Phantom Report # 16 (2001-05-27)

This report was submitted by CM Spearhawk

The war against Beth is going very well, and may of us have scored great many kills. However there is one critical part missing. The bit of the operation that Captain Malik is responsible for is missing. This part is, as all of our parts, ecential for the entire operation and if it's not handed to me before 6 pm tomorow we risk losing the war with out even putting up much of a fight.

Wing Competition Over
The wing comp has ended and a Phantomer stands as victorius! Very well done LCM Deimos!
The top twelve (below) will stand for the Immortal in the fight against Colussus.
FM/LCM Deimos : 169.7*
FM/LCM Hawk Hunter : 132.5
FL/CM Gidda : 132.2
CMDR/CM Roth Jalis : 122.6
CMDR/CM Spearhawk : 114.2
COM/RA Dras Hempor : 109.0
FM/LCM Hiram Tolwyn : 98.9
FL/CM Gord Darkonian : 92.3
FM/LT VinDoros : 92.2
FM/CPT Banger : 89.1
FL/CPT Mark Stephenson : 87.5
CMDR/CPT Darksaber : 68.5

Flight Three Victorius
Flight three have emerged wictorius form their fight with Ghost flight two! Well done guys, I'm proud of you.
CM Gunman wrote a fiction about the victory, if you missed it you can find it attached.


Beth war!
Fly XWA #5 for the Beth war (and please note that we are honourable men and I don't want to see anyone becoming guilty of committing war crimes, e.g harassing members of Beth on IRC or such ;P). Time limit is the 28th this month!

Bio comp
Write a bio for the squad page and get a chance of earning a nice and shiny Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon. If you're not good at writing a few lines will do, as you know longest isn't always best. The time limit for this have been extended to the 2nd next month due to a lot of comps running right now.


CMDR/CM Spearhawk (34)
24/05/01 - Started working on a star wars mod for Freespace 2
25/05/01 - Finished impleting the first SW fighter, the Z-95
27/05/01 - Flew TC-Tie #170 (+5)
Comment: Wew, editing FS2 is far more complicated than I belived... but also in a way far much easier...
FM/LT Jari (40):
No recordable activities
Comment: Jari is on semi leave becasue of limited access to a computer.
FL/CPT Malik (18):
No recordable activities
Comment: Malik have been very active on IRC... maybe you could have taken some of that time to do something more constructive?
FM/LT Mark (17):
27/05/01 - Flew XWA #5 for the Beth war (+10)
Comment: Mark still apear to have some small problme with his mail, we are working on a sulution for this.
FL/CM Gunman (8):
21/05/01 - Wrote Victroy fiction
Comment: Nice work leading the flight to victory, but a little bit more of activity would be appreciated.
FM/LT Marek Jaros (34):
No recordable activities
Comment: Marek have the same problem as Jari with not having access to a computer.
FM/LT Deimos (20):
22/05/01 - Flew XWA #5 for the Beth war (+10)
23/05/01 - Awarded IS-SW for coming first in the wing comp
Comment: Well done placing first in the wing comp!

As a side note, it might be worth noting that I just earned my sabre in the DB, so it's wise not to displease me ;P

COMMANDER: CM Spearhawk (
NICKNAME: Murder Incorporated
MOTTO: They'll never see us coming... oh no they've seen us!

Nickname: The Unseen
Motto: Slip Into The Darkness Of Space
1) CM Spearhawk (
2) LT Jari (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Eclipsers
Motto: Swift As Lightning We Strike Unseen!
1) CPT Malik (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LT Mark (

Nickname: Promisers Of Death
Motto: Now You See, Now You Die!
1) CM Gunman (
2) LT Marek Jaros (
3) LCM Deimos (
4) TBA

Total: 7
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (18)

Squadron Citations (8):
   TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
   TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
   TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
   TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
   TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
   TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
   IW-XWA Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption


CM Spearhawk
CMDR/CM Spearhawk/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx4/PCx3/ISMx19/MoT-rh-gh-2bh/IS-SR/LoC-CSx5/CoL/CoB/OV [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-SM/2-TT-GFX}
DJK Spearhawk (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part.
A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

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