Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Alexandr III Biges (#2642)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 3
Reviewed: 2000-12-19
Reviewed: 2000-12-19
Very, very difficult battle, spent two days with playng... but interesting.
Reviewed: 2000-07-10
Reviewed: 2000-07-10
It's worst than I'v ever thought! The 5th mission was the most boring mission I'v ever played and everyone loading crafts with heavy bombs must have totaly empty head. Everyone knows, that AI can't use bombs, because fighters release them far from their targets. And the 6th mission? Destroying three ACE platforms with lasers? (because these bombs are unusable by computer and that few heavy rockets can't carry the missin) Horrible!
Reviewed: 2000-06-26
Reviewed: 2000-06-26
I play Tie Fighter with mouse and X/W was very problematic to control. And later missions weren't cover type, so it was nonsenese to fligh in such dirt like X/W.

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