Wing XIX: First Lancer of the Avenger

Competition ID #: 849
Status: Finished
Submitted by: VA Kane Reese
Competition dates: 2004-05-07 - 2004-08-07
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing XIX

There is planned one edition each month or every 3rd wing-wide competition. Each edition will consist of three assigned missions: one XWA, one XvT and one TIE. Each platform scores will be awarded with points according to scheme: Best score - 10 points 2nd best score - 8 Points 3rd - 6 Points 4th - 5 Points 5th - 4 Points 6th - 3 Points 7th - 2 Points 8th - 1 Point Pilot who gets the highest number of points overall from all the platforms per edition will gain title of ‘First Lancer of the Avenger' and will win the edition. In case of the equal number of points the winner will be the pilot who sends his submission first (at least one pilot file, date on reaching my account counts). The title stays with pilot (can be added before or after ID line) until announcing next edition's winner. Submissions zipped by mail send to: Already there were two edtions. Before losing the site the competition had ID=1414

Competition awards:

For each edition winner - IS-SW, for each runner u

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.