Psi Report # 0 (2001-03-13)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

We want the funk.

-Squadron News-

- Ladies and gentlemen, sadly, the time has come for us to bid a Scarlet O'Hara-esque farewell to Lieutenant Draegar. Drae leaves us after four months of service in light of other obligations that he must attend to. It's been great having him in Psi, and hopefully, he'll be able to someday return...(with the Elvis the Aussies have secretely kept alive :-P)

- The Psi Anniversary Comp has ended! After roughly a month, the results are finally in...

Fiction: No one! There was not a shred of fiction submitted in the comp. Boo!

::: Ford eats all non-participating Psi members in a gruesome manner :::

TIE: CM Jon Doyle! Jon edges out the other contestant, LC Proton, in a *very* close match...the scores:

FL/CM Jon Doyle:

F-TIE 151: 18,149
F-TIE 121: 28,331
F-TIE 95: 48,145

Total: 94,625

WC/LC Proton:

F-TIE 121: 25,938
F-TIE 151: 25,257
F-TIE 95: 41,889

Total: 93,084

Congratulations to both, especially Jon, on a contest well-flown!

::: eats all non-TIE-participating Psi members and ex-members :::

Graphics: LT Solaris Macharius! Both LT Sunny and CPT Shakur submitted *excellent* pieces of work; deciding which one was to win was the reason why this report was delayed so long, actually...congrats to Sunny, and well-done, Shakky! Both pieces are attached to this briefing. Sunny's graphic will soon be displayed on the official Psi roster page.

- The NCAA tournament selection committee sucks. Really, really sucks.
Let's look at this: Oklahoma University beats Texas, Kansas (virtually at Kansas, nonetheless), and Missouri, also a virtual away game...three days in a row. And those were just the last three games of their regular season.
What do they get ranked?
A four seed.
Screw you, NCAA selection committee! Arizona, a two seed? 7 losses! Mississippi, three seed? 7 losses! North Carolina, a two seed? Well, maybe we can see that one, though they had more losses and less wins than OU..Florida, a three seed? Bah! Kentucky, Boston College, Iowa State and Maryland? Oklahoma had more wins than all of these teams, with only a few more losses than Boston, and one more than Iowa State.
Bah to the damned east-coast bias! Bah to you, ESPN! Curse you, CBS! A pox upon thee, Sports Illustrated! Screw the ACC and the lot of you! Bah! Prepare to have thy pretty boys vanquished by midwestern steel!

- As some of you might have, erm, noticed, the Psi messageboard is no longer existant, due to InsidetheWeb, our previous MB host, shutting down. Three options present themselves:
One: Switch to Boardhost, a fairly decent mb provider that Wing II uses for their official board. Boardhost has had a lot of trouble lately, though, as well as an increase in ads littering their MBs :|
Two: Jump ship to the hosted messageboards. They seem to be well-publicized and well-run, with some good features.
Three: Nix the idea of a message board altogether.


- Moldy vigilante bagels seem to have infiltrated a number of Wing II e-mail systems, Ford's included...keep your cream cheese, butter, spreading knives and toasters on the ready in case they should show up near you.

- LCM Nurel Turr has changed his e-mail address to

- CM Jon Doyle celebrated his two-year-TC anniversary last week - yay Jon! Everyone rub the shiny OV-2E for luck :-P

-Wing News-

- The second round of the Wing II Pilot League has ended, with LCM Canen F. Otter leading Division 3 in first place, LCM Nurel Turr in 9th in Division 3, and Ford in sixth place in Division 1. Psi is also ranked 5th in the squadron standings. F-TIE 119 ('Snake Eyes') has been selected as the mission to fly this week.

- Scouts report that a chocolate gungan has been seen lurking about the Wing II halls. Intelligence believes this is an elaborate spying scheme by the Rebels. As the only way they believe it's sensors are to be deadened is via a trip through the digestive tract, Psi is ordered to find and consume this gungan at all costs.

- Our FCHG race with Wing VI and the Sov IWATS March Madness comps continue on, with 18 days left in both comps to pass as many IWATS courses and fly as much as you possibly can.

-Squadron Orders-

- Fly F-TIE 119 for the W2PL! If you're not in the W2PL, join! >:P

- Fly! Fly, me pretties, fly! Fly for all you're worth!

- IWATS! Pass courses! Study! Be kool, stay in skool! etc.

- Watch March Madness! :P

-Squadron Activity-

CMDR/LC Twinkalicious:

3.8.01 - Completes TC-28
3.10.01 - Completes F-TIE 27

FM/LT Solaris Macharius:

3.9.01 - Submits Psi banner for Anniversary comp

FM/LT Draegar:

3.10.01 - Retires from the TIE Corps


FL/LCM Canen F. Otter:

3.10.01 - Completes F-TIE 27

FM/MAJ Sanj:

No Activity - BAD SANJ!

FM/LCM Nurel Turr:

3.6.01 - Completes F-TIE 107
3.9.01 - Changes e-mail to


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

3.7.01 - Completes F-TIE 95
3.9.01 - Completes F-TIE 121
3.10.01 - Completes F-TIE 151

FM/LT Avatar:

No Activity - Bad Av!

Better activity than last week, yay Psi.

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- The Naval Corps is closing! Ouch..
From SA Kawolski:

Over time, the Naval Corps has become nothing more than a clone of the TIE Corps
XWA wings with a different command structure. It has been under the agreement of GA
Ronin, myself, and several other key commanding officers that the Naval Corps will
completely close down when the new EH Database is activated.

As of right now, Echo Company is closed and any current Echo Company cadets
completing training will automatically be assigned to a TIE Corps X-Wing Alliance wing.
Eventually, all clones of TC members in the Naval Corps will be eliminated as well.
Anyone who is not a clone is encouraged to start looking for a X-Wing Alliance wing
(Sovereign Wing III, ISD Immortal, or ISD Vanguard) to transfer to.

Anyone "left behind" when the Naval Corps closes will automatically go to the reserves
until they make a transfer request.

The future of the Naval Corps is being discussed behind closed doors at the moment.

::: somewhere, Freelancer is heard angrily yelling and demanding the XO's colon in a jar :::

- The EH Image Archive has been updated!

- Wing IX has been awarded February's TCCOM's Own.

- Colossus COM Troutrooper has been appointed CA:TAC2. RA Mell has been appointed Col COM to replace Troutrooper.

- BGCOM Jarak has been promoted to Admiral.

- Skipping Missions = Bad! From the TAC and XO, respectively:

Recently, it has come to my attention that pilots have been simply playing 5/6 of a battle
(or X-1/X) and submitting it, saying they skipped the last mission. According with the
Tactical Manual, i have issued Tactical Order #001.

Tactical Order #001
Admiral StarLion

Persons having skipped a mission in a battle MUST fill out a legitimate bug report on
that battle in order to receive credit for that battle.
If the Tactical Office discovers you are NOT doing so, the BSF's in question will be
removed from your record, irregardless of previously completed entries for said battle.

(Quoted from: The Tactical Manual)
You may not skip more than one mission. You may NOT skip Free Missions. You may
NOT skip a mission just because you do not want to fly it.

XO Kawolski:

In addendum to the Tactical Office's order, if you are skipping missions on a regular
basis, forcing the Tactical Officer to have to bring up your record again and again to
remove battles you didn't fully complete, you will be sent to the HCI on charges of
cheating, which results in many steep punishments.

We understand mistakes happen, but repeat offenders who feel they can abuse the
system will face the consequences.

Amen. :-P

- If you needed more proof that cheating is bad, ex-CPT Raven Arestar has also been demoted to SL, and subsequently resigned from the TIE Corps after being convicted of .tfr cheating.
Cheating is bad. >:P

- A new TIE Corps database? A new EH database? Stay tuned for more news on this from XO/FSE Kawolski!

- After a bit of, ahem, turbulence, in the Dark Brotherhood, FA Zoraan has been removed from the position of DB Grand Master after attempting to secede from the EH. FA Faethor / Chi-Long (aka Chun-Li :-P) has been appointed the new GM.

- Emperor's Hammer: The Game? True that. From LA/VA Quake:

For the past 3 months, I have been secretly working on a new Emperor's Hammer computer game for the PC. After being spurred on by AbsoluteK's
plea in one of his Imperial Voice sessions for some EH programmers to get together and work on an EH game, I decided to actually start work on the
project secretly, so that I wouldn't get bombarded with requests for help with the game.

I would like to state now, that this project is currently run solely by me, and I will continue to code alone, although I may ask for voiceovers and
graphics from various EH members.

The basic look of the game is a cross between Jedi Knight and TIE Fighter. I have already splashed out on £500 for a decent graphics engine, which
supports high-res models which are more detailed than XWA.

The game will be processor/RAM hungry, as I want the game to be more fancy than TIE, yet more playable than XWA.

There will be a network option however, and I have a subcontractor (IGE Computing) to do the work for that.

I would also like to mention that the game will be completely free, to avoid copyright infringement, and to keep in the spirit of the EH.

I aim to get a rolling demo out by late April/May. The game itself is scheduled for a 3rd/4th Quarter 2001 release.

A website with screenshots and information will be available very soon.

- EH loses Outer Rim again, boo..

- A new EH logo is being sought! After being contacted by LucasArts on the subject of copyright infringement, GA Ronin has issued a call for all EH members to begin design on the new EH logo! To avoid copyright infringement, you *must* avoid usage of TIE Fighters, X-wings, the Imperial insignia, or any other copyrighted, traditionally Star Wars graphics in your image...this must be purely original! So, if you've any ideas, break out your gfx skeelz and send that image into GA Ronin! (cc Ford :-P)

- New fleet-wide comp! Sponsored by the Recon Office, a webhunt will be starting tomorrow, at Every two days, a former EH Site of the Week will be posted, and members must scramble to locate the address, along with the answer to a question the RO will be releasing. Check out the website for more info..

"I'll take witty report-ending remarks for 800, Alex."

Dang. No answer.

Oh well. All for this week.

Fly, pass IWATS courses, etc.

And remember:

Old philosophers never die. They just cease to doubt their existence.

CMDR-AMB-PROF/LC Lord Twinkalicious/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][CAVL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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