Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Ricaud (#765)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2000-08-31
Reviewed: 2000-08-31
Well-structured, well-plotted, well-paced, well-designed battle. Infact, just about everything else prefixed by "well-". Apart from "well-crap" that is. Because it isn't. And because that wouldn't be proper English. No, it just wouldn't. What was I saying again? Oh yes, play this battle. Play it, and love it.
Reviewed: 2000-08-11
Reviewed: 2000-08-11
The design of this battle rocks great big fecking bells ... the voices are just the icing on top of the cake. No feeling like hearing the Emperor cackle "Give in to your hatred," as you waste away a Rebel X-Wing.
Reviewed: 2000-07-29
Reviewed: 2000-07-29
Alright, the plot is a little unoriginal, lifted right out of Truce at Bakura/New Jedi Order ... and there's the annoying inconsistency that if this is an unknown alien race, why do they use standard galactic ships? But all the same, this battle rocks great big fecking bells, and that's all anybody needs to know.
Reviewed: 2000-07-29
Reviewed: 2000-07-29
A reasonable battle, until mission #3 comes along. Trying to survive against two or three squadrons of fighters with shields and concussion missiles -- simultaneously -- is not my idea of fun. I had to go through a frankly hellish 53 minute dogfight in the second region, in which there were points where I had 15-20 fighters attacking me at once. It makes me wonder if the mission designer even bothered to test the battle. People need to realise that this is NOT TIE Fighter anymore; you can't throw the player in a T/D against a whole fleet of ships, because in XWA, he won't survive!

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