New Battle released

HA Kawolski

31 January, 2000 20:19
Today's new battle is a 15-mission Combined Arms Battle using TIE Fighter:

  • CAB #5: Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

TO on leave

FA Astatine

30 January, 2000 19:50

Well, I'm packing my PC away today for transportation to my final destination. I will actually be leaving on Wednesday or Thursday. Then 4 or 5 days of driving and I'll be where I need to get to. Then maybe a couple days to get back online. FA Kessler will be marking the IWATS Core tests for the cadets. Other courses marked by me will have to wait a few extra days than normal. Also, by the time I get back online, Mission 4 for TO Comp 5 should be ready for release. Anyway, bye for now.

BGCOM promoted to full Admiral

FA Kessler

30 January, 2000 14:02
The Flight Office was today granted permission by the Fleet Commander to authorise the promotion of Vice Admiral Ricaud to the rank of Admiral. This promotion comes after several months' hard work promoting activity in the TIE Corps Battlegroups, and is well deserved. Congratulations, Admiral Ricaud

Contact Info on Personnel Profiles

HA Kawolski

30 January, 2000 11:29

The "Contact Information" field is now being displayed on Personnel Profiles.

A word from the COO

FA Darkov

30 January, 2000 09:32

Well done for the seventh win in a row. On a sour note though, I was disappointed about the turnout for Xwing Vs Tie Fighter for the first few hours. The TIE Corps has many XvT and XWA pilots; lets see more you attending this event; it's here for you afterall. Next week I expect to see more XvT matches and/or XWA matches played than JK matches. They had no warning, yet they still managed to get more games played. :)

EH Victorious at Outer Rim Night. Again

FA Kessler

30 January, 2000 05:52
Yet another victory for the EH at last night's Outer Rim Contest. Results are as follows:

X-Wing Alliance
EH Mareek vs RS Savage T/I 3-4, EH Wins!
EH CPT_Gelak vs. RS_Savage X/W's 3-2, EH wins!
EH Murad vs RS Savage T/I 7-4, RS Wins!
EH Dras vs RS Savage T/I 13-6, EH Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Savage 9-7, EH Wins!
EH Dras vs RS Savage XW 13-4, EH Wins!
EH Solor vs RS Savage C/F 18-17, EH Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Prower T/I's 5-2, EH Wins
EH Havoc vs RS Runt T/I 13-9, EH Wins!
EH Solor vs RS Death XW 24-23, EH Wins!
EH Dras vs RS Death XW 9-8, RS Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Death T/I 24-8, EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Dev 14-4 X/W's, EH Wins!
EH_Murad vs RS_Dev T/l 5-4, EH Wins!
EH Raven vs. RS Chaos, T/I's, 20-12, EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Savage 30-24 Plt/F's, EH Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Dev T/I 20-2, EH Wins!
EH Brucmack vs RS Death XW 16-13, EH Wins!
EH Death vs RS Dras XW 5-4, RS Wins!
RS Dev vs. EH Rok, T/I's, 3-2, RS Wins!
EH Dras vs RS Death T/A 6-1, RS Wins!
EH: 16 | RS: 5 | TIE: 0 Imperial Victory!

X-Wing vsTIE Fighter
EH Raven vs RS Fishion T/I 21-13, RS Wins!
EH Bruc vs RS Fishion XW 26-8, EH Wins!
EH Death vs RS DarkChaos T/I 11-10, EH Wins!
RS_Aedis vs EH_Raven 22-11 in T/Is RSWins!
EH Bruc vs RS Cody AW 7-12, EH Wins!
EH Ravil vs RS Chaos T/I 10-7, EH Wins!
RS_Aedis vs ED_Bruc 11-11 in T/Is Tie
EH Brucmack vs RS Aedis T/I 11-11, TIE!
Rza_Chaos vs EH_Brakka T/I 8-5 EH Wins
EH Ravil vs RS Aedis T/I 12-23, RS Wins!
EH Ravil vs GAdRS T/I 16-14, RS Wins!
GAdRS vs EH_Ravil T/I 16-14 RS wins!
RS-DEATH vs EH-Raven X vs X 25-25 Tie
EH_Shups vs `Myst TIs 19-9 Ehwins
Raven vs Cody TF 19-12 EH win
EH_Shups vs GAdRS 26-6 TI EH wins
Rza_Chaos vs EH DaWurm 27 to 9, T/I's, RS Wins!
RS_Aedis vs EH_Murad 17-7 in T/Is, RS Wins!
RS_Shiel vs EH_Ari 13-3 in T/A, RS wins!
Raven vs GAdRS T/I 28-14 EH Wins
Shups vs Myst 20-10 T/I, EH Wins!
RS IronMan vs EH Tiger Z's 25-14 RS Wins
Shups vs RS_Shiel 11-9 T/I, EH WIn
RS_Shiel vs. EH_Arso, X/W's, 16-8, RS Wins!
EH Raven vs. RS Chaos, T/I's, 20-12, EH Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Shiel T/I 12-18, EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Rza-Chaos 22-12 T/F's, EH Wins!
RS PM vs EH Bruc 16-14 X/W's, RS Wins!
EH Arso vs. RS Chaos, T/F's, 17-17, Tie!
EH Brucmack vs RS Shiel XW 12-6, EH Wins!
EH: 15 | RS: 9 | TIE: 3 Imperial Victory!

Jedi Knight
EH Wetwilly vs RS Rahj 10-1, EH Wins!
EH Blade vs RS Rich 10-3, EH Wins!
EH Coursca vs RS Gambit 4--3, RS Wins!
EH WetWilly vs RS Rahj Disqual, RS Wins
EH Rizlib vs RS Savage 15-5, EH Wins!
EH Rizlib vs RS Rahj 10--2, RS Wins!
RSGambit vs. EHKaek BGJ NF 10-6, RS wins!
EH_Rizlib vs Kaz 5 - -1, EH Wins
EH_Mav vs. Orian ,CO, NF, 10--3, EH wins!
EH_Blade vs. RS_Orion, BGJ NF, 3-1, RS wins!
EH_Mav vs. Gambit, Oasis NF, 10-4, EH Wins!
EH_Kaek vs. L_Katarn, CO HF, Sabers, 2-0, EH Wins!
EH_Rizlib vs. Rahj, CO FF, 2-0, EH Wins!
Karrade vs. Kelric, 5-0, CO NF, RS Wins!
RS_Troy vs. EH_Matt, BGJ NF, 6-2, RS Wins!
EH_Mav vs. Gambit, CO FF, 10--1, EH Wins!
RS_Kaz vs. EH_Rocanon, NS NF, 5-4, RS Win!
RS_Rahj vs. EH_Jarak, NS NF, 5--1, RS Wins!
EH Kelric vs RS Gambit F5 BGJ 10-7 EH Wins!
EH_Kaek vs. RS_Savage, BGJ NF, 5-3, EH Wins!
EH_Mav vs. L_Katarn, CO FF, 10-0, EH Wins!
Rocanon vs. Kerensky, CO NF, 10--2, EH Wins!
RS_Rahj vs. EH_Jarak, CO FF, 6-0, RS Wins!
Gambit vs. EHRyoji, BGJ NF, RS Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Troy Nexus BGJ NF 5-4, EH Wins!
Gambit vs. EHBlade, CO NF, 4-1, RS Wins!
Karrade vs. EHRizlib, BMC FF, 7-4, RS Wins!
Chron vs. L_Katarn, BGJ HF, 5--3, EH Wins!
Rahj vs. Ryoji, CO FF, 8-0, RS Wins!
EHKelric vs. RSSavage, CO F4, 10--2, EH Wins!
EH_Calvin vs. L_Katarn, VotJT NF, 9-5, RS Wins!
RSGambit vs. EHAri, BMS FF, 25--6, RS Wins!
RS Karrade vs. EH Rizlib, CO NF, 1-0, RS Wins!
RS_Rahk vs. EH_Cronos, CO NF, 7--2, RS Wins!
EH_Mav vs. RS_Nacho, CO FF, 10-0, EH Wins!
RS Karrade vs. CM_Tiger, CO NF, 9-1, RS Wins!
EH Mav vs. RS Yacks, CO FF, 10--4, EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Nachos Man 15-1 BGJ FF, EH Wins!
EH: 18 | RS: 20 | TIE: 0 Rebel Victory

Totals:EH: 49 | RS: 34 | TIE: 3
Outcome: EH Victory.

New Battle

HA Kawolski

30 January, 2000 00:00
Another new battle has been released:

  • TC-TIE #137: Pirate Arms War

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

New restored battle released to the fleet

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 20:19
TC-TIE #44: Military Complex Operation

This battle was recently known as MilCom-1 and flown during the first Sovereign Squadron League! If you have your pilot file for this battle (or, if you don't, you can prove you played this in the first SSL), you can now earn official credit and FCHG points for it.

This battle is available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

New Battles released to the fleet

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 18:23
Yes, I know it's been a really long time since battles have been released. With stable, I can finally dedicate my work back to what my primary job should be as Tactical Officer!

The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

  • TC-TIE #134: Damaged TIEs
  • TC-TIE #135: Pirate Confederation Battle
  • TC-TIE #136: Recruitment Campaign
  • BHG #1: The Hunt Begins

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

More bugs fixed

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 17:38

A bug that had the "Rec. Medal" and "Rec. BSF" links show up on inactive pilots and cadets has been been fixed.

New CA:TAC2 assigned

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 11:53
Congratulations to Vice Admiral Sauron, the new second Command Attaché for the Tactical Office!

TC Magazine Staff Needed

VA Ricaud

29 January, 2000 10:51
Have you got journalistic skills? Want to use them for the TIE Corps? Then this is your opportunity! Battlecry, the new TIE Corps Magazine, wishes to expand and take on three new staff members:

* Deputy Editor - responsible for publicising the Magazine and responding to queries on Fleet Message Boards, also takes over in case of any prolonged absence upon the Editor's part.
* Staff Writer A - must conduct monthly "official" interviews with major Fleet figures for each issue. Must demonstrate good inter-personal skills and knowledge of recent news.
* Staff Writer B - acts as a subadmin on the TC Magazine Debate Board (; decides monthly topics for debates, keeps the argument on the Board going, and writes up an article based upon the posts (and quoting from them) each issue.

All applications must be sent to the Editor, Vice Admiral Ricaud. References are not necessary. And past examples of work will, however, be appreciated.

TIE Corps IRC Meeting Cancelled

FA Kessler

29 January, 2000 05:56
This weekend's TIE Corps meeting is cancelled due to the majority of the membership being occupied with sitting at home in front of the TV, eating Hot Dogs and watching the Superbowl.
The next meeting will be held next week, Sunday 7th February 2000.

New Administration Feature

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 00:17
For CMDRs+: Now you can use the Personnel Search page to recommend medals or BSFs without having to pull up the pilot's Personnel Profile. However, this only works when you're logged in at administration.

New admin bug fixed

HA Kawolski

29 January, 2000 00:03

A bug that allowed Cadets to log into the TIE Corps Administration, edit their profile and submit battle reviews and bug reports has been fixed. Sorry admin access until you become Sub-Lieutenants!

Force Commander Spotlight Preview

FA Zoraan

28 January, 2000 20:53
As of today, January 28th, the Force Commander "Spotlight Preview" has finally appeared at the LucasArts domain (

One of the claims the preview makes is that the game will be released in the first quarter of 2000, meaning that we're no more than 60 days from release.

And on a final note, you may appreciate the last line in the Preview: "Force Commander is being developed in part by Ronin Entertainment."

New Battle Mirror

HA Kawolski

28 January, 2000 20:40
8 ABY has generously provided us with another battle mirror for downloading official EH battles!

On a side note, I'll be hard at work finishing the final beta testing for all those that were waiting since my last Tactical Briefing for me to finish! Believe me, I want to get these new battles out by the Newsletter #62 submission deadline so I don't look totally inactive this month! :)

Database Updates Now Complete

FA Kessler

28 January, 2000 15:33
Yes, that's right. Everything that should have been done over the last week is now complete. Everyone's been promoted, assigned, AWOL'ed, transferred, fed their dried frog pills etc.

What now? Everyone check their profiles. If you see anything wrong - MAIL ME. I'll probably regret this later, but right now I'm still the mood to play with the database, so this is a one-time special offer - check your profiles, email me with any obvious errors.

Note to the over-enthusiastic members amongst us - If you're going to email me with a complaint that your IWATS Courses aren't listed properly, be sure to put 'IWATS Course Corrections' in the subject, so I know I can delete it without looking at it. I'm the Flight Officer. I do rosters. Fleet Admiral Astatine is the Dean of IWATS. Funnily enough, he does IWATS Courses :Þ

Note to Fleet Medical Personnel

HA Kawolski

28 January, 2000 10:59
There is currently a bug in the database that allows Flight Members and Flight Leaders access to recommend medals on the TIE Corps database if they are a ship doctor or flight nurse. Let it be known that ship doctors or flight nurses do NOT gain any special privledges when it comes to awarding medals. Their position on the ship (FM, FL, CMDR, WC, etc.) determines whether or not you may award a medal.

Any Fleet Medical Personnel found abusing the database by trying to "sneak" in a medal request will automatically be banned from the using the database completely until the pilot is promoted to a position that allows him to recommend medals (CMDR+) or until the bug is fixed (and you won't just be banned from recommending medals, but banned from even logging in...and being banned will show up on your personnel profile). You have been warned!

The Operations Office is backlogged with two weeks of medal requests to process which amounts into the hundreds and requires a good deal of time to do them. They don't need the extra workload of sifting through medal requests from doctors who are exploiting a bug on the database that allows them to recommend medals beyond what their primary position holds.

Subgroup URLs updated

HA Kawolski

28 January, 2000 08:33
The URLs on the Subgroups tab were in need of updating. If you find any broken or dead links on this homepage, please report them to High Admiral Kawolski.

New Pulp Phantom episode

HA Kawolski

28 January, 2000 02:50
Pulp Phantom: The Animated Parody - - The site posted the ninth segment of the Pulp Phantom movie that adds a little bit of "user interaction" at the end (but don't get your hopes up).

Warning: The site contains language, adult subject matter, and a bunch of Trekkies. For mature audiences only.

Vanity URLs not available anymore

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 16:18
Vanity URLs, like or, will no longer be available. To the people who asked me what this means, it means they're gone for good. They're not coming back.

Here is a listing of all the vanity URLs and where they point to. Please update your links.

Admin bug fixed

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 15:57

The administration bug that gave an error message when you tried to log into the database has been fixed.

Profile Bug fixed

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 15:55

The bug that displayed your contact info as your "Quote" has been fixed. If you updated your profile in the last few minutes, please check your quote to make sure it wasn't messed up by the bug.

Mailer Fixed

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 15:44

That was quick. The e-mailer (aside from POP accounts) on has been fixed! Please disregard the notice under "Mailer Offline."

Admin bug

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 14:51
Sometimes the database will give an error message when trying to log into the administration section. If this happens, e-mail High Admiral Kawolski so he can fix the problem.

Mailer Offline

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 14:46
The e-mailer is currently offline. This means POP accounts, IWATS tests, and assignment forms are all offline as well. The reason why is because the domain name,, is still registered on Web Burner's servers. As soon as Network Solutions processes the transfer request to officially move to CrystalTech, the mailer will be online and operational.

In the meantime, when you fill out the IWATS tests, e-mail the generated copy to the test administrator. If you're a Cadet, ask Fleet Admiral Kessler for a "paper-copy" of the assignment form only if you completed your Daedalus training. E-mail High Admiral Kawolski for password requests.

Profile Addition

HA Kawolski

27 January, 2000 10:19

On your profiles, you can now set "Contact Information" on your profile to provide additional contact info (like IRC nicknames) and let other people know when you're usually available online. The personnel profiles will display this information publicly this weekend.

Newsletters #60 and #61 are viewable online

AD Tron

26 January, 2000 22:29
For the convenience of everyone (for Windows and Mac users and because NL 60 is almost 10 MB)...I've uploaded both NL 60 and NL 61 to my server. Therefore, if you don't wish to do the big download, you don't have to...just go to either: or and enjoy!

AlliED v1.25 released

HA Kawolski

26 January, 2000 22:11
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.25 today for registered users to include more new wireframes. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at moves to a new server!

HA Kawolski

26 January, 2000 21:34

Welcome to our new home at CrystalTech! Some things still need to be tested on this new server, but the move seems to have gone smoothly so far. The name transfer with Internic has already been submitted, so in a few days, you should be able to access this site using the "" URL.

All Systems Operational

HA Kawolski

23 January, 2000 23:36

The mailer on should be fixed completely now. According to Web Burner, service has fully restored. So if you find an error message or something, e-mail it to me so I can document the downtime (and yell at them some more).

TIE Corps Homepage online again

HA Kawolski

23 January, 2000 13:47

Finally, after three days of being down, the TIE Corps homepage is back online...except the people at the company didn't install the Mailer program. This whole thing came as really bad timing because I'm on emergency leave (but fortunately had some time today to get things straightened out with the server people), so I can't move servers yet. But as soon as I can return home, we'll be moving away from Web Burner to a more stable server.

Roster Counts now available

HA Kawolski

19 January, 2000 13:47
If you look at the TIE Corps Rosters, you'll see counts for every TIE Corps wing. One small side effect is that it's displaying inactive wings and ships as if they're active. To fix this bug, I must shut down the TC database for a few minutes. I'll do that late tonight or early tomorrow morning.

The Command Openings page still works properly. Do NOT attempt to apply for positions on inactive ships or wings. You will not get them and there are absolutely no plans to open these ships anytime in the near future until we fill up the ones we have now.

I'm still in the process of fixing up the new format for how the rosters will be displayed, but I figured putting up a rough draft in the meantime is better than nothing!

TC Message Board problems

HA Kawolski

19 January, 2000 08:59
The TIE Corps Message Board at is experiencing many slow-downs due to doing upgrades. Hopefully, the problems will be fixed later today when they complete their software upgrade.

Password Mailer fixed

HA Kawolski

19 January, 2000 07:13

The mailer that sends you administration password to you has been fixed. It no longer reports an error message when the password was already being sent!'s New Look

HA Kawolski

18 January, 2000 19:02
For Year 2000 and the EH 5th Anniversary...which was several days ago, I wanted to give the TIE Corps Domain a brand new look. With the huge help of Rear Admiral Slade and Major Mooks, we were able to accomplish this with the masterpiece you see before you today! Major Mooks helped with conceptual design while dodging blaster fire from his fellow officers, Rear Admiral Slade worked in the wee hours of the night creating the graphics surrounding the page, and I went without sleep for days because I discovered just how good those Starbucks Frappuccinos are...and to put the HTML together and necessary database/homepage coding for it to work as a suitable template.

As you can see, I'm not quite done with applying the redesigned format everywhere on the domain. Some pages have color schemes that matched the older green army motif while I'm still adding new features and such to others. The Battle Center and Administration sections are my next targets to work on!

The news page now has Headlines to highlight the news at the top. I also put a miscellaneous announcements section on the right of the news. This will feature other news that remains pertinent over a period of time, such as the domain winning the Site-of-the-Week and the progress of the Training Office Competition.

The graphics layout on the new domain is far more complex than before, so if something's not loading correctly on your browser, let me know at Be sure to state which page you're looking at, what Internet browser you're using, and, if you know it, your current screen resolution.

New Operations Officer

HA Kawolski

18 January, 2000 18:19
With the recent resignation of Fleet Admiral Bull as the Operations Officer, his First Command Attaché, Admiral Howlader is the new Operations Officer for the Emperor's Hammer.

Project Faithful Wargame Concludes

LCM IQ Pierce

18 January, 2000 17:17

After nearly 6 months of operation, the "Project Faithful" wargame has
concluded. This was a test-run of the "Interactive Campaign" idea, and I believe that it has been a rousing success. With the bugs now mostly worked out, it won't be long before you hear more about Interactive Campaigns, as they will soon be released to the entire fleet in some form. In addition, the battles played in this wargame may soon be collected and released as a TC-XWA battle. Stay tuned for more news on this exciting new way to do battle in the Star Wars universe!

AlliED v1.242 released

HA Kawolski

18 January, 2000 14:56
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.242 today for registered users to include new wireframes. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at

Commodore of the ISD Intrepid Selected

FA Kessler

17 January, 2000 13:47
Vice Admiral Sarok has selected Colonel Pel to be the new Commodore of the ISD Intrepid. This means he'll have to wave goodbye to the Colossus of course. Congratulations on your appointment, Rear Admiral Pel!

Open Season Declared on Major Mooks

FA Kessler

17 January, 2000 13:23
Video: Various Members of Emperor's Hammer Command Staff assemble at Fleet Headquarters to collect hunting rifles from the Office of Fleet Admiral Kessler. High Admiral Kawolski and Fleet Admiral Astatine stand at the front of the line, fists clenching and unclenching as they await their turn.
FA Astatine: "I want something big that fires lots of shots."
FA Kessler: "I've got a Blastech E-11 Carbine. Personally recommended by General Donner of the 3rd Battalion. It's accurate at up to 200 yards and can blow a hole the size of your fist in plasteel armour."
FA Astatine: "Got anything bigger?"
FA Kessler: "Nope."
FA Astatine: "Okay, I'll take two."

The Fleet Medical Officer, Rear Admiral Mike, today authorised the use of gratuitous violence as a cure for an ailment that is currently afflicting several highly ranked members of the Fleet Command Staff. Symptoms of this illness, described as Mooks Syndrome, include the irrational desire to choke the living daylights out of TIE Corps Majors named Mooks. The illness is commonly caused by incessant pestering of Command Officers by the aforementioned Major. There is no known cure at this time, but The Medical Office suggests that aggression therapy may help relieve the symptons.

Fleet personnel are warned that anyone standing within five metres of anyone named Mooks over the course of the next few days stands a good chance of getting shot. High Admiral Kawolski is a very enthusiastic gunner, but his accuracy leaves a lot to be desired.

Related Articles: Blastech Industries shares rise by twelve points.

Fleet Medical Corps Website

FA Kessler

17 January, 2000 12:35
Rear Admiral Mike, the Fleet Medical Officer, has posted the Fleet Medlab at the URL

Flight Officer promoted to Fleet Admiral

HA Kawolski

17 January, 2000 08:26
Flight Officer Admiral Kessler has been promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral by Grand Admiral Ronin for his hard work and dedication to the Emperor's Hammer and the TIE Corps! Congratulations, FA Kessler!

EH Domain Updated

HA Kawolski

17 January, 2000 08:24
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page and domain with the latest fleet announcements.

Mission 3 for TO Comp 5 released

FA Astatine

17 January, 2000 01:48
Mission 3 for XvT and TIE Fighter, as well as the Shockwave briefing, for TO Competition 5 has been released. The XWA version would be released in the next couple days. The TO Comp 5 site is located here.

First Ladder Season Closes

FA Astatine

17 January, 2000 01:45
The first season of the EH Competition Ladder has closed. The winners are listed below:

MAJ Shups CPT Dras Hempor
SA Compton LCM Vaark
LCM Death SA Compton

First placed gets a Gold Star, 2nd a Silver and the 3rd a Bronze. No matches were played on the JK Ladder.

Animated Briefing Tutorial

HA Kawolski

17 January, 2000 01:37
I thought I added this link to the Battle Creation Center, but it turns out I forgot to upload the updated page!

Admiral Striker has made a tutorial for how to make animated briefings in TIE Fighter using TIE Fighter Workshop. You can view the tutorial at:

EH Poll News

FA Manesh

17 January, 2000 01:12
There are currently three polls open : EH Poll #51, EH Poll #52, and EH Poll #53. Also, for nostalgic purposes, the prototype "EH Poll #0" is available for viewing. And as always, the EH Ethnology paper is there for all to read. All of this can be found at the EH Polling Center,

Outer Rim Competition Results - 01/15/2000

AD Darkov

16 January, 2000 12:42
Xwing Vs Tie Fighter Results

RS IronMan vs. EH Raven 24-14 RS Wins
RS IronMan vs EH LordHelmet X's 4-2 RS Wins
EH Death vs RS Cole 19-3 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH_Shups vs RS_Dusty T/A vs X-W 10-2 EH Wins!
IronManRS vs EH Death T/I's 18-12 RS Wins
EH_Shups vs BigfootRS 27-10 T/I EH_Wins
`spaceboy vs BigfootRS 14-10 t/i EHWins!
EH_Shups vs RS_Alexio 18-15 t/i EHins!
RS PM vs EH Tiger 24-17 Z-95's, RS Wins!
RS Aedis vs EH Slage 19-8 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Smit vs RS Meteor 20-8 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Trate 25-15 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Death vs RS Nil 3-1 T/I, EH Wins!
EH Smit vs RS Alexio 16-13 T/I's, EH Wins!
RS Trate vs EH Shups 20-17 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Smit vs RS GadRS T/I's 21-14 EH Wins
RS PM vs EH Raven 12-10 Y/W's, RS Wins!
EH Shups vs GAdRS 16-10 T/I's, EH Wins!
RS PM vs EH Death 8-3 X/W vs T/I, RS Wins!
EH Slasher vs RS Alexio 20-17 T/F's, EH Wins!
RS IronMan and PM vs EH Kaerner and Shups 42-38 EH Wins
EH Slash vs GAdRS T/I 15-11, EH Wins!

XVT: EH: 14 | RS: 8 | TIE: 0

Xwing Alliance Results

EH Kesloun vs RS Rave Pry/f 13-7, RS Wins!
EH CPT_Gelak vs RS Savage 11-4 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Hizad vs RS Deltan 2-1 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Savage 11-5 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Murad vs RS Deltan 12-4 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Arso vs RS Savage T/I 20-8, EH Wins!
RS Savage vs EH Murad 6-4 X/W's, RS Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Rave Pry/F's 10-6, EH Wins!
RS Savage vs EH Murad 4-2 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Arso vs RS Savage 22-20 IRD's, EH Wins!
EH Murad vs RS Talon 13-7 T/I's, EH Wins!
RS Rave vs EH CMDan 5-1 Fpr/F's, RS Wins!
RS Savage vs EH Paradox 9-6 Y/W's, RS Wins!
RS_Trate vs EH_Fraggl 16-15 T/I RSwin!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Rave 7-2 Pry/F's, EH Wins!
RS Talon vs EH CMdan 5-1 T/A's RS Wins!
RS Savage vs EH Paradox 1-1 A/W's, Tie!
RS Cole vs EH Dan 6-4 T/I vs. T/I RSWin
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Savage B/W's 8-5 EH Wins
EH CMDan vs RS Savage 6-3 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Rooster 8-6 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS Savage 24-11 X/W's, EH Wins!
RS Talon vs EH Kelsoun 21-2 T/D vs T/F, RS Wins!
RS Cole vs EH Dan 14-6 T/I's, RS Wins!
RS Talon vs EH Kelsoun 20-1 T/D vs T/I, RS Wins!
RS Rooster vs EH Arso 16-8 T/I's, RS Wins!
RS Rooster vs EH Dan 9-8 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Trate 6-4 T/I's EH Wins!
EH Kelsoun vs RS Rooster 21-21 T/I's, TIE!
RS Rave vs EH Dras Hempor 8-5 Pry/F's, RS Wins!
EH CPT_Gelak vs RS Savage 7-7 X/W's, Tie!
EH Kelsoun vs RS Rooster 5-3 T/D's, EH Wins!
RS Savage vs EH Kelsoun 4-3 X/W's, RS Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Cole 9-3 T/I's, EH Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Rave T/I vs Pry 7-6, EH Wins!

XWA: EH: 18 | RS: 15 | TIE: 3

TOTAL: EH: 32 | RS: 23 | TIE: 3

Date problems fixed

HA Kawolski

15 January, 2000 19:10

The "11 months" bug has been fixed.

Fleet Medical Officer promoted to Rear Admiral - Medical Corps gains Medical Cruiser

AD Kessler

15 January, 2000 19:06
In recognition of his exemplary work with the Fleet Medical Corps, the Fleet Commander today authorised the Fleet Medical Officer's promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral. The newly promoted Rear Admiral Mike also moves his Corps Command to the newly renamed Modular Strike Force Cruiser Last Hope, which was today also granted to the Medical Corps as Fleet Hospital Ship.

The TFC Last Hope is one of five such Cruisers on the Fleet Order of Battle, but is the only one with a Medical Module. Ships' Doctors and Flight Nurses may also now obtain Med Corps position badges from the Operations Office Uniform Archive.

Dates on profiles

HA Kawolski

15 January, 2000 18:50

For the next few minutes, I'm going to do a little playing around with the way "Time Served in Current Rank" is shown to get rid of that "11 months" bug on newly promoted pilots. The dates shown will be turned off until then.

AlliED v1.24 released

HA Kawolski

15 January, 2000 11:30
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.24 today for registered users. It features something new with waypoint editing! You can now drag a craft *and* its waypoints with it while holding CTRL and selecting and dragging the Flight Group. Some new wire frames were added as well. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at

Squadrons Closed to new Recruits

AD Kessler

15 January, 2000 07:46

As indicated in Flight Office Report #8, last night I closed 5 squadrons to new pilots from the PLT Daedalus. These 5 squadrons have unnaceptably high numbers of Sublieutenants on their Rosters, and the new pilot ban will extend until these Squadrons can either help their pilots get promoted to Lieutenant or have them declared officialy AWOL. The Commanders, Wing Commanders and Commodores of the Squadrons concerned have been notified of this decision, and I'm happy to report that most of the Squadron CMDRs concerned have already made plans to get this process underway. Please take note that these Squadrons are not closed to anyone who specifically requests a transfer to them, so no-one other than their Command Officers needs to know who they are; but they will not be assigned any new pilots who have no preference for a Squadron until the ban is lifted.

CA:FO Position Closed

AD Kessler

15 January, 2000 07:40
The current CA:FO position has been closed with the transfer of Vice Admiral Chandler to the Fleet Reserve Corps. The Flight Officer is not accepting applications for a new CA at this time.

Updated Battles

HA Kawolski

14 January, 2000 23:06
Thanks to Project Phoenix, the following battles have been updated:

  • TC-TIE Battle #1
  • TC-TIE Battle #18
  • TC-TIE Battle #26
  • TC-TIE Battle #27
  • TC-TIE Battle #28
  • TC-TIE Battle #32
  • TC-TIE Battle #42
  • TC-TIE Battle #47
  • TC-TIE Battle #48
  • TC-TIE Battle #49
  • TC-TIE Battle #54
  • TC-TIE Battle #55
  • TC-TIE Battle #56
  • TC-TIE Battle #57
  • TC-TIE Battle #97
  • TC-TIE Battle #99
  • IW-TIE Battle #21
  • IW-XvT Battle #21

Medal Rec Form announcement

HA Kawolski

14 January, 2000 18:30
This is a note to all Ship Doctors, Flight Nurses, Sector Rangers, and select Command Assistants. If you hold one of the above positions, you will have access to the Medal Recommendation Form and be able to use the form to recommend medals that are beyond what you should be allowed to recommend in your current position.

Just because the option to recommend a medal is there online, it doesn't mean you have the authority to recommend or award it! Doctors can't award the MoC. Sector Rangers can't award the Medal of Instruction. They will be denied and you will be yelled at for wasting the Operations Office's time and abusing the form.

If you want to know what medals you can recommend, check the Training Manual or Operations Manual. If you have a question whether or not you can recommend a medal that's not answered there, ask your superior officer. The answer is most likely no.

Strange Problem with Mail System

HA Kawolski

14 January, 2000 18:16

It seems that the e-mailer is reporting errors that aren't happening. In other words, it says "There was an error sending you mail" or something of the sort, but the mail still sends. I'll keep everyone posted on further developments.

Thursday Night Melee's - Results In

AD Kessler

14 January, 2000 16:58
Results of Thursday Night Melee's just in. I'm happy to announce that 3 Cadets completed their Flight Training requirements as a direct result of taking part in these contests.

Platform Player 1 Player 2 Craft Score Victor
XvT Tiger Ace TI 25-8 Tiger
XvT Brucmack Smit TI 12-10 Brucmack
XvT Keiran RacerX710 TI 14-7 Keiran
XvT Arso CMDan No match
XvT Cardio Smit TI 13-12 Cardio
XvT Lemuel RacerX710 TI 15-9 Lemuel
XvT Brecmack CMDan Lag out
XvT Keiran Smit TI 16-14 Smit
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 13-12 Tiger
XvT Rok Ace No match
XvT IQPierce LTCorrin TF 6-5 LTCorrin
XvT Keiran RacerX710 TI 13-6 RacerX710
XvT Cardio Smitroc TI 9-7 Smitroc
XWA Dan IQPierce TI 7-1 Pierce
XvT Merith Dane RacerX710 TI 10-8 Merith Dane
XvT Smitroc IQPierce TI 7-7 TIE
XWA Brucmack Dan TI 9-4 Brucmack
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 8-5 RacerX710
XvT Lemuel Smitroc TI 9-3 Smitroc
XWA Dan Murad TI 4-4 TIE
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 7-3 RacerX710
XvT Tiger Compton TI 13-12 Tiger
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 8-4 Tiger
XvT Ace RacerX710 TI 5-0 RacerX710
XWA Murad Dan TI 4-4 TIE
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 10-6 Tiger
XWA Dan Compton TI 16-7 Compton
XWA Murad Kelric No Match
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 7-6 RacerX710
XvT Cardio Smit TI 12-4 Smit
XvT Tiger RacerX710 TI 10-3 Tiger
XWA Kelric Dan TI 10-6 Kelric
XvT Murad Tiger No match

Wing Commander Positions Vacant

AD Kessler

14 January, 2000 13:50
The positions of Wing Commander on the ISDs Intrepid and Grey Wolf of the Aggressor Strike Force are both now open. Applications should be made to Rear Admiral Cyric in the case of the Grey Wolf, and Rear Admiral Top Dawg, in the case of the ISD Intrepid.

Another Database Update

HA Kawolski

13 January, 2000 22:13
Well, the move certainly has improved speed on this domain!

I updated the profile system so WCs and up can edit and select their own personal starfighter ship. While I'm in the process of adding more craft to the database, try to use a little common sense when selecting a ship and a ship name. :)

One small problem is that the database gets confused with giving a ship to anyone listed only on the Staff page. It's something that'll have to be fixed later, so INQs will have to live without having their personal starfighters shown on the database for the moment.

Oh yeah..thanks go to the expelled Former Flight Officer Horn for inputting the data and gathering the current pictures shown for the starfighters and such several months ago.

If I'm missing a ship you'd like to see added to the database, e-mail me at

Move Complete

HA Kawolski

13 January, 2000 18:20

The mirror homepage has been shut down. The move to the new server is complete.

Mirror Universe

HA Kawolski

13 January, 2000 15:46
There seems to be an exact copy of the TIE Corps homepage floating around now within the Web Burner service with a different IP address, but accessible by!

This site is the original, but for some people, they seem to be accessing a mirror copy of this homepage from two days ago! You can tell which database is the right one by the updated news. The old database doesn't have the new profiles either.

The mirror homepage appears to be offline, but as soon as I can access it, I'm going to enter the admin codes to shut it down for good so nobody requests BSFs or Medals or tries to join the TIE Corps using the wrong database!

Another segment of Pulp Phantom

HA Kawolski

13 January, 2000 08:22
Pulp Phantom: The Animated Parody - - The site posted the eighth segment of the Pulp Phantom movie... (though in my opinion, most of the new episode is kind of lame)

Warning: The site contains language, adult subject matter, and a skimpily dressed Queen Amidala :P~. For mature audiences only.

Personnel Profile update

HA Kawolski

12 January, 2000 20:23
More things! I changed the layout of the Personnel Profiles! If you want a quick look at mine, click here.

It took quite a bit of time, but I also added a few new features too. First of all, I took a trip down to the Operations Office site and put up some of their new uniform graphics on the layout. They are not the correct size to put on your uniform! But I hope the new graphics encourage some people to take the time to make uniforms, so if you want to put one together, head on over to the Operations Site.

I added information about a pilot's time served in their current rank for all active personnel. Just like with "Date Enlisted", the records only go back 7 months. The Flight Office and myself are NOT taking "Time in Current Rank" corrections at this time! Please DON'T mail them in!

Finally, I added something everyone has been bugging me for since Day 1: Personal ships.

The graphics for personal ships, if present, are kind of crummy. My new CA:TAC2 (whom hasn't been selected yet) will sort and pick out through the mounds of graphics I have on my hard drive to find the best looking ones to put up on the profiles. If you'd like to add to my collection, e-mail graphics to me at

Currently, only those in squadrons and a few people I manually tested the personal starfighter feature with have their ships shown. If you don't have a ship shown on your record, it's because you haven't named it yet or you're holding a position higher than Squadron Commander.

I will be working on allowing WCs, COMs, BGCOMs, CAs, and CS to be able to select their own personal fighter craft along with the name of their ship and I'll probably have it done by tomorrow.

Because this new form has undergone a huge face-lift, there's bound to be a bug or two somewhere. If you find one, e-mail me a bug report at ...or if you have any feedback or suggestions, e-mail them to me as well, or post them on the TIE Corps Message Board.

Hang on...we're in for a bumpy ride...

HA Kawolski

12 January, 2000 08:49
Web Burner's moving us to a faster server sometime soon (today?). Do you know what that means? A new IP Address and possible database problems today. If you experience ANY problems with the database, report them immediately to me at

Millennium Vote - TIE Fighter moves up!

HA Kawolski

11 January, 2000 18:19
IGN's Reader's Choice Game of the Millennium voting results shows TIE Fighter just barely pulling ahead of Unreal Tournament, making it #5 on the list! Half-Life, Starcraft, and FFVII have a strong lead, but TIE Fighter's not that far behind from Tetris!

If you haven't voted yet, vote now at:

Quick update

HA Kawolski

11 January, 2000 18:03
I reformatted the personnel page to look a little better near the top. Some may not even notice the difference.

I added a "Date Enlisted" section on the personnel profiles along with "Time Served" for anyone who has been in the TIE Corps for at least a month. The time served calculation rounds if you have been in the club for 1 month and 26 days, it'll say "1 month."

If the "Date Enlisted" field shown on your profile is wrong (showing May 1999), it means you never e-mailed your enlistment date to the Flight Office during the numerous requests for this information in the past. Please notify Vice Admiral Chandler if the date is inaccurate.

EH Domain Updated

HA Kawolski

11 January, 2000 15:08
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page and domain with the latest fleet announcements.

AlliED v1.23 released

HA Kawolski

11 January, 2000 12:08
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.23 today for registered users. It features another wire frames, some bug fixes, and a pilot voice selector for flight groups. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at

Competition Submission Form

HA Kawolski

11 January, 2000 08:37
Submitting competitions for approval by the Training Officer has gotten easier. Members of the TIE Corps can log in and select "Competitions Form" on the administration menu. Fill out the form and it'll go straight to the Training Officer for review.

As with the new IWATS test submission forms, if a problem goes wrong with the mail system, it will also give you a printout of the form to e-mail to Training Officer Fleet Admiral Astatine.

BSF Form Update

HA Kawolski

10 January, 2000 23:40
To help make filling out BSFs easier, you now have the option to enter in the battle number without having to use the pull-down menus, which will really help speed up the process.

Remember, it's faster to pull up your squadron's or wing's roster, clicking on the person you want to review, and hitting the "Recommend BSF" button than it is to continue to use the pull-down menus that list every active pilot (SL+) in the TIE Corps.

Game of the Millennium?

LCM IQ Pierce

10 January, 2000 17:25
IGN PC is holding a Reader's-Choice Contest for "Game of the Millennium." One of the 10 candidates is TIE Fighter. It's currently in 6th place. Everyone who thinks it deserves a higher rating than that, click here and vote for it, to tell them so! Do your duty for the TC! :P

XWA Pilot Viewer 3000 bug

HA Kawolski

10 January, 2000 14:38
Just to let everyone know, if you review a pilot file using the old XWA Pilot Viewer 3000, there's a serious bug that adds an extra "0" at the end of bonus scores.

You can download the new fixed version here:

Battle Review/Bug Report Forms fixed

HA Kawolski

09 January, 2000 18:11

A bug that was preventing people from posting battle reviews or bug reports has been fixed.

Flight Officer takes a short leave of absence

AD Kessler

09 January, 2000 17:09
Due to duties in Real Life (and when I say duties, I do mean duties - I'm in the military) the Flight Officer will be unavailable until Tuesday evening. This means that Roster changes, promotions and Squadron assignments aren't going to get processed until then. Normal service will be resumed by Tuesday 11th January.

New Battle

HA Kawolski

09 January, 2000 16:16
I pre-released this battle to the fleet at the #TIECorps meeting today:

  • TC-TIE #133: Punishment Tour

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

News about

LT AbsoluteK

09 January, 2000 14:39
After having been down for nearly 2 weeks, I have finally had a chance to get back up, and fully functional. I have also upgraded the server which runs on, the details of which can be found on In addition, I have also added support for PHP3, and mod_perl to the webserver. I really need people to test out both PHP3 and mod_perl, if you can help me contact me.

As always, I am seeking out new ideas and ways I can extend the service, if you have any ideas please contact me (they do not have to be limited to websites).

I would like to offer sincere apologies to all those who were inconvenienced by the unexpected downtime of my server.

Please send any comments or suggestions to:

Anniversary Honours Awards - TIE Corps Personnel

AD Kessler

09 January, 2000 12:50
To mark the 5th Anniversary of the Emperor's Hammer, the Fleet Commander has issued a list of Honours to be awarded to the members of the EH who have distinguished themselves by long and faithful service. The list of awards pertaining to the TIE Fighter Corps is hereby announced:

Grand Order of the Emperor Fleet Admiral Kramer

Gold Stars - BGCOM/VA Ricaud, CMDR/LC Callista

Commendations of Loyalty

Wing I - MAJ Eugene, COL Fireclaw, MAJ Dharmy, CM Killer
Wing III - CPT Astin, CM Sendar Kala, LT Daniel Kamprath, LCM Sequoh Marden
Wing IV - CM Jonathan, CPT Reaper, MAJ Mortu, MAJ Guthwulf
Wing V - CPT Monaghan, MAJ Gen Es'mith
Wing VI - CPT Resh, CPT Rog, MAJ Joe, CPT Timbal
Wing VIII - LCM Chei-Ras, LCM Kayle Bayron, CPT Onwai, CM Zorn Starn
Wing IX - CM Sauron, MAJ Theodore, COL Scoser, CM Outlaw
Wing X - LC Manitsas, LCM Hello
Wing XI - CPT Dras Hempor, CPT Badlands, LCM Adrenaline, LCM Arso Slyth
Wing XV - CM Fondor, CPT Dafner Gelak, LC Kaye, LT Garik Hizad
Sov Command - GN Wolly, GN Gallows
ASF - AD Darkov, VA Sarok, COL Cyric, RA Priyum
Battlegroups - VA Torres, RA Nighthawk
Avenger - Wing I - CM Smitroc, CM Tiger, CPT Manijak

It should noted that Commendations of Loyalty may now be shown on ID lines. My congratulations to all nominees.

EH Domain Updated

HA Kawolski

09 January, 2000 12:33
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the news page and domain with the latest fleet announcements.

Beta Test Period 5

COL StarLion

09 January, 2000 11:44
If by now Beta Testers have not received all of their BSFs and Medals for Test Period #5, please report it to Colonel StarLion and High Admiral Kawolski.

Outer Rim Victory - The TIE Corps does it again!

AD Kessler

09 January, 2000 10:38
Outer Rim Night was another stunning victory for the TIE Corps, as we smashed the Rebel Squadrons for the fourth week in a row!

EH Shups vs RS Coop T/I 16-1, EH Wins!
EH Tiger vs RS Raven T/I 18-9, EH Wins!
EH Keiran vs RS Trate T/I 16-24, EH Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Aedis T/I 15-9, EH Wins!
EH Blaster vs RS Kerian T/I 16-13, EH Wins!
EH Tiger vs RS Trate T/I 16-13, RS Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Aedis T/I 16-12, RS Wins!
EH Raven vs RS Coop Z-95 22-4, EH Wins!
EH Blaster vs RS Aedis T/I 8-8, TIE!
EH Raven vs RS CrisNull AW 6-5, EH Wins!
EH Smit vs RS Bigfoot T/I 10-5, EH Wins!
RS Alexio vs EH Tiger T/I 16-16, Tie!
EH Shups vs RS Bigfoot T/I 25-7, EH Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Kerensky T/I 21-8, EH Wins!

EH-10 | RS- 3 | Tie- 2

All victors will, of course, be awarded Legions of Combat or the appropriate addon.

Looking for a career in hard-hitting journalism?

HA Astatine

08 January, 2000 19:30
No? Then join the EH Cosmo team!

The EH Cosmospolitian is looking for writers to fill the following positions:

  • Current Affairs Editor
  • Fashion Editor
  • Astrology Guru
  • Bedroom Performance Expert
  • Entertainment Editor
  • Problems Page Editor
  • Serials Writer
  • Features Writers

The applicants will need to be able to work to deadlines and have innovative ideas and some sense of humour/humor. If you're interested, email the Training Officer, saying "I wanna work for EH Cosmo!".

Free Missions removed

HA Kawolski

08 January, 2000 09:15
The following Free Missions have been removed from the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center:

  • Anakin #1
  • Crandall #1
  • Imperial #1
  • Brett #2

If you have copies of these missions, I am NOT accepting high scores, FCHG Points or recognized credit for completing these missions.

Commodore and Wing Commander of the ISD Colossus chosen

AD Kessler

08 January, 2000 08:14
Lieutenant Colonel Ari, Wing Commander of Wing VIII, has been selected by Vice Admiral Ricaud as the new Commodore of the ISD Colossus. His first duty as Commodore was to select Major Theodore as his replacement Wing Commander. Congratulations to both officers!

AlliED v1.22 released

HA Kawolski

08 January, 2000 00:55
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.22 today for registered users. It features more wire frames and some new "status" options for ships. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at

Happy Anniversary!

HA Kawolski

07 January, 2000 17:17

Happy 5th Anniversary to the Emperor's Hammer! :)

TC Mag Policies

VA Ricaud

07 January, 2000 14:15
I would like to make everyone aware of some important policies concerning submissions to the TIE Corps Magazine, "Battlecry". Please read them carefully:

  • Submissions MUST include a full ID line, either in the e-mail or the submission itself.
  • Submissions must be related to the TIE Corps ... any non-TC or non-EH submissions will be ignored, unless they are deemed otherwise worthy of inclusion in the magazine, at the Editor's discretion (due to high quality or special relevance).
  • Graphical submissions must be in *.bmp, *.gif, or *.jpg format. Text-based submissions must be in *.txt, *.doc, *.htm, or *.rtf format. Multiple submissions should be sent in a *.zip file. All *.exe files will be thoroughly virus-checked.
  • The Editor reserves sole right to decide which submissions will be included in the final magazine. In the case of large numbers of multiple submissions, only the best will be put into the magazine, in the purposes of keeping size down (for instance, if a zip file containing 20-30 images is submitted, only perhaps a dozen will make it into the magazine).
  • The Editor reserves the right to modify or alter submissions for the purposes of clarity or concordance with EH regulations.

Other than this, I am very pleased with the volume and quality of submissions to the magazine thusofar. Remember, all submissions to the TIE Corps Magazine must be sent to the Editor, Vice Admiral Ricaud, by 31st January.

Thursday Night Melee's - Results In

MAJ Shups

07 January, 2000 14:06
XVT Smitroc vs Tiger 9-5 TI Tiger Wins
XVT Smitroc vs Noel No match conn problems
XvT Tiger vs Kermee 12-10 TI Tiger Wins
XvT Tiger vs Calv 5-4 TI Calv Wins
XvT Smitroc vs Kermee 13-7 TI Kermee Wins
XvT Tiger vs RacerX710 no match conn problems
XvT Calv vs Kermee 29-8 TI Kermee wins
XvT Smitroc vs Noel No match conn problems
XvT Smitroc vs Ferin 14-8 TI Smitroc Wins
XvT Calv vs RacerX710 14-7 TI RacerX710 wins
XWA Kirchies vs Compton 18-10 TI Compton wins
XVT Wedge vs Tiger 13-7 TI Tiger wins
XvT Ferin vs Smitroc 6-5 TI Smitroc wins
XWA Coursca vs Compton Compton wins by DQ
XVT Tiger vs Dark Raven 20-7 TI Tiger wins
XVT Ferin vs RacerX710 5-3 TI Ferin wins
XVT Smitroc vs Wedge 14-10 TI Wedge wins
XvT Smitroc vs RacerX710 4-3 TI Smitroc wins
XWA Compton vs Ferin Lagout...DRAW
XVT DarkReven vs Tiger 12-11 TI Tiger wins

Based on the Thursday night rules of 3 matches with 1 victory equalling an LoC, the following pilots will be awarded Legions of Combat or the appropriate add-ons.

CMDR/CM Jeff "Tiger" Loruss/Butcher/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger x2
FL/LCM Calvin Nunb/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge x1
FL/Lt Ferin/Ghost 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal x1
CMDR/CM Smitroc/Rage 1-1/Avenger WingI/SSD Avenger x2
SD-FM/CPT Kermee/Butcher 1-2/Avegner Wing I/SSD Avenger x1
XO/SA Compton/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign x1

Colossus Commodore steps down, Wing X Wing Commander appointed.

AD Kessler

07 January, 2000 13:53
It's not normal policy for new Wing Commander appointments to be announced on the TIE Corps News page, but this is a pretty unusual situation, as the new Wing Commander of Wing X is none other than the Commodore of the ISD Colossus - Rear Admiral Nighthawk. So it's with a slightly ironic tone that I'm happy to announce the demotion of Rear Admiral Nighthawk to Colonel, and his appointment as the new Wing Commander of Wing X. No, he's not insane, he just from Wing X (some would argue that was essentially the same thing:Þ)

The position of Commodore of the ISD Colossus is, of course, now open. All applications should be sent to Vice Admiral Ricaud, the TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander.

Free Missions reconstruction

HA Kawolski

07 January, 2000 12:30

All Free Missions are going to have their own unique "Mission Number" just like how each battle has its own Battle Number. This way Free Missions will be referred to by number rather by title. However, this is a somewhat difficult process as it must be done over time. During today and tomorrow, you may see free missions displayed incorrectly or out of order or in some weird fashion as I fix pages to display the new format and hand-edit all the free mission records to work with the new system. Please don't report this as a bug.

New CA:TAC2 sought

HA Kawolski

06 January, 2000 07:59
High Admiral Kawolski is seeking a new Tactical Office Command Attaché to split up the duties and areas of the department.

The current CA:TAC, Admiral Striker, is in charge of Project Phoenix and handling bug reports.

The second CA:TAC's responsibilities would be as follows:

  • Handle, manage, collect non-flight-sim based custom battles (i.e. JK levels) for the Battle Center
  • Review pilot files and fill out BSFs for Command Officers
  • Assist TIE Corps pilots with problems they may have installing custom missions or patches
  • Double-check some suspect BSF Audits
  • Help finish the incomplete Battle Center
  • Construct online tutorials or FAQs on various subjects
  • Beta test new database updates
  • Assist the TAC and CA:TAC1 in other various projects

Potential candidates must own TIE Fighter (CD or 95), Balance of Power, and X-Wing Alliance, have SOME technical knowledge, and know how to make some HTML pages (in Notepad, Dreamweaver, Frontpage..don't care how). If you wish to apply for the position, e-mail High Admiral Kawolski.


HA Kawolski

05 January, 2000 15:14

A reminder to all people: When you fill out BSFs for XWA pilot files, make SURE you add the bonus score with the regular score for each mission.

New Commodore of the ISD Challenge Appointed

AD Kessler

05 January, 2000 13:38
Lieutenant Colonel Corran Force, long serving serving Wing Commander of the ISD Challenge's Wing X, has been appointed the new Commodore by Vice Admiral Ricaud. He is hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and is due to meet the pilots of Wing X for drinks in the Challenge cantina tonight. And no, you can't have an advance on next month's pay to buy the drinks. Congratulations Rear Admiral!

Mail system restored, vanity domains restored

HA Kawolski

05 January, 2000 11:34
8 ABY is now running properly and back to normal. This includes sending mail, IWATS tests, handling medal/BSF/roster requests, and other functions that were offline before. All vanity domains like and are back online as well.

If you notice any problems at all, please e-mail me at and report it immediately.

Domain name restored!

HA Kawolski

05 January, 2000 10:20

Finally, after a week of being offline, you can now access by its proper name rather than just by its IP Address! If you can't at this very moment, please wait at least 24 hours for your ISP to update itself.

SC2SWTC Beta 3.0 Released for Mac

HA Kawolski

04 January, 2000 23:52
A Mac version of the StarCraft-To-Star Wars Total Conversion Beta 3.0. You can download it from their website at:

Database update

HA Kawolski

04 January, 2000 23:43
Mail and the domain name still isn't working properly. Supposedly, by Wednesday evening, the domain name should be back online.

While we can't approve requests at this time, I'm seriously looking into alternatives. I already found a new host to switch to...which seems to run twice as fast as this domain, but their technical support is the worst I've ever seen yet. To make matters worse, my counters don't work (which can be fixed in 30 seconds if I had access to their server or if one of their lazy technicians would FIX it) and mail doesn't work as well. looks like I won't be moving to their server any time soon.

Anyway, if you have medal requests or BSFs pending, please fill out the form! The forms for making requests still works. While they won't be approved right away, you can help make handling the backlog building up during this downtime easier for all of us if you continue to submit requests as if everything were running normally.

ISD Challenge Commodore Retires.

AD Kessler

04 January, 2000 12:48
Vice Admiral David Torres, Commodore of the ISD Challenge and one of the longest serving Commodores in the Fleet; today announced his intention to retire from active service and join the ranks of the Fleet Reserves. For his long and dedicated service to the Challenge, I am proud to present him with the Gold Star of the Empire for a job well done.

X-Wing Alliance Pilot Utility Available

AD Kessler

03 January, 2000 16:32
Lieutenant Mycroft of Ranger Squadron has developed an X-Wing Alliance Pilot Viewer program for general Fleet Use.The program can be downloaded from here. This utility should prove extremely useful for Commanders of XWA Squadrons!

Lieutenant Mycroft is hereby awarded the Gold Star for his innovation and service to the Flight Office.

New Battles!

HA Kawolski

02 January, 2000 16:57
The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

  • TC-TIE #129: Relentless Revenge, Part One
  • TC-TIE #130: Relentless Revenge, Part Two
  • TC-TIE #131: TIE Fighter Covert Missions
  • TC-TIE #132: Battle of the Bins
  • FREE-XvT: The Test of Skill
  • FREE-XWA: A Simple Patrol
  • FREE-XWA: Defend the ISD Colossus
  • FREE-XWA: ISD Pursuit

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

New Battle Requirement

HA Kawolski

02 January, 2000 14:48
I figured this would be implied, but since I received a battle that didn't meet this requirement, I'll state it for everyone and add it to the Battle Standards list.

All battles and free missions MUST be related to the Emperor's Hammer!

This means no missions completely dedicated to other clubs or organizations!

IWATS Core Test

AD Kessler

02 January, 2000 07:33
Due to the current problems with the TIE Corps server, the IWATS Core Test has been unavailable for some time. Anyone wishing to take the test can view the questions here. Completed results should still be mailed to the Training Officer - High Admiral Astatine.

ISD Immortal Commodore promoted to Vice Admiral

AD Kessler

02 January, 2000 04:01
After serving as COM on the ISD Immortal for over four months now, and successfully integrating the TIE Corps Battlegroups' XWA Wing into the operations of their TIE based counterparts, the Flight Office considers Rear Admiral Marc as being more than ready for the promotion to Vice Admiral. He is a first class ship Commodore, approachable, loyal and knowledgable about all aspects of TIE Corps Operations. The service he provides to his ship is beyond reproach, and he has earned the respect and admiration of his crew, his BGCOM and the Flight Officer.

Congratulations, Vice Admiral Marc, on earning this promotion!

Mail Problems still a problem...

HA Kawolski

01 January, 2000 12:16
If you're taking one of the online IWATS tests hosted by the domain, it is not sending out tests as it should. Please continue to copy and paste the answer sheet output and e-mail it to the appropriate officer.