad lasers and he docks in bay 16
Drosha added an afterburner and he docks in bay 3

Ok know to new stuff. I have 2 competitions for you guys this week. The first is a flying competition for Flayer. Let's all fly this so we can get a citation. The high score get's an IS-BW. The mission we are using is TC-TIE 14. Good luck and High flying. You have until 8/14/01. Get flying.

The second competition is a fiction competition. The topic of this comp is "Flayer Patrol". Do with it what you wish. No bad language. The best fiction will win an IS-BR and will be in next weeks report. Get it to me by 8/13/01. Good luck.

Thursday Night Training is on the undernet channel #Avenger Thursday's from 8 to 11 EST. If you can go there and fly. It is a good way to get noticed. I will be there late tommorrow.

Activity Reports

Brightsaber - Ran a comp, active on mIRC, been busy doing KAG activities for the BHG

Galen - Joined Flayer. Again welcome.

Alsdyr - Came in secon in FL comp, active on mIRC and AIM

Braxus - Promoted to FL, flew COB 2, TCTIE 13,16, and 52, received the CoB, 2 LoC's, and 1 MoI. Great job and congrats.

Dakhur - No word. Write me an email.

Drosha - No word write me an email.

Sharpthief - won my logic problem comp will be receiving the IS-SR soon, actice on mIRC

JKast - busy getting Hyperion up and running again, active on mIRC

Lady Deathstrike - No word. Write me an email.

Zarn - No word. Write me an email.


Those of you who are being active great job, those of you who aren't get active or at least let me know what's going on.

Respectively Submitted,

CMDR/CM Steele Brightsaber/Flayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

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