Hunt the Prize!

Competition ID #: 7796
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Taurus
Competition dates: 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-25
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Secret Order

The Door of the Arena opened and you are here to win the biggest Prize,
From June 5th to June 25th submit all and every screenshot of every win you get in any mode of hunters.
Screens will be tallied up, most screenshots will earn you a shiny Crescent, but don't forget you are not alone, don't forget your adversaries!

You can send me your screens to the MAA, preferred by mail ;)

Competition awards:

Crescents based on Participation

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
Cr-D COL TheBlackxRanger For submitting 321 Wins and definitely being on the hunt for the Diamond, WAR TheBlackxRanger is awarded a Crescent with Diamond Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-R VA Locke Setzer For submitting 106 Wins KNT Locke Setzer is awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-A LC Alexandre Morgan For submitting 82 Wins MRD Alexandre Morgan is awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-S GN Elwood the Brave For submitting 32 Wins Lord Elwood the Brave is awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-E MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For submitting 14 Wins, MRD KEBLAOMEGA is awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-T CPT Drun'der Chuanach For submitting 7 Wins, ACO Drun'der Chuanach is awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-Q MAJ Maston Dane For submitting 5 Wins, ST Maston Dane is awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30
Cr-Q CM Jai Thorne For submitting 5 Wins, ACO Jai Thorne is awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star. Congratulations! 2024-06-30