Cobra Report # 19 (2001-04-27)

This report was submitted by CPT Kyle

Cobra Report 4.27.01
Wing XIV/ Cobra News:

-For you Counter-Strike players, thats me!, there is now a EH CS server; I go there when I can altough I never see many people there.

-Cobra Squadron Is down to 5 pilot's this is below the level of at least 6 pilots. I am working on recruiting, And I hope you do too :)

-Good flying will be awarded very good:
*Each month, the pilot with the most new LoC´s earned, will be granted the title Intrepid´s Guard, and will receive a PC.
-Each month, the pilot who recruits the most new pilots to the wing, will receive a PC.

-Maj Death's Operation: Superiority is started,
Awating reply from Mantis Squadron...

-Congrats to new Asp Commander and new copperhead CMDR's, Rekio and Miack

-Brakka offers a PC to the CMDR and an ISM to every participating pilot, who´s Squdron first gains 30 citations.


- REPORT IN WEEKLY! In order to have the Squadron report out on time I need you to email me every Friday.

Activity reports:

-CM Kyle: Recruiting, little busy in RL.

-LT Lozza Piranha: IN CONTACT.

-CM The_Z:In Contact Flew some XvT and XWA free missions.


-SL Cody BlackStar: IN CONTACT.

Squadron Roster
Nickname: The Emperor’s Spear [ Deep Strike]
Motto: A knife in the back is as good as and full on strike..
1) CM Kyle (
2) LT Cody BlackStar (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Midnight Killers [Assault]
1) LT Lozza Piranha (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Eyes of the Hammer [Reconnaissance]
Motto: We can see what you can't...
1) CM The_Z (
2) LT DR Poth (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (0):

Cya around the Intrepid,
-CM Kyle

Taken from MSG boards;
Well, I don't know if I need to fo to Ronin for this (I probably do, so I will as soon as I can guage interest in this). I am quite an avid writer, so I thought one day: Wouldn't it be cool to have a novel written about the EH? I would write it with assistance from anyone who wanted to help. I need everyone who is willing to let me use their names in this novel to please post here or e-mail me at Give me your name, and any comments you have. If this goes through, I will need all WSR's/WC Reports/COM Reports/BGCOM Reports, etc. sent to me so I can co-ordinate everything. That, and I want to include first person battle tales from our own TC-TIE's etc. in it to make it more real. Please post quickly, I want to get started on this ASAP

FM/CM Wes Janson/Valkyrie 1-3/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

PS - All CMDR's/WC's/COM's etc., PLEASE send this stuff out to your Squadrons/Wing's/Ship's etc. Tell them to post here, or e-mail me if they would let me use their names. Please add to it that I may not be able to use all name's, for example: Someone named SL Shark. I can't use Shark as a name, but I can use it as a callsign. If that person has a name similar, (IE - non-name like) tell them to send me the name they want in the book, and I will use their original as a callsign. Again, if you choose not to do this, no problem. I would be very greatful if you did however.

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