Flayer Report # 9 (2001-05-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Predator

"Culling the needless"
Farewells most reluctant, as pilots move on,
Numbers diminish as squad members are gone.
But those that say "goodbye" are good for all concerned:
Dead branches are they, best separated and burned.
A good squad is like a solid chain, methinks,
And has no room for absent, weak links.
Chanlin Marr
(thanks Marr)

Flayer Squadron Report #9

This week has not been a good one for Flayer squadron we have lost three pilots and I hope this will prove to be a rebirth for Flayer squadron not a death knell. Saying that two members have impressed me and I am going to break my tradition and I am going to name them both…. So congrats to both LCM Brightsaber and LT Sharpthief your efforts for Flayer squadron has not gone unnoticed and nor will it go unrewarded. I have a system of moving all mail which is not related to this week to another place in outlook these two pilots have made my life a lot harder as I have to use the menu bar to read my mail. Thanks guys feel free to do it again!

Umm….I cannot help but notice that no one has taken up my offer being an Acting Commander. Oh well it was worth a try to get a week off: : p This offer is still open so if anyone is interested tell me.


Ok on to the good stuff! The comps thank you for all who competed both from Flayer and Fury and a special thank you to CM Chaos for co-hosting the comp.
This has not been confirmed yet so am not going to say who won but well done to all how competed!

The squadron weekly comp was won this week by ……. LCM Brightsaber! (O.k he was the only one to put in the battle)

The Non-flying comp was won by ……. NO ONE!!!!!!!!! (Predator bites some people at random)

You lots seem to fly battles and do lots of other stuff but cannot seem to do my comps if you lot have some better ideas then let me know!

This weeks comps are XWA #22 for the flying one and for the non-flying comp lets have another fiction comp! However I want the fiction to be set on-board the Avenger it’s self apart from that there are no limits so get writing !!!
Normal medals apply.

Also let me have some feed back on the squadron vs squadron comp did you enjoy it? Is it worth doing again?

As Nexus has left Shade wins the last challenge!! Well done.
That was the good news Shade the bad news is Sharp has challenged you if you win this one as well I will award you a medal.
The challage will last a week and next week will show the results so check the old reports for the rules.

Standing orders

Inform me of all clones (Including DB)
Inform me of all medals and promotions within the DB
Do at least one thing per week – if any pilot fails to do this and does not contact me with a reason they will be classed as AWOL if you are AWOL twice in a month you leave and are put in the reserves
Every month I will contact each of you either via e-mail or live on-line to discuss your progress (Medals, promotions ideas etc.) Failure to respond will result in a pilot being classed as AWOL.
This is to test if any of you read this. If you are then mail me and we will have a good laugh at the people who didn’t in my next report.
If you do anything which I am not sent an automatic e-mail then write to me yourself! (I can reward if I do not know what you are doing)
If you note that a BSF has not been done with in 36 hours something is wrong! Mail me with the file again as it may have been lost.
If you feel that you deserve a medal or promotion TELL ME! I will never say no what I might say is “ you need to do this… ”
Sending me ideas is considered activity all of them are noted and the really good ones earn rewards you may not feel your idea is much good however I may think it is great SEND THEM TO ME.
And finally and most importantly being Cruel to my goldfish is a court-martial offence and I will have you shot!

Activity Records

CPT Predator – I spent most of my time crying because we lost pilots but I did some other stuff too :P but mostly I cried

LT Braxus – AWOL so I kicked him out

LT Denton – Denton has left the squadron because he is moving to another country and he promises to return when he can.

LCM Brightsaber – Won the flying comp flew Free XWA 13, IW-XWA 22, DB-TIE 6, FREE TIE 32

LT Nexus – Nexus has transferred to Fury to help them out as they are short of active pilots and on half of Flayer squadron I wish him and his new squadron luck.

LT Drosha Krablaad - not heard from you this week

LT Shade – Shade is back and will be active, been on Mirc

LT Sharpthief – took over the running of the website, did my course!!! And some other one which does not matter because he did mine! (M/1) he also flew a lot doing Free TIE 32 ( and got the highest score of the squadron) DB-TIE 1,2,3,4,5 (yeah you lot seem to want that ISM)

SL Mikhail Rheinhardt – I need you to contact me please

Final Rant!

Ok I cannot say that I am happy about losing so many people but I hope we can turn this around so I am going to spend all of next month trying to get more pilots for us.
On a better note we have got some citations !!! which is nice.
Keep up the good work if you are working if you are not WHY NOT!
If anyone has any ideas or comments mail me (it is good to talk!)

CMDR/CPT Predator/Flayer/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

GRD Predator (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan {SA: CORE}

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