XWA-TC 72: Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Krytos Opportunity

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 4
Release date: 2024-02-05
Last updated: 2024-02-11
Average rating 4.5
Reviews: 4
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 12
Download Wav pack

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the book X-Wing: The Krytos Trap by Michael A Stackpole

Battle Reviews

Another solid entry in the series, I do like the creative use of the capital ships in these missions.

At first I wasn't going to post reviews of my own battles, but as Frodo would have said PAR!

I think this is a good battle and well balanced on Easy and Medium, with it being a tad on the hard side on Hard. It is my favorite story of the Anti-Rogue series.

Have fun.

A very fun battle - complex design, engaging plot, and entertaining missions. Play it!

Possible bug in mission 2, with some of the TIE Advanced getting stuck trying to enter hyperspace, but which seemed to be avoided by heeding the briefing's advice to avoid damaging them too much.

Another fun Jagged battle and a good installment to the saga.
Well built and enjoyable but it doesn't really break any new ground like the previous battle did.
Not to say there's anything wrong with the battle, it has a great story and care has been taken in building it and the radio messages are also good and emails were great.

Battle Bug Reports

CPT Vanguard88


Mission 2: inspecting the entire convoy in the first region it is in does not provide the point bonus, it only counts if in the second region. Tie Bomber Brovo should be tie bomber bravo.

Mission 3: Duplicate Tie Advanced Alpha 2 due to T/A Alpha 1 group being 1x2 and the next group of tie advanced starting with tie advanced alpha 2 instead of tie advanced alpha 3

Mission 4: dread battle of besbin should be battle of bespin.

High Scores

Battle Total: 98,705 CPT Vanguard88 2024-05-08
Mission 1: 35,844 CPT Vanguard88 2024-05-08
Mission 2: 20,672 CPT Vanguard88 2024-05-08
Mission 3: 19,447 CPT Vanguard88 2024-05-08
Mission 4: 42,656 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-09-01

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 98,705 CPT Vanguard88 2024-05-08
2 61,293 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-09-01
3 54,770 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-02-05
4 32,287 FA Pickled Yoda 2024-02-05
5 694 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-04-08
6 256 MAJ Hermann 2024-03-13
7 198 CPT Habu 2024-08-26
8 116 COL TheBlackxRanger 2024-07-28

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 9 pilots a total of 12 times.

CPT Habu - 2024-08-26

MAJ Hermann - 2024-03-13

CPT Jagged Fell III - 3 times, last on 2024-09-01

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-04-08

VA Locke Setzer - 2024-02-05

GN Master - 2024-02-05

FA Pickled Yoda - 2024-02-05

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2024-07-28

CPT Vanguard88 - 2 times, last on 2024-05-08

Title               : Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Krytos Opportunity
Author              : FL/LCM Jagged Fell III/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Platform            : X-Wing Alliance (XWA)
Number of missions  : 4
Medal               : N/A

Required patches
* Custom BG3 Crest Patch

Installation instructions

--Backup Files--

1] Create a backup of the following original files so that you will be able to restore them after

--Patch Installation--

2] To use the custom BG3 Crests install the patch from the EH Database.

--Custom Audio Installation--

3] To install custom audio files copy the Wave folder into the \XWingAlliance\ root directory.
   Note: The radio files contained in the \MissionVoice\ folder will work in all versions of 
   XWA. The custom briefing audio in the \Frontend\ folder will only work in a digital copy
   or XWAU.

--Manual Installation--

4] To install custom emails, copy the email file from the zip folder into the \XWingAlliance\Missions folder
5] To install the missions, copy the mission.lst and mission files from the zip folder into the 
   \XWingAlliance\Missions folder
6] Download EH Battle ready pilot file from website or use EH Battle Launcher per step [8]

--EH Battle Launcher Installation--

7] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
8] Create a new pilot via the EHBL, make sure to check the 'prepare for EH battle' box
9] Press the X-wing Alliance button on the EHBL to start the game and fly the mission

--Uninstall Steps--

10] If you installed the briefing audio files, you MUST delete the custom WAVE/Frontend folders, otherwise the
     briefing audio will play during every custom EH Battle.
\XWingAlliance\WAVE\Frontend\B8M1 >>>> delete
\XWingAlliance\WAVE\Frontend\B8M2 >>>> delete
\XWingAlliance\WAVE\Frontend\B8M3 >>>> delete
\XWingAlliance\WAVE\Frontend\B8M4 >>>> delete
11] Restore the email.txt file from your backup


12] NOTE: While the battle has you fly as four different BG3 pilots, for simplicity and consistency with the
     previous battles, the email in-box of the game is that of GN Triji Boliv.

The Expanded Universe has held a special place in many of our hearts and minds, me especially. One of my
favorite book series was the X-Wing Series by Michael A Stackpole and Aaron Allison. It was these stories
that motivated me to pick up X-Wing Alliance back in the early 2000's. Here I am setting out to make at
least a series of 4 battles retelling the battles and story of the initial four books of the X-Wing series.

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the book X-Wing: The Krytos Trap by Michael A Stackpole. The
events of the book have necessarily changed due to the Emperor's Hammer's involvement during the first two
books, see my previous Battles.

From our first Battle with them, Rogue Squadron's attempt to take Borleias to be a staging point for their
attack on Coruscant failed due to the TIE Corps timely intervention. And things were looking like they would
continue with the Emperor's Hammer's, and by extension the Empires, continued dominance over the New Republic.

But the New Republic deceived the Empire's Intelligence Division and our forces were drawn into two feint
attacks, allowing the bulk of the New Republic's forces to attack and capture Coruscant. We have rightly been
humbled by this turn of events and are now searching for a way to support Isard's Empire in its effort to topple
the New Republic and retake Coruscant.
