Reviewer Rating Profile

Admiral Daniel Licinius Trajanus (#7317)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Battle Reviews: 10
Reviewed: 2003-06-21
Reviewed: 2003-06-21
This battle had a good storyline and was a good battle until i got to mission 6. In this battle 2 Gunboats have to disable 3 platforms and several capital ships. Its doable but takes a very long time. After i disabled the last ship i went and made a drink while several more objectives were completed by the game. These took 10 minutes. Once htese 10 minutes were up i then waited several more minutes for enemery fighters to show up that i had to destroy in the objectives. Trouble is they didnt show up. So i had wasted 45 minutes flying this mission only to not be able to complete it anyway.
Reviewed: 2003-05-20
Reviewed: 2003-05-20
Well i liked the story on this and some of the mission work was good but there are a few things that really ruin it. The mission objectives are unclear at best, especially in mission 4. I agree with Bros on the issue of the MUTR, its pointless as it is. Overall in most missions there are too many fighters with too many warheads. Needs a bit of work to be considered really good, but still a good start
Reviewed: 2003-03-06
Reviewed: 2003-03-06
I have to say i enjoyed this battle until i got to the final mission. The AI of your allies is so poor that you have to protect your own capital ships as well as destroying a cruiser. The mission is extremely difficult even on easy
Reviewed: 2003-01-21
The reason i gave this battle 3 was because i loved the plot, the briefings etc. but i hated every single second of flying it. The missions were unbelievably hard, even on easy. Now i dont claim to be the greatest of flyers, but i dont think i am that bad either. These missions, especially the last one, were extremely difficult and i had to fly them far too many times to complete them. I dont mind a challenge but this was a joke. The last mission where you have a squadron of A-Wings trying to kill you while you have to take out 2 capital ships practically on your own is an example of this. Anyway, apart from the playing side the battle was brilliantly constructed an the missions very complex. Well done on that but please make it a little easier next time.
Reviewed: 2002-09-13
Reviewed: 2002-09-13
I like it. Good plotline which is followed through in the battle. Good range of objectives and an all round enjoyable battle.
Reviewed: 2002-02-10
I really liked this mission. It wasnt perfect but it was pretty near. The dogfighting was cool. The only problem was the Tie Fighters kept on ramming me and getting destroyed :( Anyway I was in it so that was cool :)
Reviewed: 2001-11-18
Great storyline. Some of the missions were a bit slow or difficult though
Reviewed: 2001-11-15
Reviewed: 2001-11-15
Very good mission! The only mission i have ever laughed out loud in
Reviewed: 2001-11-07
Reviewed: 2001-11-07
Brilliant mission. Ties in really well with the books on this time period. Brilliant!
Reviewed: 2001-09-09
Great mission. One of the best I have played. I love the huge amount of dogfighting in the 5 mission. Im gonna fly this again some time.

Showing all 10 records